GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #4

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For some reason, I saw that as a telegraphing to Sydney for a shot across the bow that she only had a few weeks to get it him and get a lesser sentence. After that, she would not be able to go after him and blame him for anything to get less time, but he would still have time to do it to her.

Do it Sydney, wait until her time is up and do it to her.
It was filmed in Wilmington, NC. That's like an hour from my house. Maybe an hour and a half from the Ms (maybe slightly more) Lots of stuff was/is filmed there like: Dawson's Creek, Carrie, Empire Records, A Walk to Remember, Surface, Iron Man 3, Under the Dome, Eastbound and Down, The Longest Ride, Tammy, Sleepy Hollow, Safe Haven, Summer Catch, Good Behavior, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Lolita, Revolution, Idlewild, 28 Days, Matlock and soooo many more.

Me too, I've always found adult obsession with Disney bizarre, but that's me. I had a friend in her 60s that had a handbag, beach towel, flip flops, scarves, etc with Tinker Bell. I never understood it.

I understand how you feel Bestill, and Ohiobuckeyegirl, it is odd with people with these collection of Disney but I think there is a vast difference being a fan and collector but TM like some other people go beyond that. Looking at her photos of Disney trip I clearly felt she was just rubbing it into people faces to make herself feel good and told tell tall stories of her and family lifestyle.

I have a friend he has had over years a vast Disney collection mugs, video DVD posters and figurines that over large two bookshelves.
He is the most level headed person loyal wonderful friend. I remember him moaning, years ago how he did not at the time have girlfriends who stand long. Him asking why, can I not have a girlfriend?
We both looked at his collection and both broke up laughing. His partner,now for many years is not a Disney fan prefers his collection of Disney than him being down at the pub all the time or at the Footy.

Something to amuse you Bestill how someone having a obsession turned a good event for me.......
When I was much younger(going back to the Stone Age) I briefly dated a guy who gave me a real bad time, two timed me etc... Why because He believe he should be the number one person/man my life not second place to my studies etc..... Anyway he dumped me, in a public place as he informed me a much better girl/ person than me gave my her name...... Friends though I was having a breakdown when they saw I was laughing in the toilets..... The reason was, my ex did not know, but I did as I knew the girl, I had been to her flat about six months earlier.
She had a obsessive collection not of Disney but of David Bowie.
He was her number one man in her life.
Search 'Moorer WMBF' on Facebook, came straight up for me, posted 13 hours ago. (Currently 3pm thurs 26th here in Queensland). All kinds of bonkers going on.
Thank you Spangle, found it........ Oh My! Reminds me of the joke of the interesting lovely Family Christmas Dinner when a fight break out and family history comes out.....but to bare it to public .....
We have a thread if anyone wants to go down that rabbit hole. Some of the links still work.


TM's Disney Board Posts
Oh boy...I admit I tried to go there but I got as far as TM calling her mother in law the evil queen and knew I didn’t need to dig further.

ETA:We have seen killers like TM before. The need to control others, manipulative, poor impulse control, sensation seeking, narcissistic, voyeuristic, solitary, just a normal person appearance.

What Makes a Serial Killer? 11 Common Serial Killer Traits
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I can't believe KP's comments on WMBF. "Gator bait Heather." and other choice comments. The taunting and degrading of Heather. He's like a male TM. Lots of laughing faces. Sick. Is that whole damn family freaking nuts?

Reading his comments made my blood boil. He seems like a troll but I wonder if police ever spoke with him.

Reading his comments made my blood boil. He seems like a troll but I wonder if police ever spoke with him.

I feel like I vaguely remember him talking about a police interview, but I can't find anything about it. I did find where his daughter, Whitney, filed a police report claiming someone shot at her car.
Caison family members say they feel frustrated because they think law enforcement has turned a deaf ear on their harassment complaints.

Since Elvis vanished Dec. 18, 2013, there have been at least a dozen known harassment complaints filed by various parties.

