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  1. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

    BBM OK, I've concluded that DH and DW = dear husband and dear wife, respectively. NPH = No Poolcleaning Husband?
  2. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

    Contradict herself much? Comment about those who yell lack substance with their paraphrase. Then goes on to call names based on JM's height. Friggin' childish mess she is.
  3. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

    Don't understand how they can censor the juror questions. Unless they are totally inappropriate or digs at the witness, why aren't they all allowed? After all, they are questions from the people who ARE decided it's fate.
  4. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

    How depressed is she going to be when this thing is decided and people move on from her and this case? Get whatever attention you can now cause it has a shelf life
  5. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    How much do you wanna bet that she slips and reacts to a juror question like she did with JM? Juror: I like my wife to dress in a schoolgirl uniform and wear pigtails. Am I a pedophile? ALV: Whoever asked that question is misrepresenting my comments!
  6. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    Yes. You should do what I do and align yourself with co-workers that are abusive at work. That way, when you have befriended him/her and you go out as couples to dinner or what have you, you can rest assured that his/her spouse will not be getting a beating when they go home. Kind of puts...
  7. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    Not sure what you mean... I supposed perverted is a term that varies from individual to individual in the context of two adults in a consenting relationship. Unless I missed something, I didn't think Travis was on the high end of the perversion scale.
  8. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    BBM Spot on here. Just because Travis was murdered, he doesn't automatically turn into a saint. I'm sure he was an average type person...funny, witty, loving, caring as well as grumpy and pissy at times, and not liked by others. I think there are many that have created a false sense of...
  9. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    Apparently they are playing a critical role in this trial!
  10. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    Willmott seems so easily frazzled. What number? May we approach...I don't know what he means... The judge sustained his objection.
  11. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    Amazing how on point and brief ALV is with JW. Simply amazing. Does she believe the jury is stupid and won't see through this act?
  12. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    Oh man. Now I have the saying, "Who loves ya, baby?" in my head.
  13. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    Sustained! JW...pauses...wheels churning...not sure how to re-phrase. LOL
  14. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    That seems to be the general sentiment. You would think that ALV, who supposedly instructs lawyers on handling expert witnesses and such, would understand that she needs to be consistent with her answers/comments regardless of who is asking her the questions. She can't go from... I...
  15. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    Probably doesn't want the family to see them again...? I mean, maybe he could just hand ALV the photos and not put them up on the overhead but the DT would probably argue that they need to be up for everyone to see.
  16. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    Anyone know how much JM is getting paid for his time on this case? Please don't tell me it is anything less than the DT rate.
  17. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    Great question...I'm not sure but when I post a pic, if it looks large when I'm copying the URL or see it appear in my post before I hit "send/reply" I don't post it.
  18. JayB12

    trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

    Then get the next witness on the stand. Its really not rocket science. Go back to ALV whenever she decides to come back and face the music.

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