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DNA Solves
  1. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #4

    Except you don't leave a car empty of gas if you hope it will be stolen.
  2. N

    2011.08.08-14 This Week's Current News **NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE**

    Or just watch it online. Click the link with the info "Casey Anthony Judgement Day 48 hours CBS News" and disregard the embed video below. I have no idea why cutting and pasting the original link to this site changes the news story. Casey Anthony: Judgment Day - 48 Hours - CBS News
  3. N

    2011.08.08-14 This Week's Current News **NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE**

  4. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    I wouldn't let you babysit my children. I wouldn't let anyone here babysit my children. I don't know any of you.
  5. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    For me, the possibility that she might not of bonded, might not of had the nurturing protective instincts, might of explained a lot of the very emotionally charged, damning pre-judged stuff out there about her. These bonds and instincts don't come automatically to *every* mother who gives...
  6. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    "Since day 1" is a common saying. Nothing to do with the fact this case was based 31 days.
  7. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    Thank you, yes, I watched the trial too. I watched Dr G's testimony. I didn't agree with a couple of her opinion assertions and I found her emotional. Its a highly charged emotional case. Very understandably so. However emotion clouds facts. I am taking all the emotion out of forming my...
  8. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    True. However Casey's right at her trial, as given to her by our legal system is that she is to be cloaked in innocence. I highly doubt many people did that. She was hung drawn and quartered by the media and everyone else from day 1.
  9. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    Text sucks to relay tone sometimes :) Sorry. I was offering the autopsy report as a possibility not a definite. I even listened to Jeff Ashton questioning the (dont recall his name) older gentleman who did the DT autopsy and from what I gathered the UNpixelated photos show it. Of course...
  10. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    Nothing about Casey much comes under the wide umbrella of the varying lengths of normal. People seem to expect her to act or react as they would or as they see people in their day to day lives act and react. Not "everyone" acts or reacts as you would think. It doesn't automatically mean they...
  11. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    Drowning is one theory of cause of death given the medical examiner could not find one. There are many possible causes of death, both deliberate and accidental. We simply don't know and most likely never will. I try not to make absolutely judgements of what all people do or don't do because...
  12. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    We don't know she was killed, we don't know who did what. I have a hard time believing that this duct tape was placed over her face yet it survived everything it did, the hurricane, the water, the bones being gnawed on by animals, the bones being scattered around, the duct tape supposedly...
  13. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    I don't pick and choose what to believe out of Casey's mouth to support my theories. I prefer to look at the evidence. For me, there was not enough to believe Caylee was murdered, much less by Casey or that Casey disposed of her body.
  14. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    You are assuming she did. I don't assume that. There was no evidence presented that absolutely beyond a reasonable doubt proved Casey did either.
  15. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    Have you looked at the autopsy report done by Dr G. ?
  16. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    Taking Casey out of the equation for a moment. Not all women who give birth automatically or ever get the motherly nurturing protective instincts. Regardless of the reasons. Not all do.
  17. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    *respectfully snipped* Given that we don't know them personally I don't think we can infer anything about their silence beyond it is their absolute right and choice not to speak publicly as given to them under the law and as instructed by Judge Perry before their final dismissal. The...
  18. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree?

    So in other words what we do now won't be indicative of what was coming up in 08 ?
  19. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree?

    Interesting. I just began typing out the word chlorophyll into Google. As soon as I got to chlor and as far as chloroph BOTH chlorophyll and chloroform came up. See for yourself in these two screen shots.
  20. N

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree?

    Cindy (and George) appeared to have bought most everything for Caylee. Hearing Cindy speak about Caylees routine, day to day activities right down to different items of her clothing, she came off as if she was her mother. It stands to reason Cindy bought Caylee everything she liked to see her...

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