No arrests have been made in any of the cases.


Whitney Plusnick, second cousin of Tammy Moorer, filed a report in May saying someone shot at her vehicle on S.C. 90 while driving home from work.
I totally forgot about all of the crazy stuff that happened in 2014. This is a long article, but a good refresher. There are quotes from the Caison/Moorer side throughout, including this little snippet from Christian Moorer, mentioning his "unborn . . . sibling." Groan.
“For Christmas we’re missing our grandfather, my unborn baby sibling and of course, my mom and dad,” said Christian Moorer, the Horry County couple’s eldest son. “We’ll have to spend Christmas without anyone here.”

I recall the writer of this piece, as well as My Horry News, receiving heavy backlash for the tone of this story.

Caisons discuss Tammy Moorer pregnancy, harassment and Heather Elvis case
For some reason, I saw that as a telegraphing to Sydney for a shot across the bow that she only had a few weeks to get it him and get a lesser sentence. After that, she would not be able to go after him and blame him for anything to get less time, but he would still have time to do it to her.

Do it Sydney, wait until her time is up and do it to her.

Yes I hope this too! It'd be pretty karmic.

I can't believe KP's comments on WMBF. "Gator bait Heather." and other choice comments. The taunting and degrading of Heather. He's like a male TM. Lots of laughing faces. Sick. Is that whole damn family freaking nuts?

Was gonna go read but this changed my mind. Pretty sure I would not be able to control myself. I hope someone has turned it in as harassment/maybe knowing more so he can be investigated.
I feel like I vaguely remember him talking about a police interview, but I can't find anything about it. I did find where his daughter, Whitney, filed a police report claiming someone shot at her car.
I totally forgot about all of the crazy stuff that happened in 2014. This is a long article, but a good refresher. There are quotes from the Caison/Moorer side throughout, including this little snippet from Christian Moorer, mentioning his "unborn . . . sibling." Groan.

I recall the writer of this piece, as well as My Horry News, receiving heavy backlash for the tone of this story.

Caisons discuss Tammy Moorer pregnancy, harassment and Heather Elvis case

Yes, My Horry News was awful in covering this case. They posted an article about when the car was first seen and then poof, it was gone, without explanation. I wrote them and asked about it. The person responding said, "the reporter was mistaken". There should have been a retraction and explanation posted, but there was nothing. They always seemed to want to be first with news on the case without vetting the accuracy of what they published.
While we are waiting—another tangent. (I don’t have ADH-hey look! A squirrel!)
Do we have the backstories on TM and SM? Where they grew up, how they met, etc. If it is already on here, would someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you!
Let's be careful discussing others on here. Right now we've not been "checked on" but I don't want the thread shut down. Some may want to edit their comments naming names including family, if you know what I mean??

Not sure what you mean? The person I'm discussing is in a public forum, on a news site referring to the victim as "gator bait" and that no one will find her, etc. I feel that he brought himself into the public eye by making those telling statements. No one brought him up until he made those comments publicly. It's not like anyone just started discussing him. If I'm wrong, I apologize to whomever in advance and have no problem with my post being deleted.
IIRC, SM got a job at Disney (a cook @Epcot) while he was out on bond. That was the excuse used to get permission to move the family from MB to FL. It made me question the integrity of Disney hiring/background checks. He had pending murder charges.

SM's job at Disney was a contract / seasonal kitchen help for booths at Epcot's Food & Wine Festival that happens every fall. While they do background checks, those charges would not show up as they were pending. It isn't HIPPA but similar in that he is innocent until proven guilty so they aren't going to be listed in a basic job background check. Also, those seasonal positions don't get screened as hard as permanent employees and some times the person is hired before the checks are completed, which some of us think happened here, especially if he had a friend that was already a Castmember and vouched for him. But no worries, we got him fired as quickly as possible. And then we made sure they couldn't come back to the Disney campground either.
So. About Disney adults.

