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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. M

    Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

    I would bet on LWOP as well.
  2. M

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    As far-fetched as the accidental drowning/ forced cover-up is, I might have admitted to having a smidgen of reasonable doubt... but her behavior in the hours, day, weeks following the supposed accident don't jive with me. She should have been sad, crying, distressed. Instead she was partying...
  3. M

    George Anthony Says He Didn't Believe 'At That Time' His Daughter Killed Caylee

    According to some reports (ahem, IIRC, they were Casey's statements) George and Cindy were considering divorce prior to Caylee's disappearnace. I would be very surprised if they stay together after this trial ends. Unless Casey somehow manages to put the blame on either of her parents where...
  4. M

    George Anthony Says He Didn't Believe 'At That Time' His Daughter Killed Caylee

    I think you nailed it. If George knows he didn't help cover up an accidental drowning, and by accusing George of being part of the cover-up, Casey is admitting to having knowledge of Caylee's death. Then he knows Casey was involved in her disappearance and death from Day 1. He didn't know...
  5. M

    George Anthony Says He Didn't Believe 'At That Time' His Daughter Killed Caylee

    I agree. I really felt for George today. As a parent, I can understand being less than forthcoming early on, wanting to believe Casey was not involved... but after Casey makig hurtful claims against him abusing her and being involved in the cover up of the "accidental" death, well, I think he...
  6. M

    Does Anybody Believe George Sexually Abused Casey? POLL ADDED

    Sure, I think it is possible. 1 in 3 girls are sexually molested before age 18, so I guess there is a 33.3333 % chance she is telling the truth. I am no shrink, but its possible that part of the reason that Casey was such a crappy mother is because she was sexually abused and her own mother...
  7. M

    TX - Childrens Bodies Found in Mass Grave *HOAX*

    I don't know, I am skeptic of the skeptics :) How do you have multiple LE agents confirm DOZENS OF DISMEMBERED CHILDRENS' BODIEs? Not a body, or a body part. That is pretty specific and appears to have been repeated by more than one cop on the scene.
  8. M

    TX - Childrens Bodies Found in Mass Grave *HOAX*

    This is all so creepy! The sex offender son really bugs me... he may not have lived there for over a year, but surely he would be familiar with the area enough to hide things.
  9. M

    Deceased/Not Found CA - Allison "Alliy" Bayliss, 15, San Ramon, 23 May 2011

    How do they know for sure she was suicidal? Is it outside the realm of possibility that she staged this to appear like she was killing herself, but perhaps was running off with a boy or running away from something upleasant in her life? From what I am gathering, there is film of her walking...
  10. M

    8.05.10 -Sources: 2 friends gave Terri Horman cell phones

    I am going to play devil's advocate here and assume that Terri is innocent. In this case, I could see her wanting a phone KH didn't know about. What if she suspected KH, DY or TY are responsible and wanted to be able to speak about it without anyone knowing.
  11. M

    Discussion: Is TH responsible for Kyron's disappearance? #2(POLL ADDED)

    I have been on the fence the entire time, although I have slid both directions more than once. For me, today, listening/watching the presser, I personally felt that Kaine and Desiree were backing away from their prior assertaions that she is involved. Maybe that was planned on their part, to...
  12. M

    Family Press Conferences

    Kaine is sort of backing off the confusion about the science fair set up/presentations/pick up of the project and that it is not unusual for Terri to use his truck when needed
  13. M

    Family Press Conferences

    No prepared statement, taking questions. DY has no specific reason to believe Kyron is being stashed, just a feeling
  14. M

    If TH hid Kyron or worse...what is the motive?

    I guess if I have to believe Terri did it, I would like to think she is hiding him with plans to split reward money when a "good samaritan" finds him.
  15. M

    TH's friends claim LE "has probable cause to arrest TH"

    If it is true, why has she not been arrested yet? If they believe they have enough to arrest/convict her, why wait and give her the opportunity to flee or commit suicide? Unless they no longer believe Kyron is alive and her giving up info leading to his safe return is no longer a possibility.
  16. M

    Kyron's doctors appointment

    Was it just rumor or is it confirmed that his teacher is hearing impaired?
  17. M

    Your Pick for Red Herring

    Cell phone pings Polygraphs Murder for hire allegations
  18. M

    What does LE know that we don't?

    ITA. I don't think they have anything to charge Terri with.

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