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  1. FindLucasAllen

    Still Missing CA - Noah McIntosh, 8, Corona, early March 2019 *parents arrested*

    Several of us in Luke's family have been following Noah's case closely. I personally don't see many similarities, but you might be right because I feel like there must be a reason we've been drawn to his case. It is so frustrating to see DCF fail yet another child.
  2. FindLucasAllen

    Still Missing CA - Noah McIntosh, 8, Corona, early March 2019 *parents arrested*

    Do we know when he was pulled out to be homeschooled? Or how long he has been in dad's custody?
  3. FindLucasAllen

    Still Missing CA - Noah McIntosh, 8, Corona, early March 2019 *parents arrested*

    I'm so sorry :( If any family or close friends are interested, becoming a Verified Insider on Websleuths can be an invaluable resource for spreading the word about Noah. I've noticed that cases with an active Insider can have more engagement and keep people talking about the case (which is so...
  4. FindLucasAllen

    Found Safe NV - Atreyu Drewry, 6 mos. Las Vegas, 5 March 2019

    I normally try to stop myself from criticizing interviews of family, but man this one is tough to watch. I know I'm skating on thin victim unfriendly ice, but at the very least there seems to be a substance abuse issue in the household.
  5. FindLucasAllen

    Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #34

    Oh! I had no idea that you were able to attend Lucas's memorial. Thank you so much for coming and remembering him with us.
  6. FindLucasAllen

    Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #34

    All of you are just.. wonderful. I've had plans all day to visit WS and share my thoughts about this last year, but every time I try I'm just not able to get the words out. I wish this year never happened and I wish more than anything that we could go back and save him. I wish the anger that I...
  7. FindLucasAllen

    Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #34

    Happy birthday, Luke!! We miss you so much! Today is a hard day for us down here, buddy. Maybe you could send us a little bit of your goofy energy? I love you, Uncle Bethany
  8. FindLucasAllen

    VA VA - Arieanna Day, 3 months, Roanoke, 12 September 2018 *Charges dropped*

    Justice for Baby Arieanna So it looks like his charge is much worse than illegal disposal. A class 6 felony?
  9. FindLucasAllen

    VA VA - Arieanna Day, 3 months, Roanoke, 12 September 2018 *Charges dropped*

    LE definitely didn't give the public the green light right away.
  10. FindLucasAllen

    VA VA - Arieanna Day, 3 months, Roanoke, 12 September 2018 *Charges dropped*

    This is such a good point. Too many tears. Not enough tears. Said too much. Didn't say enough. Seemed to be trying too hard. This is why I declined every interview I was asked to do.
  11. FindLucasAllen

    VA VA - Arieanna Day, 3 months, Roanoke, 12 September 2018 *Charges dropped*

    Oh I know that she hasn't done any interviews. I believe there's a reason why she hasn't and I believe that reason is LE. I don't think it's because she doesn't want to do one or that there are nefarious reasons behind her not doing one. There's a lot going on behind the scenes. There are...
  12. FindLucasAllen

    VA VA - Arieanna Day, 3 months, Roanoke, 12 September 2018 *Charges dropped*

    She's been asked by LE not to do any interviews, imo. Also, if I'm not mistaken, public searches haven't been approved.
  13. FindLucasAllen

    VA VA - Arieanna Day, 3 months, Roanoke, 12 September 2018 *Charges dropped*

    I snipped out the part of your post in the quote, but that last sentence in there... I can't find in the link you provided. Do you have a link that states that?
  14. FindLucasAllen

    VA VA - Arieanna Day, 3 months, Roanoke, 12 September 2018 *Charges dropped*

    Thank you for sharing this, Ima! After reading that, I'm wondering if mom was needing to establish paternity and dad panicked since it's been reported that he has a wife and children. Finding Arieanna is the priority right now. My heart goes out to her mom and other family members... I hope...
  15. FindLucasAllen

    VA VA - Arieanna Day, 3 months, Roanoke, 12 September 2018 *Charges dropped*

    Interesting. If you don't mind me asking, did your situation happen in VA? I haven't had a chance to research for VA, but where I live (Kansas) marital status doesn't matter. If the father is on the birth certificate, he has the same rights that the mother does... which means without custody...
  16. FindLucasAllen

    VA VA - Arieanna Day, 3 months, Roanoke, 12 September 2018 *Charges dropped*

    Could the lack of a kidnapping charge be because he's her father and there are no custody documents in place? eta: ESO got to it before me... I really need to read everything before I reply
  17. FindLucasAllen

    Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #34

    I know Lucas's thread has dwindled down... and that's ok. I believe Lucas is working hard in spirit to help find other missing children around the globe. There's another case that needs WS' s help. I truly believe that WS helped keep Lucas in the spotlight so that he could be brought home...
  18. FindLucasAllen

    Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #34

    Thank you, pink! I'll look into Jodi's case and Jodi's Law.

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