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  1. L

    trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

    I would be really interested in seeing the complete police interrogation video of Jodi's mother and father. Does anyone know where it can be viewed?
  2. L

    Unedited Police Interrogation Videos of Jodi

    I don't know how Det. Flores was able to refrain from laughing out loud when Jodi went into her fake ninja intruders story. Did she really think he was that gullible? She is still so obsessed with Travis. When speaking with the female detective, she became totally alive when she talked about...
  3. L

    If you could ask Arias one question what would it be?

    Did you shoot Travis first and then knife him, or the opposite?
  4. L

    trial day 34: the defense continues its case in chief #97

    This trial is getting soooooo boooooring. I'm glad I have dvr so that I can fast forward, otherwise I would just turn it off. Not even listening to Samuels, same stuff over and over.
  5. L

    Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

    I think that she had to come up with a new "tale". She didn't want to repeat the CA story, thought that the jury would say On no, not this old same old, same old. She came up with a better one, one that hadn't been used before, at least not that I remember. Had to do one better. She is a...
  6. L

    Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

    Yes, it is Samantha. She's there every day with the other sister Tamisha and Tamisha's husband.
  7. L

    Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

    Point well taken. I am also a victim of child sexual abuse and have never killed anyone either, but I do think that Jodi is also. Just my opinion.
  8. L

    Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

    I would take a large leap and say that I think that these three men hurt her tremendously. I believe that in her sub conscious she had a lot of rage towards all of them and that's why they had to be connected to the final target of her unexpressed rage, Travis. Why visit Daryl and Matt to...
  9. L

    Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

    She seemed to borrow/steal from men that were prominent in her life. The gun from her grandfather, the gas cans from Daryl. I wonder if her visit to Matt was based on the fact that he had a large knife collection.
  10. L

    Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

    Jodi is so ridiculous and caught. So much plotting and planning went into this crime. She didn't leave a stone unturned, so thorough was she in her efforts to conceal that she was in Arizona that day. It is laughable to me that the police on the scene had her name from Travis' friends...
  11. L

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

    Does anyone know what Jodi's IQ is? Has she ever been tested?
  12. L

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

    I hope not. We would be all old and grey if this was to go on indefinitely. Seriously though, I don't think so. I thought that JM would not get another shot of her today, at least that's what all the TH's were saying. I''m glad he did though.
  13. L

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

    So, she had three weapons. A gun, a knife and a straight razor. It's possible. One thing for sure, Travis was not going to live after Jodi's visit.
  14. L

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

    I'm withcha that. The grandmother was the only family member JA met. I remember her testifying to this. She met her more than once also.
  15. L

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

    Yep. Matt the Loyal is going to be the true bombshell in this case. Jodi is going to regret that she ever trusted in him. Just another man who did her wrong.
  16. L

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #78

    JM has her brain all scrambled. I bet by next Wednesday she wont know her a_ _ from her elbow.
  17. L

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

    Very suspenseful. I felt like yelling "Travis watch out". I can't begin to imagine what Travis must have been feeling when he saw her there, armed to the gills, looking at him with those demon eyes and that stone cold face.
  18. L

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

    Thanks for doing this. Looking at it this way, one can imagine what Jodi could have accomplished in what seemed like so little time when you're just seeing the minute time between photos.
  19. L

    100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

    Two minutes between those 2 pictures. Enough time for her to dash into the closet and recover the gun and knife from where she hid them earlier. I believe she ordered him at gunpoint to sit down. Who would agree to sit in a tiny shower stall to have a picture taken unless under duress.

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