GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #4

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I just saw this on the WPDE page, so I'm confused?

Richardson also answered one of the most asked questions from last week's trial, stemming from a video showing Sidney and Tammy Moorer power washing their truck days after Heather Elvis disappeared.

Richardson said prosecutors have had the video all along. In one trial, a judge blocked them from using it, he explained. In another, it simply didn't fit.

"The case has to play out and become relevant one way or the other," he said. "It wasn't relevant until Ashley [Tammy Moorer's sister] took the stand."

'Justice is a poor substitution:' Prosecutors reflect on Moorer trials, Elvis' whereabouts

So, I wonder which judge blocked it? Could it be that it was blocked in SM's first trial and then Judge Dennis allowed it for the second trial or it was the judge in TM's trial that blocked it?

Random (sorry)
Whomever is the sketch artist that did the sketch shown at the top of that news site of the dunkin donuts robber is amazing. That the best forensic sketch I have seen lol.
I just saw this on the WPDE page, so I'm confused?

Richardson also answered one of the most asked questions from last week's trial, stemming from a video showing Sidney and Tammy Moorer power washing their truck days after Heather Elvis disappeared.

Richardson said prosecutors have had the video all along. In one trial, a judge blocked them from using it, he explained. In another, it simply didn't fit.

"The case has to play out and become relevant one way or the other," he said. "It wasn't relevant until Ashley [Tammy Moorer's sister] took the stand."

'Justice is a poor substitution:' Prosecutors reflect on Moorer trials, Elvis' whereabouts

So, I wonder which judge blocked it? Could it be that it was blocked in SM's first trial and then Judge Dennis allowed it for the second trial or it was the judge in TM's trial that blocked it?
Hm. I didn't catch the entire interview on TV, so I missed that part. Remind me, did AC take the stand in SM's mistrial? Would Judge Culbertson have blocked it in TM's trial?
I'm confused. SM has been sentenced. I dont know how a deal could affect his sentencing after the fact. Now for a future murder trial or some other charges, they could make a deal with a light sentence or immunity. I'm so confused on this. I feel like I have way more questions now after the trial.
Something has bothered me during the entire trial. Why was HE so scared of TM? I've never heard of any threats, etc. The texts such as "Are you ready to meet the Mrs?", calling to TK, etc might make you feel a little scared, but not to the point where you would be terrified like they portrayed it. I'm just missing the bigger picture with it. Did SM tell her something that made her so afraid of the Mrs?
I like the line in the article that they have a lot more evidence not shown. To me that says there may be more coming out.... and a murder trial is still a possibility if they find her. And maybe even if they don't. They aren't letting it all out there to be known. I also think from his statement, there is a decent possibility of finding her body. That means not the ocean, and not burned. Just need to know where to look. Its a start and its hope for closure. Here's hoping Sid finally loses the noose around his neck that TM has and grows back some balls....... and tells EVERYTHING he knows. My gut says even the prosecutes may think he doesn't know EVERYTHING. But i bet miss Ashley is wearing diapers at this point so she doesn't %*%& herself daily. Hey Ash, Ready to take the stand in your OWN defense next???
I just saw this on the WPDE page, so I'm confused?

Richardson also answered one of the most asked questions from last week's trial, stemming from a video showing Sidney and Tammy Moorer power washing their truck days after Heather Elvis disappeared.

Richardson said prosecutors have had the video all along. In one trial, a judge blocked them from using it, he explained. In another, it simply didn't fit.

"The case has to play out and become relevant one way or the other," he said. "It wasn't relevant until Ashley [Tammy Moorer's sister] took the stand."

'Justice is a poor substitution:' Prosecutors reflect on Moorer trials, Elvis' whereabouts

So, I wonder which judge blocked it? Could it be that it was blocked in SM's first trial and then Judge Dennis allowed it for the second trial or it was the judge in TM's trial that blocked it?

I think it was blocked for Sidney's first trial for obstruction of justice. It could not be proven that it was part of an obstructive act. They had other good evidence. I think it was Judge Dennis who wouldn't allow it.

In Tammy's trial, I think the video would not have added anything to the state's case against Tammy. She didn't go to the burn pile even though she was seen washing the passenger side I don't think it would have helped.

