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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. H

    Found Deceased Serbia - Matej Periš, 27, left Gotik night club, seen running through streets, Belgrade, 31 Dec 2021

    Today marks a year since Matej went missing. The questions of why he left the club, and who was he meeting are still unanswered. We do not live in times of Sherlock Holmes, it is quite easy to establish which mobile phones were near Matej on that platform. Rest in Peace Matej.
  2. H

    Found Deceased Serbia - Matej Periš, 27, left Gotik night club, seen running through streets, Belgrade, 31 Dec 2021

    Nenad Periš nakon objave rezultata obdukcije za ‘Slobodnu‘: ‘Iz Beograda nisam dobio nikakav službeni dokument. Mislim da bi videonadzor dao odgovor na pitanje...‘ Nenad Peris, father of Matej, said the family has never received any toxicology results, they were given to the media instead, and...
  3. H

    Found Deceased Serbia - Matej Periš, 27, left Gotik night club, seen running through streets, Belgrade, 31 Dec 2021

    They said this was impossible for the blood-looking stains on his jeans to be blood because there is no blood in the body of a drowned person, they said it was decomposing fluids, yet they are now saying they found amphetamines in his blood. The whole case is very suspicious. He was stopping...
  4. H

    Found Deceased Serbia - Matej Periš, 27, left Gotik night club, seen running through streets, Belgrade, 31 Dec 2021

    We are missing a few points in here: the last phone signal was caught 2.5 hours after Matej according to the police statement entered the river Sava. The water temperature was low in December and the river was wild, many local fishermen said in these conditions he could have lasted in this...
  5. H

    Found Deceased Serbia - Matej Periš, 27, left Gotik night club, seen running through streets, Belgrade, 31 Dec 2021

    Please can someone help here. Matej's father said several times in different interviews that his mobile phone signal was caught at 4:15 am near Great War Island. It was caught by two cell towers so a precise position is not possible. Now.... A mobile phone signal does not penetrate through...
  6. H

    Found Deceased Serbia - Matej Periš, 27, left Gotik night club, seen running through streets, Belgrade, 31 Dec 2021

    This person running along the person in white is NOT Matej. Police said this person that is wearing similar clothes has just happened to be there by chance and has nothing to do with Matej. Matej run in opposite direction minutes before these two people are running in opposite direction.
  7. H

    Found Deceased Serbia - Matej Periš, 27, left Gotik night club, seen running through streets, Belgrade, 31 Dec 2021

    I would like to add more details to this bizarre case. I have been following the case in close detail and I find it one of the strangest cases I ever came across. I will add the timeline that I know of so far: 1. Matej Peris leaves Split in Croatia with 6 friends in cars. Three of the friends...
  8. H

    Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #20

    From Martin Grime, the dog's trainer, rogatory questioning ( about Eddie, the cadaver dog): "The dog EVRD also alerts to blood from a live human being or only from a cadaver' The dog EVRD is trained using whole and disintegrated material, blood, bone tissue, teeth, etc. and decomposed...
  9. H

    Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #20

    Photo / drinking with friends
  10. H

    Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #20

    In this programme it is noticable that CB often makes hands gestures similar to one on the photo you are investigating. Also, there is another photo of him that I never seen before - sitting at a table with friends and drinking Also, I did not know that a photo of a suspect in MM case showed at...
  11. H

    Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #20

    IMO some of HCW's statements could be a red herring, designed to protect potential witnesses and to hide what they have or are looking for.
  12. H

    Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #20

    Sorry I did not realise you already discussed this. How strange! I remember reading back in 2007 that these dogs would trace the last known scent of a walking person. The question then was whether the dogs would trace the scent of a person who was carried and I remember that these dogs would...
  13. H

    Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #20

    This is what often comes to my mind!
  14. H

    Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #20

    I always wondered about the mention of 5J in the dog handler's statement. I wonder who lived there. And the infamous lamp post, of course.. I wonder if any cars were seen near there. - Initiating the operation, the first sniffer dog, after having smelled the same towel that was used in the...
  15. H

    Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #20

    I believe that discussing the parents in a possible court case within this topic is 1) off topic and 2) not allowed on this forum as it breaches their privacy and also 3) it is touching a conspiracy theory If I am wrong then please forgive me. I would kindly ask a moderator to clarify it.
  16. H

    Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #20

    Could we kindly ask you to stop discussing MMs parents within the context of this thread? If you like to discuss their position I am sure there are other threads outside of this topic.
  17. H

    Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #20

    It was always thought MM was taken in between MO and KM checks. Because when MO was there the window wasn't opened and there was no draft. MO was there at 9.30 pm and KM came in at 10 pm. If the intruder was in all the time and hiding throughout all checks then 90 seconds would be enough for him...
  18. H

    Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #20

    We do not even know the timeline FF is talking about. Why would anyone question GM's timeline of events? May I remind you CB became a suspect because he "admitted" to being involved? He admitted it not once but twice, possibly even to people who don't know each other. He has a criminal...
  19. H

    Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #19

    One Matias is the first name and another is the surname.
  20. H

    Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #19

    If CB claims to have used 2 phones it could be one of his tricks and very hard to prove. That could be 2 people spending some time together and then parting. Only if he constantly say for 10 days has 2 phones on him then this is possible but how would this help the case? Both phones would...

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