JLM: Other Possible Victims

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Wait. I don't want to know specifics, but would anything about this possibility help us find Hannah? Any rituals? Any locations?
IDK, but someone needs to look into why RAT has the number 55 tattooed on the back of his wrinkled neck. I've wondered about US Rt 55 but other than that it was just another weird connection.


I-66 & US Rt 29 as well as I-81 run toward US Rt 55...who knows maybe it does mean something.
IDK, but someone needs to look into why RAT has the number 55 tattooed on the back of his wrinkled neck. I've wondered about US Rt 55 but other than that it was just another weird connection.

55 is the sign power of the devil. Why he got it , I don't know.

1 Corinthians 5:5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh.
Id be willing to bet you that they are all in the fall of the year.That coincides with when hes been kicked out of college both times and also with the sexual assaults.

He may not have even been aware of the pattern himself but its starting to look like its there.

I bet there is one who was in the summer: July 24, 2003.

But get this -- that's Autumn Day. The fall of the year: Autumn Day. That just strikes me as very odd with his pattern. Could her name have helped form that pattern?
Has anyone done a list of all the potential victims named in this thread?
This is the article I was referring to....

There's some extensive follow-up discussion on that thread. The photo may not have been reversed. The object in the photo, according to consensus of sleuths and experts there, is an automobile. Not a sign.
There's some extensive follow-up discussion on that thread. The photo may not have been reversed. The object in the photo, according to consensus of sleuths and experts there, is an automobile. Not a sign.

I disagree. What people are calling an antenna seems too out of place and at an odd angle.

I don't think JLM had anything to do with Alexis' disappearance. They got the right guy, IMO.
This is the very situation that makes it sooooo horrible and heart breaking for the victim. And so easy to re-offend, for the predator. As we all know from the statistics, most child molesters do it over multiple years and even decades, with multiple children. It is very difficult for the good people who are harmed to stand up and say something, be questioned, and just go through the process of having to relive it! I really think this is where our society needs to go next. We stand together with no problem to fight childhood cancer, obesity, AIDS... you name it! But start talking about sexual abuse and holding the predators accountable and people start getting uncomfortable. In my opinion, it is time as a society to empower those who have been damaged. Take the "sex" out of it (because I think that is maybe why people get uncomfortable) and realize it is a violence and control of a young little human- both boys and girls! Similar to the campaign they had here, Save the Next Girl. We need to save all the little ones who are next in line!

I just want to be sure, Makaroni, that you know I am not directing this toward you or your situation. I am just speaking in general. I am so glad she told you. I am so so so sorry she ever had to experience that horror. And I hate that the law doesn't make it easier for young children who need to report such horrors to remain safe. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen a child describe detailed sexual abuse and then still have visitation with the beast.

I apologize for going off topic some, but I am so sick of monsters preying on the fact that good people are good! He can rape someone, then convince them it was a misunderstanding (or whatever) and to drop charges. He can punch someone in the face and get away with it because he apologizes and pays the bills. He can sexually assault someone else and not face the music because, who knows what is story is that day! They always have a story. They always have a con. They are always "really sorry and it will never happen again." I want them all to realize there are consequences to horrible actions toward innocent humans. We will press charges. We will make sure you are in the system enough to get off the streets before a whole city of girls has to die. KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF! My little one even knows that rule. Getting off my angry box now.

And if it were up to me, this monster would be behind bars or .. Worse! At the end of the day, I blame my sister too. She was told, chose to ignore and turn her back on her oldest, and marry this guy. And everyone in LE believed her, yet the other kids were not removed!! Insane!! Trust me, everything you just said is exactly how I feel!!
Brittney drexal. I think he could hv used a taxi in THIS case as well. its not that far....esp on a holiday weekend. he could hv been trolling. it seems he looks for very drunk women or possibly drugs them ahead of time thn persues.
Brittney drexal. I think he could hv used a taxi in THIS case as well. its not that far....esp on a holiday weekend. he could hv been trolling. it seems he looks for very drunk women or possibly drugs them ahead of time thn persues.

I remember this ruse being used in NYC when I lived in Queens. The taxi driver would cruise the bars at closing time looking for impaired women traveling alone and would rape them. It was right near CUNY/Queens college. Predators trolling for victims.... frightening.
Thanks for the excellent list. One correction: Julie Williams and Laura "Lollie" Winans were murdered at the Shenandoah National Park in 1996, not 2006.

Bill Yjomas

That was probably my typo that Shutterbug picked up - apologies to everyone.
What do you all think about Jaisle Elizabeth Thomas as a JML victim?

Jaisle Elizabeth Thomas, age 17 - Richmond - 4/12/98 – http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/t/thomas_jaisle.html ; http://nampn.org/cases/thomas_jaisle_e.html

They were the same age. She could have met JML at a regional wrestling or football or church activity. She worked at a grocery store. Do you think they could have kept in touch by telephone and agreed to meet?

If police checked her family's phone records back that far, could they find calls from the home where JML was living or a public phone in his area?
Dropping this in ... unidentified female mummified body found in Newport News earlier this year:


And if you search for female and VA there are quite a few results going back decades. Always makes me so sad the number of people out there without an identity.

VA also has these UIDs with facial recons:


Just want people to tuck all this away as they are sleuthing VA cases. It would be great to give these people their names back!
Originally Posted by SoALJohn View Post
I'm just curious if there is a precedence for a serial criminal to target victims on given days as some here are suggesting. It seems that these types of crimes would depend more on his "luck" finding an opportunity to snatch a victim. Granted, I don't live in a college town, but I know I would be hard pressed to find someone in the vulnerable situation as Hannah or Morgan on any given night, much less on a specific calendar day.

While we don't know yet if there were other victims, there is a cluster in early fall for the victims/alleged victims that we know of. There is likely something in his past that triggers him to act during this time of year - whether is a morbid mutation of SAD or if something happened when he was younger that triggers this??? I don't buy into the whole Freud psycho analysis (i.e. "mommy issues") - but I do think the fact that he was raised by his grandmother is significant.
I don't think jm is a dealer, but I do believe he offers to 'get stuff' for others thru 'his people'. This type of predator wants his victims sedated as much as possible to incapacitate them.
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