Tammy and I met because of Disney and being travel agents at the time. We both booked Disney travel and had specialized training events on-site. I became an agent for a little extra money and to help me save on my own travel. It didn't work like that in the end and I left it because I make more money as a writer who writes about Disney than an agent who sold it. Plus, I hate dealing with clients who think not getting a dinner reservation is a travesty and now their "whole trip is ruined!' o_O

I'm a Disney adult. No, my house isn't Mickey Moused to the nth degree, I don't wear a Disney tee on the daily (as a matter of fact, I never allowed my kids to wear licensed clothing when they were little unless they were outside playing because I personally felt that was tacky). But, as a grown woman, I have a few Disney Dooneys I do carry, and I have a Disney antennae topper on my car (as well as my annual passholder magnet and a vinyl for my Disney media site / podcast). My home office has a lot of Disney stuff in it but no where else in my house will you actually find anything that immediately makes you think Disney obsessed. I go to the parks on average 8-10 times a year and I am seriously considering moving to central Florida because when I'm invited to cover a media event, which is pretty often, it would just be so much easier to already be down there. (Plus I actually like it down there outside of the theme parks.)

I didn't grow up going to Disney, and didn't go until I was an adult with kids myself and even then we went to celebrate my remission from cancer and to take that 'once-in-a-lifetime' family vacay. But, I did fall in love that first trip. Why? Because it was happy. Customer service was amazing. The Disney bubble was real and you were completely isolated from the real world. For me, my real world was courtrooms, exam rooms, conference rooms. I dealt with ugly, terrible things done to humans by other humans on the daily and Disney was finally a place I could just let go and be young at heart again. Free to imagine, play, be inspired. Am I obsessed? I don't think so, but after reading some thoughts on it here, maybe I am. Do I care? Not one whit.

And while I think she is vile and awful and deserves quadruple the time she was sentenced to, she wasn't really obsessed either with Disney, it was more she was obsessed with having the perfect family, life, everything. And unfortunately, Disney always makes things seem perfect, even when they aren't, and she latched onto that hard. She was given credence on the Disboards (by some) and it escalated from there to become one big fairy tale in her mind, where she was the Queen and had married Prince Charming o_O and was now living the happily ever life at her 'resort-style' custom built home. :rolleyes:

Sorry for such a long-winded response but I just wanted to express my own opinion of being a Disney adult and her obsession with the facade of perfect.
So. About Disney adults.

Tammy and I met because of Disney and being travel agents at the time. We both booked Disney travel and had specialized training events on-site. I became an agent for a little extra money and to help me save on my own travel. It didn't work like that in the end and I left it because I make more money as a writer who writes about Disney than an agent who sold it. Plus, I hate dealing with clients who think not getting a dinner reservation is a travesty and now their "whole trip is ruined!' o_O

I'm a Disney adult. No, my house isn't Mickey Moused to the nth degree, I don't wear a Disney tee on the daily (as a matter of fact, I never allowed my kids to wear licensed clothing when they were little unless they were outside playing because I personally felt that was tacky). But, as a grown woman, I have a few Disney Dooneys I do carry, and I have a Disney antennae topper on my car (as well as my annual passholder magnet and a vinyl for my Disney media site / podcast). My home office has a lot of Disney stuff in it but no where else in my house will you actually find anything that immediately makes you think Disney obsessed. I go to the parks on average 8-10 times a year and I am seriously considering moving to central Florida because when I'm invited to cover a media event, which is pretty often, it would just be so much easier to already be down there. (Plus I actually like it down there outside of the theme parks.)

