The Anthony's re-baptized on Caylee's 4th birthday

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I totally agree it's one of their reasons. Nothing has sickened me more than their rebaptism. Well maybe wearing Caylee's ashes (if that's true). Not that I don't think it's a beautiful thing for people who sincerely choose to walk in Christ. I just know these two aren't anywhere near being good Christians by any stretch of the imagination. Their behavior over the last year+ has proven that to be true. I don't believe any amount of baptism or church attendance can save them from themselves.

I'm sure it's very unChristian-like for me to say this but what the hell, I'm a jew :)
That's hilarious!:dance:
I just can't be snarky on this topic with them, especially since the source came from someone in their church, and they didn't announce it or release pictures. So many here on WS want the A's to accept reality, and I'll be a lone optimist on this and hope (pray, even) that this could be a first step into healing. Because there needs to be a lot of healing, mental and spiritual, to face the types of truths about themselves and KC that they need to. (Let alone to face the loss of Caylee). *puts on rose-colored glasses and waits for the tomatoes*

standing there with you thatswhatshesaid, *got my rose-colored glasses on also**, :hand: *here, take my hand, I sure hope the tomatoes are over-ripe and not green ones** :yow:
I would say George's testimony concerning his knowledge about what LP and co. were there at his house to do and his lack of knowledge of who paid the $50,000.00 premium, and his lack of co-operation on the stand might just indicate that they do not plan to tell the truth period and the baptizing was only on the skin!:furious:

okay, I'm gonna opine.

In my experience, one who walks the walk, coulda/shoulda walked on down to the SA or LE or FBI and said you have our full cooperation, and btw hook us up to a poly!

Can I get an Amen?:angel:
isn't baptism also to wash away sins???
start a new faithful life???
It never occurred to me that this was any sort of serious spiritual call to a better way of life.. I just assumed it was just some more A family spin to keep the media interested in them, and to get the spotlight off Caylee, same as everything else they have done.

I guess I must be a thouroughgoing cynic not to once consider it might have been any real conversion.. but I didn't think of that, nor do I credit it it now even after reading others posts .. kinder ppl are willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, I am not.. they will use anything, anyone, any opportunity to their own advantage, including and maybe especially religion. ..

My opinion only of course...
when i was 5 years old, this very tall man dressed all in BLACK, chanting on about something, looked like some type of a black robe tried to drown me in a ceremony of some sorts,, ever since then i have been afraid of priests and will be afraid of them for the rest of my life...


isn't baptism also to wash away sins???
start a new faithful life???
That's what it is meant for! But, it's a dangerous game to play with the Lord-it's one you can't win!!

Matthew Chapter 7
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Just sayin....:innocent:
That's what it is meant for! But, it's a dangerous game to play with the Lord-it's one you can't win!!

Matthew Chapter 7
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Just sayin....:innocent:

Looks like it didn't take.
continuing words from Matthew ...

"By their FRUITS Ye shall know them"

Jesus gives us an idea of how we recognize His followers . . .
HHHHmm : conduct, character, committment ....
I totally agree it's one of their reasons. Nothing has sickened me more than their rebaptism. Well maybe wearing Caylee's ashes (if that's true). Not that I don't think it's a beautiful thing for people who sincerely choose to walk in Christ. I just know these two aren't anywhere near being good Christians by any stretch of the imagination. Their behavior over the last year+ has proven that to be true. I don't believe any amount of baptism or church attendance can save them from themselves.

I'm sure it's very unChristian-like for me to say this but what the hell, I'm a jew :)

Bold mine.

okay, i'm gonna opine.

In my experience, one who walks the walk, coulda/shoulda walked on down to the sa or le or fbi and said you have our full cooperation, and btw hook us up to a poly!

Can i get an amen?:angel:

amen :)
Ehhhhck! You can't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse, no matter how you dunk your donut.
I'd like to offer them another baptism...with a loooong period of under water submersion.
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