Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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:pullhair: AAGGHHHHHH...I am sick of people labeling every psycho killer a victim of sexual abuse. I was abused sexually as a child for years, and I NEVER killed any ex's, and my kids are grown ups, and healthy and happy ones.

Sorry, just jumping off your post, not directed at you. But I haver been to many support groups for childhood abuse survivors, and I did not see a lot of Jodis or Caseys there. I saw sensitive, fragile people who had emotional issues to work through. But they were not typically pathological, coldblooded lying killers.

Point well taken. I am also a victim of child sexual abuse and have never killed anyone either, but I do think that Jodi is also. Just my opinion.
Isn't Tanisha a police officer in CA?

Something is not passing the mustard test for me. This happened back in 2002, tens years ago yet a search performed last week or even today renders the record as Travis' why in all these years has it not been corrected? Records can get expunged much easier and this is not even the same person so on a mix up on identity, I would think it would be simple to get Riverside to change the record.

Correction...Tanisha is NOT in LE...Its the other sister that is in attendence in court. Samantha?
Correction...Tanisha is NOT in LE...Its the other sister that is in attendence in court. Samantha?

Yes, it is Samantha. She's there every day with the other sister Tamisha and Tamisha's husband.
Point well taken. I am also a victim of child sexual abuse and have never killed anyone either, but I do think that Jodi is also. Just my opinion.

I am not so sure. If she was, imo, she would have thrown someone under the bus already. Why hasn't she accused her dead grandfather yet? Or maybe the upcoming abuse 'experts' are going to drop that bombshell. :liar:
My apologies is this has been discussed...haven't had time to backtrack.

Tonight on Dr. Drew, Lisa Bloom stated that a plea deal can still be offered to JA! The odds of that happening are probably 1000 to 1, but is this really true at this late stage in the game? The best she would be offered is LWOP I suppose, but that would get her off death row. Waiting to hear from the legal eagles....

She can plead guilty (pursuant to plea agreement or not) until the verdict is rendered.
anagrammy said:
Fear of misuse of such information, plus stigma, prevents science from moving forward with isolating genes and developing therapies to treat incipient mental illness.

I think it's ironic that I know by heart the four characteristics of a dangerous mole, thanks to public information dissemination but no acronym to help a parent recognize serious mental illness in a child. There is no mandatory reporting for violent children! I think this is a huge oversight, part of a mentality that says we can't solve it all, so let's not do anything.

Before he died, my son told me he wanted to kill strangers. "Why harm people who have done you no harm?" He answered, "So they will stop laughing at me." I took him to public health psychiatrist who would not talk to me at all --he said there was no money for that, they could only talk to the patient. Of course he didn't tell the doctor he was homicidal, so the result of that day's visit was the instruction for him to stop drinking and then come back and report if he still had any symptoms of anxiety.

Another time (one of many) I took him to the emergency room, on the way he said he would seriously injure the first tech who laid a hand on him. I wanted to tell the med tech and tried to take him aside and he said this to me, "There is nothing we need to talk about that we can't say in front of your son. Let's show some respect, shall we."

We do not have to have genome mapping to start taking the reports of parents and teachers that a child is DANGEROUS, that he loves causing pain and needs treatment.

Honestly, when he died I was relieved that my son did not take innocent people with him. Although the grieving was absolutely horrible, there was a fear that I had learned to live with, a tension that I never knew was there, it was lifted.

My heart goes out to you, anagrammy. A friend's son was always a little 'off' and, like your son, often thought people were laughing at him when they weren't. When he began bringing a knife, then a gun, to the office, threatening the other employees, his father took him aside and said, "If you're going to shoot somebody, shoot me. Shoot me first." The father said if the son got worse, he contemplated taking him to a gun range... but that behavior simply stopped. He turned out to be a wonderful person, but it could easily have gone the other way.

Thank you for sharing your story. I share your frustration that parents aren't listened to and consulted. I don't know where you are but I'd push the school board and state and local politicians to take action, push for a ballot measure if necessary.
If the jurors from the KC trial had had a chance to ask her questions they would have been something like:

Don't you think it's unfair that you were arrested instead of George?

Why did you feel responsible for Caylee's well-being when she actually lived with her grandparents?

Spending that evening (June 16, 2008) with Tony must have been traumatic for you. Can you please tell us how you got through that?

Everything has been taken from you. How does this make you feeeeel?

And so on!

