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  1. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    I agree, and that's why I stated his admonishment was too vague, but those were his specific instructions. If he stated for example" tomorrow we are going to start on time" would that mean 9 am? Would it mean after the discussions between the state and defense are over? It leaves it wide open...
  2. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    I stand corrected on my quote. I stated these jury instructions were given the last two days of the trial. It was on day 12. The last two days he didn't tell the jury anything.
  3. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    His words."Don't talk to anyone and don't watch the news." Timestamp@ 6.34.58
  4. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    No. They could have charged him once they felt they had enough evidence to convict. The investigation can continue after that point, and if the investigation points to innocence after he/she is charged, those charges can then be dropped.
  5. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    I didn't read it. I heard the Judge say it. He told the jury at the end of the last two days "Do not talk to anyone" Those were his exact words. So yes, Those were his jury instructions.
  6. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    It wasn't accepted because it was offered too soon after he was arrested. One reason was because the deal was offered before the investigation was complete. Another reason was because Barr thought people may have thought the deal was too lenient, and the country would burn. Another reason was...
  7. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    IMO she came because there were cameras and she wanted the most coverage as possible. All for votes. If she actually believes these are "peaceful protests" like she always claims, then why the need for security?
  8. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    I may be wrong, but what I think he said was "don't watch the news on tv, and don't talk to anyone." I don't remember him mentioning anything about social media. Even "don't talk to anyone" imo is rather vague. Does this mean don't talk to your family? Don't talk to the cashier at the grocery store?
  9. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    You may be right, but I'd think that would all depend on where the count stands at the time they cave. (if they cave)
  10. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    I ask myself... if what this Judge says is true, and he really believes this, then why did he get so upset when comments from public officials were made at the beginning of the trial?
  11. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    A change of venue would have been a good start imo. True, 99% of people have heard about George Floyd, but not everyone has been affected by the aftermath.
  12. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    What I am saying is sometimes the jury does not do what they are supposed to do. Everyone is bias. The Judge mentioned that yesterday. So yes, what they see and what they hear has an affect on their decision, regardless if it's supposed to or not. IMO, there's not one juror that is not wondering...
  13. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    Good point. I doubt we would, and I doubt they'd be required to tell the Judge they heard what she said. When a judge tells the jury "don't watch TV" and they get a news alert on their smartphone and they read it. They've done nothing wrong. Just another reason they should have been...
  14. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    It was the jury's job in the Jodi Arias trial to determine of she received the DP, or LWOP. They were all asked if they would be able to decide on their questionnaire, and they all answered yes. Then when it came time to decide, they couldn't. That happened twice. What the jury is supposed to...
  15. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    To me, there's an entire list of reasons for an appeal, imo. One may be "inadequate defense." The state had an Army of attorneys while Nelson worked alone. I've wondered from the start of this trial whether or not this was a strategy used intentionally by the defense for appellate purposes at a...
  16. R

    GUILTY MN - George Floyd, 46, died in custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #19 - Chauvin Jury Deliberations #2

    I agree that there's no question Judge Cahill has received threats. I doubt it's his first time, however, not at this level. I also believe imo that those threats have influenced his decision not to call a mistrial, and more reason to kick the can down the road to take the heat off of him by...
  17. R

    MN - George Floyd, 46, died in police custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #16 - Chauvin Trial Day 13

    This witness has just been backed into the corner. He just admitted in a round about way that Chauvin should have done CPR because he may have not been dead after he stopped breathing. Not good for the Defense.
  18. R

    MN - George Floyd, 46, died in police custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 #16 - Chauvin Trial Day 13

    IMO, bringing up the concept of carbon monoxide contributing to Floyd's death after being placed in the location of the tailpipe while in police custody is nothing more than another nail in Chauvin's coffin. Bad move by Nelson IMO.

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