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DNA Solves
  1. M

    Cindy mouths, "I love you" to Casey

    This morning, I heard one of the trial analysts say that Cindy knows what happened to Casey to make her have done such a thing to Caylee, either she knows about emotional abuse or sexual abuse in the family, and she must not be telling. Further, since she isn't telling, she's either a.) the...
  2. M

    Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey? POLL ADDED

    I absolutely don't believe it, not for a minute, and the thing that really solidified it to me is something that Cindy said the other day, that after all this happened, Casey wanted to sleep in with Cindy and George, that she had been sleeping in their room for the comfort of having her parents...
  3. M

    Legal Questions for our VERIFIED Lawyers #3

    Yes, I want to know about this too! I was really stooped when it wasn't brought up in Sat's testimony w Cindy. I guess the prosecution feels like they don't even need to bring it up, they're letting Baez do all the speculating. The prosecution is relying on facts, that's it. Not he said, she...
  4. M

    Support Thread: George, Cindy & Lee Anthony

    My heart goes out to the George and Cindy and Lee and Mallory and for what it's worth, I don't think that there is anything you did or could have done that you didn't try with all your might to do. I hope that you find peace and that whatever it is that YOU want for Casey is what comes to pass...
  5. M

    The night Haleigh disappeared ***REVISITED 03/2010***

    I've been watching alot of this on Nancy and reading, but in all this time, I still haven't heard whether or not anyone has asked the little brother, Ron Jr. what happened that night? Has anyone asked him? What does he say they did?
  6. M

    Mitigating Factor: Casey's Parents

    Also don't forget: that the family of the victim and the accused (one in the same) doesn't want the DP - and the defendant's young age as a single mother and also, her young age at the time of committing the crime. One more thing they might bring up is that there were witnesses to her...
  7. M

    Mitigating Factor: Casey's Parents

    I suppose they could show control or domination by another person (CA), but overall, I think any plan to use G and C as mitigating factors is not going to go very far. Despite it all, despite her gum chewing and yammering and obvious lack of superior intellect, there really isn't a paper trail...
  8. M

    Casey's Body Language and Reactionary Comments#3

    Right on! And I think its ludicrously funny that none of the news talking heads can tell she was faking and trying to hide her expression, which would be blank otherwise. She doesn't have the b's to show her face when they talk about how she killed Caylee! Why not? If she didn't do it, why not?!
  9. M

    Serological Reports (blood)

    Right? It seeems this should be easy to resolve: spray that luminol stuff and presto zappo, blood or no blood!
  10. M


    Agree! Agree! That one they keep putting up to say she's a great mom see? She looks like a wolf getting ready to devour her pray. I think it's the worse possible picture of her (hey could find (except for the party pictures).
  11. M

    Serological Reports (blood)

    It's on itunes podcasts. I found it by just putting in a search in the store for casey Anthony and then I went to the tabs for podcasts. Quote in one part of the cast: The sheriff's department said, "theres not a little bit of blood in the trunk, we have a lot of blood in the trunk."...
  12. M

    Serological Reports (blood)

    I listened to a podcast today on this case, and a reporter was being interviewed. He said there's still smoking evidence yet to be released, and that the cops told him there was blood in the trunk. Take it for what its worth, but he said it two or three times during the podcast. I found it...
  13. M


    I like how in this picture, she's finally learned how to floss her teeth. She's like a wolf, for the longest time, every time I ever saw her smile, especially when she smiled at Caylee, I thought she looked like a wolf with his teeth bared. I mean for goodness sakes, why oh why didn't she just...
  14. M

    Casey's Life in Jail, Visitors; Phone Calls; Commissary etc.#3

    Well it'd be even better if they were seen eating chili. I hope she never has a bowl of chili again in her pathetic life. She is just sooooo wrong taking that beautiful little girl from this world; wait till she meets her maker. You know the sad thing is, I think if Caylee could look down and...
  15. M

    Syringe in bottle contained traces of chloroform

    I don't think casey had to hold her down or pin her or anything, because I think Caylee was in the carseat when this all went down. What better restraint is there for a child? I think she was trying to do something in the front seat, whether to call somone or what, I don't know. I think Caylee...
  16. M

    LIST Questions & Answers #8 LIST ONLY NO DISCUSSION

    Sorry Im sure this has been asked: Did they find needle holes in the tape that was wrapped around her mouth?
  17. M

    The Anthony's re-baptized on Caylee's 4th birthday

    Ehhhhck! You can't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse, no matter how you dunk your donut.
  18. M

    New Shocking Info on the questioning of Misty's Sister-in-law.

    I like her, she's like one step up from a soap opera actress. I say watch her for entertainment and to sometimes get some scoop, but not all the time.
  19. M

    Procedure and legal questions

    Someone please explain to me why does it seem like Jose's team is trying to gather evidence of another perpetrator? Isn't that the state's attorney's job and the police department's job? Why is he asking for fingerprints from someone who hasn't been implicated in this at all? I'm not...
  20. M

    2009.04.06 Document Release

    Yeah, maybe if she was just a pothead, she'd have left her playing out in the streets on her scooter, unattended, becuase she was too lazy to get up and look after her, and poor Caylee'd be found down by the river with that other little girl buried in cement instead of trashbags in the swamps of...

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