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DNA Solves
  1. S

    Trial Sidebar audio, transcripts released! *Discuss here*

    IMO, your first sentence is purely speculation and a generalization. While you may not want to debate religion, you indeed threw it into the discussion. As I am quite familiwr with catholocism, mormonism and a scant few other religious systems, it brings me to ask where in the doctrines of...
  2. S

    Trial Sidebar audio, transcripts released! *Discuss here*

    Please do tell why you think "a practicing catholic" shouldn't have been on the jury. IMO "a practicing catholic" isn't much different than a "practicing jew, mormon, protestant, buddhist, etc." If a person rises to practicing their faith in works and deeds in their daily life, then it would...
  3. S

    Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase #2

    I've given some thought to my "what ifs" and have some answers. What if I were a juror? How would I have voted in the penalty phase? - I would have voted for the DP, no doubt about it. What if I were the judge and had to sentence ja? - I would sentence her to death. What if I were...
  4. S

    Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase #2

    @Bernina I am so sorry for your experiences with your ex. How awesome that you were able to free yourself from him! I am proud of you. Ladies and gentlemen, everything she said regarding prison life is 100% correct. Now, CMja has no game, no street cred, no experience with anyone other...
  5. S

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

    CMJA's shirt "design" should have read: PERPETRATOR
  6. S

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

    IMO Sheriff Joe has received alot of criticism from the public for the way he runs his jail, i.e. giving inmates only what they need and not providing a comfortable place to rest, relax and serve out their sentences. Perhaps bringing in the news crews and allowing the general public, who...
  7. S

    trial day 48: REBUTTAL #146

    I am not a big fan of Randi Krieger. IMO she's not writing about anyone other than herself. Which is a good thing to know... MOO comes from a rather ugly interaction with her on another project. The book however, is a great resource.
  8. S

    trial day 48: REBUTTAL #146

    This is painful to watch. When JW looks up maybe she will see the buzzards circling.... Granpa's rule: When you are in a hole, stop digging. JW has entered into a battle of wits with Dr. DeMarte and she is clearly unarmed.
  9. S

    trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #127

    I recall reading that Einstein had an autism spectrum disorder, can't remember if it was Aspberger's or what. But despite his superior ability to process thoughts he lacked in the social aspects.
  10. S

    trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #126

    HLN - gives me a headache.... we're just getting some news in about what is happenning in the trial, we'll fill you in after the break... UGH!
  11. S

    trial day 42: the defense continues its case in chief #126

    Anyone know which WS gurus are in the courtroom today?
  12. S

    trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #118

    I am experiencing a long slow and painful death by b.s. being spewed forth by ALV and coached by JW. Railroad spikes in my eardrums would be so much more pleasant! Let this end soon please:please:
  13. S

    a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #6

    If they do indeed cause a mistrial, the State of Arizona should hold them responsible for the cost of defending their sick, dememted spawn. Now, there's a whole lot of dishwashing that'll need to happen in order to pay off this bill!
  14. S

    a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #5

    Hmm, looks like I need to go and watch the ME's testimony again before I continue with my current line of thinking. I will do that and see where my thoughts and theory change.
  15. S

    a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #5

    I must disagree with you on this. The blood that is seen in this picture is not from the neck slashing wound. The blood volume is a trickle as seen in the photo. The gaping neck wound that severed both carotid arteries and both juglular veins would have sent blood shooting/spurting into the air...
  16. S

    a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #5

    There has been alot of discussion on the "62 second" elapsed time for committing the crime theory. Where this began was in JM's cross examination of JA as the theory of how long it took her to run through the closet, grab the gun, return to shoot TA. We know that JA is a liar, has lied and will...
  17. S

    a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #5

    That pic is shown during the evidence on Day 6 of the trial when Michael Melendez (Mesa PD computer forensics dude) is testifying. Tawni Dilly's youtube vids. It was recivered from the camera's memory stick and is listed in evidence as Exhibit #161 taken 6/4/2008 at 5:31:14 Edit: spelling
  18. S

    long weekend break: discuss the latest here #113

    Here's my plan for later today re: this pic and the relative size of the "foot" vs. TA's body: - Take the evidence submitted by the ME showing the wound locations on TA's body - Compare those wounds to the timestamped evidence pic where TA is on his back and JA's foot is in the foreground...
  19. S

    long weekend break: discuss the latest here #113

    I'm going to have to disagree with the "Jodi's Foot" reference in this pic. What is marked as Jodi's foot cannot be her foot due to the relative size. Compare the scale of the picture, i.e. size of Travis' shoulder to the relative size of what is marked as Jodi's foot... A person's shoulder...

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