I have been trying to follow this trial but I must say I know I can't with work and lack of tiime.
What I have read so far of course she is guilty. BUT so was Casey, which I was able to watch the whole trial, and she walked.
So to this day I honestly will never say what a jury is thinking. I was so wrong during the Anthony trial and it changed my train of thought on the system from that day on.:moo:
So that means that if he went straight to law school after college he would be around 36. Does he look older than 36 or is it just me?

It's his weight and lack of physical condition that makes him appear a decade or more older IMO. I was watching a tape from the beginning of the trial and it appears he's gained a significant amount of weight even since then.
While I can't stand the lengths he's going to to defend his client but it would appear he's suffering physically from the job. Gotta love Karma!
Point well taken. I am also a victim of child sexual abuse and have never killed anyone either, but I do think that Jodi is also. Just my opinion.

Sorry about that. What signs do you see in Jodi that makes you believe this please?
I am not so sure. If she was, imo, she would have thrown someone under the bus already. Why hasn't she accused her dead grandfather yet? Or maybe the upcoming abuse 'experts' are going to drop that bombshell. :liar:

I think that she had to come up with a new "tale". She didn't want to repeat the CA story, thought that the jury would say On no, not this old same old, same old. She came up with a better one, one that hadn't been used before, at least not that I remember. Had to do one better. She is a vicious cold blooded killer; I hope she gets the death penalty.

PS. I'm sorry for all your heartache.
Fellow Sleuthers, I have been on a quest to locate that alleged "Calvin Klein Ad that JA referred to as the excuse she used to try to get Travis to pose for her in the shower that infamous day. To this point, I have FAILED to locate ANY such ad for Calvin Klein in which the Male Model was being shot in water. I truly believe that this so called Calvin Klein ad does NOT exist and this is yet another "Make Believe" Jodi moment like pretty much everything she has ever said has been. Anyone else wanna take a shot at trying to locate this infamous ad? :waitasec:
i think ja's hopes are out the window after last thurs exchange with jm. when he showed the jury the bank statements and no gas can return just after ja told the jury she only has 2 cans. imo her whole defense is a shell game that blow up in the dt faces. nurmi was beside himself he was rubbing his head and objecting to no avail. :moo:
Did anyone else fall a little bit in love with fiery JM during that exchange?
If it was Greg and he was convicted why does Travis have the record? Was he convicted under Travis' name too? That just doesn't sound right.

There are court records and then there are law enforcement records. If the court record was expunged, it won't show up in court databases. However, police usually don't have a lot of access to court records. They rely on LE databases. Once a name, DOB, SSN is entered into the NCIC (National Crime Information Center) database, to my knowledge, it stays. This the main database police use when running someone. It will always show that "TA" was arrested (with his DOB, SSN). That's why he apparently kept court documents with him at all times (to show police in case...). Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to change if someone steals your identity during arrest -- "you" will always be that person's alias.
Yes, she is ambidextrous, or ambidangerous as I call her!

If she were using her left hand, his right temple would be to her left side, so that is consistent. But there is no way for a bullet trajectory to go sideways and down if the "attack" was coming straight at her. If Jodi's story were to be true, then the bullet would have gone forward (through his skull) and back and lodged in the back of his head, not down and in front by his cheek.

Path of bullet shows Travis was shot from someone standing above him and slightly behind and to the right of him, most likely when he was facing upward.

Thanks. Than my question would be. How do you explain the forensics if Travis came at you like a linebacker?
Ok. Let's assume all criminals are victims of some sort of abuse. What does it change in terms of guilt and penalty? Nothing.
There are court records and then there are law enforcement records. If the court record was expunged, it won't show up in court databases. However, police usually don't have a lot of access to court records. They rely on LE databases. Once a name, DOB, SSN is entered into the NCIC (National Crime Information Center) database, to my knowledge, it stays. This the main database police use when running someone. It will always show that "TA" was arrested (with his DOB, SSN). That's why he apparently kept court documents with him at all times (to show police in case...). Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to change if someone steals your identity during arrest -- "you" will always be that person's alias.

And because there is so much identity thief today this is the best reason to change the court system to reflect the correct information as soon as it is discovered. This truly is a miscarriage of justice for the innocent person. jmo
This really infuriates me. What does it have to do with anything pertaining to this trial?

What scumbags sold this to the press?

It's especially irresponsible since TA likely had moved to Arizona long before then. He bought his home in 2004, and I found three other (prior?) addresses, same name, same age, in the Mesa area. Chris Hughes hired him to be on his team in 2001. So he had long left Riverside and was achieving great success.
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