I didn't grow up going to Disney, and didn't go until I was an adult with kids myself and even then we went to celebrate my remission from cancer and to take that 'once-in-a-lifetime' family vacay. But, I did fall in love that first trip. Why? Because it was happy. Customer service was amazing. The Disney bubble was real and you were completely isolated from the real world. For me, my real world was courtrooms, exam rooms, conference rooms. I dealt with ugly, terrible things done to humans by other humans on the daily and Disney was finally a place I could just let go and be young at heart again. Free to imagine, play, be inspired. Am I obsessed? I don't think so, but after reading some thoughts on it here, maybe I am. Do I care? Not one whit.

And while I think she is vile and awful and deserves quadruple the time she was sentenced to, she wasn't really obsessed either with Disney, it was more she was obsessed with having the perfect family, life, everything. And unfortunately, Disney always makes things seem perfect, even when they aren't, and she latched onto that hard. She was given credence on the Disboards (by some) and it escalated from there to become one big fairy tale in her mind, where she was the Queen and had married Prince Charming o_O and was now living the happily ever life at her 'resort-style' custom built home. :rolleyes:

Sorry for such a long-winded response but I just wanted to express my own opinion of being a Disney adult and her obsession with the facade of perfect.

That was some good insight into TM. I think you are correct, she kind of was delusional about her perfect life with 'prince charming' SM. She was living under the false pretense of a perfect life. I think that is what made her snap and the person who 'ruined' her fantasy life had to pay. Although things were not as perfect as she thought in her fantasy life.
So. About Disney adults.

Tammy and I met because of Disney and being travel agents at the time. We both booked Disney travel and had specialized training events on-site. I became an agent for a little extra money and to help me save on my own travel. It didn't work like that in the end and I left it because I make more money as a writer who writes about Disney than an agent who sold it. Plus, I hate dealing with clients who think not getting a dinner reservation is a travesty and now their "whole trip is ruined!' o_O

I'm a Disney adult. No, my house isn't Mickey Moused to the nth degree, I don't wear a Disney tee on the daily (as a matter of fact, I never allowed my kids to wear licensed clothing when they were little unless they were outside playing because I personally felt that was tacky). But, as a grown woman, I have a few Disney Dooneys I do carry, and I have a Disney antennae topper on my car (as well as my annual passholder magnet and a vinyl for my Disney media site / podcast). My home office has a lot of Disney stuff in it but no where else in my house will you actually find anything that immediately makes you think Disney obsessed. I go to the parks on average 8-10 times a year and I am seriously considering moving to central Florida because when I'm invited to cover a media event, which is pretty often, it would just be so much easier to already be down there. (Plus I actually like it down there outside of the theme parks.)

I didn't grow up going to Disney, and didn't go until I was an adult with kids myself and even then we went to celebrate my remission from cancer and to take that 'once-in-a-lifetime' family vacay. But, I did fall in love that first trip. Why? Because it was happy. Customer service was amazing. The Disney bubble was real and you were completely isolated from the real world. For me, my real world was courtrooms, exam rooms, conference rooms. I dealt with ugly, terrible things done to humans by other humans on the daily and Disney was finally a place I could just let go and be young at heart again. Free to imagine, play, be inspired. Am I obsessed? I don't think so, but after reading some thoughts on it here, maybe I am. Do I care? Not one whit.

And while I think she is vile and awful and deserves quadruple the time she was sentenced to, she wasn't really obsessed either with Disney, it was more she was obsessed with having the perfect family, life, everything. And unfortunately, Disney always makes things seem perfect, even when they aren't, and she latched onto that hard. She was given credence on the Disboards (by some) and it escalated from there to become one big fairy tale in her mind, where she was the Queen and had married Prince Charming o_O and was now living the happily ever life at her 'resort-style' custom built home. :rolleyes:

Sorry for such a long-winded response but I just wanted to express my own opinion of being a Disney adult and her obsession with the facade of perfect.

Thank you for the insight, Dawn. I agree that she was trying to find a place where she could have the "perfect" life. The DisBoards certainly provided a perspective, especially how she needed to be "right" and talk about all of her things and Disney experiences.
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