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  1. S

    Hannah Graham: The Search - #2

    I agree with you about what the focus of the investigation and charges should be. My confusion/question simply came in with regards to releasing a vehicle used in the commission of a felony, i.e. the physical act of fleeing. Especially when that felony relates to a missing person, regardless...
  2. S

    Hannah Graham: The Search - #2

    Okay. Here's the only thing I could scrounge up in a short time with regards to the car. Second paragraph slightly addresses my earlier question. Of course, that's VA code not TX. Not sure which would apply in this instance. So...
  3. S

    Hannah Graham: The Search - #2

    Anyone able to clear up why they would simply release the vehicle to a wreckage yard? Even if they cleared the vehicle of evidence, was it still not used in the commission of a crime during the time he held fleeing/fugitive status? Seems odd to me, but would love some clarification. TIA
  4. S

    Hannah Graham: The Search - #2

    Welcome! You're absolutely correct about how rural and remote the area is. It's overwhelming. We had taken the kids out to Spy Rock for a hike and I thought to myself...he wouldn't even have to go off the road to leave a body if going up the Blue Ridge/Skyline Pkwy. 30 minute drive, no...
  5. S

    Hannah Graham: The Search - #2

    Fair point, I keep forgetting how much of the land out there is private as well. It was just daunting to be in the middle of it and equate that massive amount of wooded space with only 35 SAR members.
  6. S

    Hannah Graham: The Search - #2

    Forgive me if I've missed something, but has a statement been released from LE addressing why they've seemingly stopped utilizing volunteer searchers? The last report I read stated that they had 35 SAR professionals on the ground but no mention of volunteer groups. Having just been in that area...
  7. S

    *GUILTY*Randy Allen Taylor on Trial for the murder of Alexis Murphy 1 May 2014

    Sorry about that strawb, as skibadoo mentioned, that site is off limits. I was unaware that was the case for screen grabs as well.
  8. S

    *GUILTY*Randy Allen Taylor on Trial for the murder of Alexis Murphy 1 May 2014

    That picture makes my blood boil. So insensitive :tantrum: Has a narrowed down age range been agreed upon, i.e. what do we consider too young or too old to include as potential victims?
  9. S

    JLM: Other Possible Victims

    Absolutely and without question. At the very least, those families deserve even the smallest chance of getting closure.
  10. S

    JLM: Other Possible Victims

    I don't have an opinion on the AM case, so no dog in the fight so to speak. But I think because of JM's close proximity to the area, it's hard for people to emotionally accept there being 2 such monsters in such close confines. It "feels" better for some to believe there's only one responsible...
  11. S

    Hannah Graham: The Search

    Slightly southwest from Cville.
  12. S

    Hannah Graham: The Search

    No argument from me at all. As I said, in my long-winded post, it's totally conceivable that WG just misidentified the hair in general. Who really pays attention to the hair on most guys? Plus, it's not as if WG knew in that moment that it would be beneficial to notice every detail of JM...
  13. S

    Hannah Graham: The Search

    I know that the search is including drones form Va Tech and certain agencies have been using helicopters in the search, but what about aerial photography? Surely there might be someone willing to donate/volunteer that service. It may seem redundant because they're using drones and helicopters...
  14. S

    JLM: Other Possible Victims

    Removed. Several sleuths mentioned PVCC faster than I. :)
  15. S

    Hannah Graham: The Search

    RE: WG @ themom @sixecho I completely understand where you're coming from with WG. I'm still really torn. My first thought was to label him Creepy McCreeperson and think he was "the guy" but I quickly felt awful about that once I actually noticed that JM was walking beside Hannah, as opposed to...
  16. S

    Tempo Restaurant: What Happened There?

    <modsnip> Regarding your definition of force: Perhaps I was unclear in my statement - force is implied after he (by witness accounts) practically had to walk her to his car/wherever. She was not in a position to consent to ANYTHING and a cab should have been called. Thus the assumption of...
  17. S

    The (Alleged) Abduction

    (Modsnip) I can't speak for others on whether or not they assume she was forced to be with JM. Personally, I'm NOT saying that she was "forced" to stay with JM at Tempo. What I am saying is that she was noted to be drunk and therefore not making sound judgements. And I completely disagree with...
  18. S

    Tempo Restaurant: What Happened There?

    Another poster (Enni) answered specifics with regards to distance better than I could at the moment, but my "marathon trek" hyperbole was just that. Hyperbole. As far as we know by the timeline her friends last saw her at 11:50 at an off campus party/apartment. She is next spotted at...
  19. S

    Tempo Restaurant: What Happened There?

    Also: FWIW, I would be willing to bet that Hannah was absolutely in Tempo and had a drink there even if she herself was not technically served, i.e. JM bought drinks took them back to a table where she was. It happens all the time in any establishment. Tempo should have kept quiet. Their CYA...
  20. S

    Tempo Restaurant: What Happened There?

    Hello all. Long time lurker, first time poster. The following are my opinions only. I've read on nearly every thread re: Hannah, that it seems odd that she went from being relatively surefooted in the Tuels CCTV footage to supposedly incapacitated when seen leaving Tempo with JM. I'm not sure...

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