trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

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My "thanks" is all wonky today. Could be my browser. I keep seeing so many good posts and cant thank them. lol So everyone, have a "thanks".

I've noticed if I post something I need to refresh my page at least once before my thanks button comes back. Also at times my pg refreshes by itself ( I think it my internet and not this site though) and I then need to refresh it myself to get the thanks button back.
in the timeline thread one of the days of video had a NG tour of the jail where arias lives and I cannot recall the exact amt of time but.. I believe she has pretty much free reign of the common area and phone privileges 23 hours a day????(she is in a high watch area but not isolation iirc.. I can just remember being shocked at how much time she could spend out of her cell!) So if she is calling Donovan collect and passing on her "info" to be tweeted I am not sure what anyone could do about it except maybe Juan could get the phone recordings from the jail if he thought it was worth it.

Did you see the motion to compel the other day: Arias has been keeping journals while in jail.. so I can just IMAGINE what is up next on rebuttal.

Thanks nurse! Funny about the NG "tour" - all I can recall is her eating the food! I'll go back and look at it now though. I had no idea they had so much "freedom" - I guess that is going to change when she lands in prison. Jodi just can't keep her trap closed can she? Journaling in jail - hahahaha!
If Salman Rushdie can survive Jihad being waged on him for his opinions, I'm sure ALV can survive some cyber name calling..

Besides complaining about all this is just causing more comments. Some people who would never offer an opinion in the heat of the moment resent being lumped in with a 'lynch mob' and will now publically offer well reasoned and calm criticism. That will cause even more damage. It feeds on itself.
Hi everyone! I couldn't stomach watching re-direct Wilmott still questioning or are we on to Juror's questions?

Me neither. Willmott is still on re-direct although some say it appears as though she is about to wrap up. You never know though! I hope we get to the jurors' questions today!
Late again?

I decided to take the rest of the day off so I can watch and post in peace!! :great:
If Salman Rushdie can survive Jihad being waged on him for his opinions, I'm sure ALV can survive some cyber name calling..

It's rough that her book reviews and office is getting attacked hard. Those are the types of things I would consider if someone waived a lot of money under my nose....knowing a long line of others turned it down.

She's going to have to ask herself, "was it worth it" the end. I think she's gonna discover the answer was no. But IMO she seems very stubborn... She'll cling to the victim roll and everyone around her she'll view as wrong.

Sad really.

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From what I've seen it appears ALV comes across as uncooperative even combative except when being asked questions by the defense.

That's how I feel as well. She drew a line in the sand and would not concede one iota in favor of Travis. She apparently forgot that Jodi was the one who drove to her alleged abuser's house and slaughtered him.
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

The courtroom is alive with chatter at the moment. We all await the judge and #JodiArias.
Me neither. Willmott is still on re-direct although some say it appears as though she is about to wrap up. You never know though! I hope we get to the jurors' questions today!

I got the feeling she was starting to wrap it up too. Fingers crossed!
There are so many instances where it would be improper to have one single neutral expert, unless that expert were to testify as to all likely scenarios with reasons for or against, with their ultimate conclusion.

For example, in this case a big unanswered question is which came first, the gunshot or the knife. The medical examiner gave his testimony, which was based on his examination and did not take into account other forensic evidence.

IMO, if the DT could have found a forensic expert who would testify that the gunshot did come first, they would have produced one. I thus infer that the evidence does not support the gunshot first.

This is a big unanswered question on this forum, not really in the case. It doesn't really matter wrt premeditation.
The prosecution doesn't have to prove the exact murder sequence.
:what: I saw that this morning. Her art is "authenticated" with her thumb print. I don't know how she can get away with that in on the outside?

A thumb print? Oh, she'd do much better with a left ring finger print, if she can manage to straighten it out for a second or two... :facepalm:
I can't understand why Juan didn't show her photos of the injuries on Travis's body.

Maybe recross!

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Probably doesn't want the family to see them again...? I mean, maybe he could just hand ALV the photos and not put them up on the overhead but the DT would probably argue that they need to be up for everyone to see.
Follow @travisalexander 2 show ur support! His account is still active & shows last tweet. So wrong 4 #JodiArias follower #'s 2exceed his!
This old guy lawyer sermonizing on the deficiencies in Juan Martines prosecutorial style is beyond getting old here on HLN.........
JA not getting the second degree murder plea approved is the cause of all of this "stuff" we are witnessing. I do believe revenge is her motive. IMO.
Good morning/Good afternoon.

It's been a long 3+ months of nearly daily trial watching, but I'm sticking this out. Justice for Travis means death penalty for Jodi.

I am 67 years old and never supported death penalty until now. This evil woman does not deserve to live.

Just my opinion.
Yes it can be. I have to scroll back and forth for every line of every post! I cannot make the page smaller as then I cannot see the type.

It will go away when you get to next page...thats why I keep my post views to 40 per page...hth
i've said several times i think TA was afraid that day, and was under duress. not held at gunpoint kind of duress, but duress just the same.

i was thinking of a patient i had who told me about the last confrontation she had with her ex-husband, and how she placated him to get him out of the house that day and once she accomplished that, she called the police and an attorney. her ex was on parole and was afraid enough of getting in trouble that he backed off. she was lucky and considered herself so. but she told me that one day, she did whatever she had to do---including having sex with him---to keep him from going crazy on her and hurting her, which he'd done before.

i guess ALV would say i can't compare the 2 situations, but why can't i? i have decided this is my working theory of what happened. neither of them look what i'd call happy in those pictures. nobody's smiling. there's not one picture of him smiling as she takes those pictures in the shower.

i think he was freaked out when she showed up. i don't think he knew she was coming. he'd called her twice on 6/2 and during 2 pretty long conversations, i think he told her it was over and to leave him alone. he may not have even spoken to her during the calls SHE made to HIM---i think the phone guy said those calls were short enough, there may not have even been any conversation.

so she arrives and TA thinks if he can just placate her and get her out of there, he's seriously going to have to do SOMETHING to make sure she leaves him alone. she wants sex? he gives it to her. she wants to play with his new camera? fine, click away. i don't see anything wrong with my reasoning. i think when people are afraid----whether they're man or woman----they sometimes have to do things they don't want to do to save themselves and pray they get a chance to keep it from happening again. it just didn't work out that way for poor travis that day.
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