I think the strategy to use both videos with Sidney's case was the right one for three reasons.

1. Jurors got to see Sidney not only overly clean his almost brand new truck but they watched Sidney burn the rags. Why would you do that ?

2. Tammy (back at her lair) will only hear about (but not see the video) and it will make her nuts to hear about her and the mirror, her cleaning the truck...... it is a foreshadowing to a possible murder trial testimony which would mean never getting out of prison. Tammy might be more likely to talk if she digests what they have from her own surveillance and how it plays to jurors.

3. Undoubtedly, Ashley is going to come under fire, possibly Polly. This family knows how Ashley doesn't really hold up. So, Ashley might flip even though it would be almost impossible to do and not lose support of the family. Polly wouldn't want both of her girls in prison. If there is an agreement to call off the state for Ashley in exchange for Heather's remains/location, Tammy could probably see her way to initiate it. Ashley looked panicked when the pros. talked about care for Caison (not sure if he has a disability or not) AND Tammy and Ashley do hate it when the "babies" and their care are at risk.

In the end, whichever trial was last was probably going to see this footage. It is a way to hang something out for them to bite on. The footage is damning. It widens the circle of conspirators--- and perjurers. I hope it is Sidney who offers. I think Tammy is much more dangerous and I would hate for her to get a deal. But, if it has to be her, so be it because the Elvis family deserves to have closure and bury Heather if they can.
Hm. I didn't catch the entire interview on TV, so I missed that part. Remind me, did AC take the stand in SM's mistrial? Would Judge Culbertson have blocked it in TM's trial?

This has really got me wondering. Could it be that Culbertson blocked it in TM's trial and since AC testified for the defense the door was opened for the car wash video to be used in SM's trial? Would that be possible, that even though they were separate trials, the door was opened?
Something has bothered me during the entire trial. Why was HE so scared of TM? I've never heard of any threats, etc. The texts such as "Are you ready to meet the Mrs?", calling to TK, etc might make you feel a little scared, but not to the point where you would be terrified like they portrayed it. I'm just missing the bigger picture with it. Did SM tell her something that made her so afraid of the Mrs?

It is inconceivable that Sidney didn't let Heather know the wrath of Tammy. He must have talked about not being able to leave her or what would happen if she found out. I am sure that once the affair was known Heather was also looking at Tammy's FB page and saw what she was saying. Then, Sidney was probably scared which made Tammy larger than life in a Wicked Witch sort of way. If Sidney had the tattoo of Tammy on his belt-line and told Heather he had to get it per Tammy it is pretty scary. Add to that, the repeated calls to the TK, the angry testing, the threatening of a beat down.

Even at her trial, you could see her doing her "know-it-all" non-filtered push back. She outloud said her lawyer was crooked, didn't do his job and she had to do it. Tammy was not a pushover or filtered in any way-- the Beach Ford guy didn't want to deal with her either. She must have come off as an entitled, nasty woman.
TM went to prison in October, so that't about a month away. Did the State give them both a year to come clean with where Heather is? Or is this some type of rule of law? Confused!
Appears they gave the opportunity to both of them to provide information within a year.
If Tammy does provide information, it will be at the day 364 with an hour to go until 365--she will want some control like always.
Appears they gave the opportunity to both of them to provide information within a year.
If Tammy does provide information, it will be at the day 364 with an hour to go until 365--she will want some control like always.

If she doesn't take the deal she's handing the power over to Sid, not sure I see that happening. Think about that...she's stuck and he can spill it all to shorten his sentence and the only reason they are where they are is all because of him and his affair with Heather. Now that his trial is over, which was a smart move by the State, the time is ticking for both of them. He's been found guilty and there's 30 days they are both in the same position. Interesting now that I have a better grasp of it.
Hi all. I had to take a brain and soul break after the verdict and sentencing yesterday so have LOTS to catch up on, but I did want to jump in and tell you about a dream I had last night.

Very simple dream without much but a message: I log onto Twitter (in my dream) and the first thing I see is a tweet from NL that says simply, "I'm not done."

