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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #4

    RSBM. Courage or stupidity, I'm not sure which. LOL She's behind bars and I am still afraid of her and what she could do if she ever realized that the photos of her and the kids at Animal Kingdom while they were living it up on bond were taken by me and not the person named Dawn that she...
  2. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #4

    So. About Disney adults. Tammy and I met because of Disney and being travel agents at the time. We both booked Disney travel and had specialized training events on-site. I became an agent for a little extra money and to help me save on my own travel. It didn't work like that in the end and I...
  3. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #4

    SM's job at Disney was a contract / seasonal kitchen help for booths at Epcot's Food & Wine Festival that happens every fall. While they do background checks, those charges would not show up as they were pending. It isn't HIPPA but similar in that he is innocent until proven guilty so they...
  4. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #4

    RS&BBM. Totally off topic but Lynn Turner. Whew. That was right here in my county. Her prosecutor was my professor when I was taking paralegal/ Legal Nurse Consultant classes. Comparing TM to her is perfect. Crazy, evil women!
  5. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #4

    I'm no body language expert, but that second picture speaks tons. First, her arms are on top. Most women hug from under. The person who is dominate usually has their arms on top. Dominate can mean size dominance, but also personality. When I hug my husband, I hug from under and his arms are...
  6. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #4

    RS&BBM I think wherever she is, the pregnancy stick or her keys are and it has Sidney's fingerprints on it.
  7. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #4

    Hi all. I had to take a brain and soul break after the verdict and sentencing yesterday so have LOTS to catch up on, but I did want to jump in and tell you about a dream I had last night. Very simple dream without much but a message: I log onto Twitter (in my dream) and the first thing I see...
  8. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #4

    Potential witness. Didn't need her. And/or just did the transport back and forth to make things uncomfortable for them both on the guise of being called.
  9. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #4

    If I recall correctly, she was freaking out in the lady's room.
  10. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #3

    Because A: They wouldn't let him talk to the family. And B. He knows his *advertiser censored* is grass.
  11. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #3

    Open the door to murder charges! Bring 'em!
  12. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #3

    Wow, dude. Leave what you heard on the radio out of your closing arguments unless it actually helps you. That analogy don't hold water, son!
  13. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #3

    I truly believe that all this deflection by the defense just proves the State's case even more, and I am hopeful the jury does, too. I wish I could see the jurors while defense is rambling.
  14. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #3

    Potstickers. PS. Pee Stick. PS. Could potstickers have been code this whole time for the pee stick? "Bring me my trophy." "Yes, ma'am."
  15. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #3

    Seeing the M kids just broke me up a little. They shouldn't be there. No one should be there. Heather should be living her life, those kids should be living what was before a moderately happy, albeit dysfunctional life with two parents. But those parents are selfish. Greedy. Vengeful...
  16. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #3

    Seeing all that teal in the courtroom just now choked me up. I'm changing into something teal now, before the State begins closing arguments.
  17. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #3

    RS&BBM Defense is trying to throw something up to *advertiser censored*-shame the victim for having 'racy' texts 3 days before she goes missing. Am I allowed to call it that? Cause that is what it is. I'm sick and damn tired of victims being shamed for what everyone does. :mad:
  18. Delta Dawn

    GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #3

    "I want people to know the truth." "I want everyone to hear the truth." "I can't wait to tell everyone the truth." "I'll never get a fair trial. I can't wait for my day in court to share what really happened."'s your chance. Do you take it? Of course not! Coward.

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