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  1. J

    Dead Pet Turned Into Helicopter

    Here's the video: http://<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. J

    Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

    Who would pay to see that? If I was a man, she would have to pay me to watch.
  3. J

    CA - O.J. Simpson & the murders of Nicole Brown, Ron Goldman, 1994 *not guilty*

    A child of O.J.'s has anger problems:what:? We don't know who's the most unstable of the two, but they both have serious issues. I think it is somewhat unfair to Jason to accuse him of something so heinous without any real proof. Does he have problems? Yes, you would also if O.J. was your...
  4. J

    Spanish Doctor ordered to pay for child's upbringing after botching abortion

    Spanish doctor ordered to pay for child's upbringing after botching abortion Mother didn't realize abortion had failed until three months later By Meghan Neal / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS A Spanish doctor was ordered to pay child support to a baby born after he bungled a woman’s abortion...
  5. J

    Ted Bundy - Serial Killer - 1974-1978

    I have no doubts that monster killed a large number of victims. Wonder how Ted is liking it down in HELL?
  6. J

    Prez comes out in favor of same-sex marriage

    In the future, I think that public figures who are against gay marriage will look as foolish as those in the past that were against the desegregation of schools during the African-American Civil Rights Movement of the 50's and 60's. Like Bob Dylan said The Times are A- Changin, well done Mr...
  7. J

    Beastie Boys co-founder Adam (MCA) Yauch dead at 47

    R.I.P. Adam Love the Beastie Boys.
  8. J

    James Cameron is conducting final test dives to reach the deepest part of ocean

    Good luck, Mr. Cameron! If anyone can do this, it's him.
  9. J

    OH - Three students killed in Chardon High School shooting, 27 Feb 2012

    First, my prayers and condolences to the victims and community in Chardon. I think we need to wait and see the evidence with regards to his mental state. After a tragedy like this, people are angry and want the person responsible to pay for what they did. No one wants to hear that the shooter...
  10. J

    WV - Baby girl injured by razor blade in WalMart-purchased sleeper

    This is scary. I don't believe these are accidents made at the "manufacturers" for one second. The incidents with the hypodermic needles being put in merchandise in Walmart recently freaked me out, and hopefully the sick people doing this are caught and brought to justice. Hoping everyone...
  11. J

    Josh Powell's House in WA blows up - Thread #2

    Just learned the details involving the ax. When you think it can't get any worse, it does. I had hoped that he had planned for the explosion and the boys didn't know what was going on and died instantly. Feel sick even typing it. Has to make you wonder what he was capable of with more time...
  12. J

    Josh Powell's House in WA blows up

    I will not blame anyone for this tragedy except Josh Powell. He is the one that murdered those two precious boys not the judge, social worker, CPS, etc. Josh would have found a way regardless of the courts restrictions on him, to kill those boys. No one could have stopped him. JP wasn't going to...
  13. J

    Josh Powell's House in WA blows up

    Prayers for the Cox family. What a tragedy!! I can't imagine losing a daughter and both of their grandchildren. Hopefully, Josh's father will grow a conscious and give them any information he might know about the whereabouts of Susan's remains. Josh is gone and can't go to jail, so if he knows...
  14. J

    NY - Forced to euthanize dog, struggling NYC actor kills self

    There were probably other issues going on with him, but the dog being put down made it worse. Sometimes people don't understand the attachment people with depression can have with their pets. I've suffered from severe depression and the only living thing that I had was my cat. At least it felt...
  15. J

    Secretariat, Sea Biscuit, Man O'War: "speed gene" traced to 17th c. British mare

    Being from Kentucky, I watch the Derby and other horse races every year. Seabiscuit, Man O'War, Secretariat and Seattle Slew were some of the greatest and most inspirational athletes of all time. Yes, I called them athletes. Prefer them over their human counterparts.
  16. J

    CO - Car-jump girl, 17, dead in traffic after mystery leap

    Sad. I wonder if she got angry at the person driving and impulsively decided to harm herself. What a beautiful young lady!! She reminds me of my niece. Prayers for her family and friends.
  17. J

    CT - Michael Skakel & the murder of Martha Moxley, Greenwich, 1975 *Not Guilty*

    Dorthy Moxley was interviewed on Nancy Grace tonight. The episode will repeat at 9pm central time tonight.
  18. J

    TN - Woman who sent boy back to Russia being sued for child support

    That is the chance anyone takes when they choose to become a parent. You can give birth to a child with problems. Those problems may cause issues with other family members. Do you give those kids back? I knew a woman who adopted an older child because she was told that she couldn't get...
  19. J

    GUILTY Italy - Costa Concordia Cruise Ship runs aground/flips, 2012

    Another story of rumors that rich passengers bought lifeboats insuring their safety. Reports in the European press say that wealthy Russians paid “wads of cash” to get on the lifeboats as the Costa Concordia cruise ship was going down. EPA The reports say Italian prosecutors are...

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