I don't know if Nancy has a Twitter but I have to believe that dream is a sign. Now I'm off to read the 10 bajillion posts I've missed since yesterday. Who knows, maybe I'll read that that is actually happening already? One can hope. :)
I'm just going to put this out there. Because I have so much confusion at this point. After watching the sentencing several times, I'm beginning to think maybe this is the one time SM didn't lie. Maybe he doesn't know where her body is. I have a whole lot of maybes now and it's aggravating me. He takes out the sd card so TM can't keep track of where he's going. He calls HE from payphone. He parks across the street from convenience store, not to hide from cameras, but so no one or TM sees his car at payphone. He calls HE and tells her he's finally leaving TM. Tells her he's going to get the pregnancy test. He goes to Wal-Mart to get the test and locks his doors because TM isn't with him. He buys pregnancy test and cigar (maybe he was happy that HE might be pregnant and he could start his life over with someone who isn't TM). He leaves to meet HE and sometime after, TM appears in PC's car. Hence, the whole "Mom hit a deer and totaled her car" post that night. Then things start to quickly go downhill. SM had assured TM it's over with HE, but here they are together and TM has caught them. Who knows if she has a gun or other weapon and what they are forced to do-because we all know this chick is way over the edge and you don't cross her. After everything is over and done, TM has her dad dispose of HE and won't tell SM where. He can't be trusted. He would crack too easy and give up the info at some point. I just don't put anything past this crazy woman. I've always believed she has threatened SM that she would hurt him and the kids if he even thought about telling someone the truth. Now, I'm not saying SM is totally innocent in all this at all. At a minimum, he should have spoken up and told the truth years ago. It's his fault he's sitting in prison now. Does anyone else think this could be plausible?

Edit: Do we know if PC's car was ever examined for damage or DNA? Was there a police report made after hitting the deer? Was there any video from any of the bars/ restaurants that proved the M's really even worked that night? Sorry for all the questions. I just feel like I have so many more questions now.
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Shout out to the Solicitor’s office (I hope y’all browse here from time to time) for the SCHEDULING of these trials. With SM guilty, her year is almost up. (Need to find exact date but I def think Oct 2018?) Everyone knows or knew or should have known, she wouldn’t crack before his trial with a sliver of hope this went differently. Now there are only a few weeks left to decide. Slow clap to y’all!
I’ve got $5 on her not budging.
Tick tock tick tock.

All I can think of is how much Tammy had to control everything. She needed more to hold over his head. Him not knowing where Heather is did that. She could pull that card out anytime he did anything she didn't like. I think PC has that control too and why she was at that parole hearing. He has to stay the course or murder charges will come. I fully believe wherever she was put, something to implicate sm was put there to as collateral. I think she has spilled to ac and PC knows as well.


I think wherever she is, the pregnancy stick or her keys are and it has Sidney's fingerprints on it.
@ohiobuckeyegirl, I see where you are going. TM and SM have both said they were together and family said it. I think the plan was that if Heather took the test and it was negative, Sidney was off the hook. They would walk away. But, if she was pregnant, there was no way Sidney could have a child with anyone else but Tammy (Tammy wouldn't stand for him having to pay child support or have the perfect marriage look broken, especially since she had been telling everyone she beat him and he was done with cheating-- it would be one more humiliation for Tammy.) They couldn't just assault her b/c everyone knew they were dating and Sidney would be blackballed at businesses.

I think they kidnapped her and either they killed her or had someone else kill her in front of Sidney. I tend to think Tammy was not there for that part. It is my opinion that Sidney was not at the final place where Heather was placed. He may not know where but he does know who knows and that is a start. So, in that sense. he can provide a lead toward closure. I have no doubt in my mind that Tammy wasn't with the people/persons who took her away but she was told. The phone photo testimony by DD says that there was probably more than one person who knew even if after the fact.
Shout out to the Solicitor’s office (I hope y’all browse here from time to time) for the SCHEDULING of these trials. With SM guilty, her year is almost up. (Need to find exact date but I def think Oct 2018?) Everyone knows or knew or should have known, she wouldn’t crack before his trial with a sliver of hope this went differently. Now there are only a few weeks left to decide. Slow clap to y’all!
I’ve got $5 on her not budging.
Tick tock tick tock.

I think it was October 26.
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