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  1. JSinUK

    US couple adopt dead best friend's children

    This has brought a warm smile to my face. With so much evil in the world, and we read about the terrible things some people are capable of on forums such as this, it is so great to see that there are good people out there doing the right thing. The 40 year old mother of four children died...
  2. JSinUK

    Are things worse now..? Crimes and media?? 50's/60's vs today?

    I do think that *advertiser censored* depicting extreme violent, non-consenting sexual activity - rapes, snuff videos, necrophile fantasies, and stuff like that are a massive problem in pushing those with such warped proclivities towards committing terrible sex crimes. Non-consenting *advertiser censored* of this type...
  3. JSinUK

    'Big beast' spotted in Plymouth, UK

    I live only about a mile and a half away from there! But down here in southwest England we hear tales of big cats roaming quite often, usually associated with the nearby Dartmoor National Park. Tales and sightings like this have been cropping up regularly for literally decades. This one is the...
  4. JSinUK

    Tunisia - GUILTY - 38 killed in resort shooting, Port El Kantaoui, 26 June 2015 *Arrests*

    Today in the UK at noon the UK held a one minute's silence for the victims in Tunisia as the planes carrying the bodies were arriving home. In the supermarket in which I work, we stopped what we were doing at noon, as did all the customers. Apart from a couple of crying babies too young to...
  5. JSinUK

    Tunisia - GUILTY - 38 killed in resort shooting, Port El Kantaoui, 26 June 2015 *Arrests*

    Perhaps. But I am not convinced. The kind of scum who see no problem with gunning down innocent tourists are not usually best known for their humanity where children are concerned. But many local people behaved with the utmost bravery and honour. Stories have been emerging of how some of the...
  6. JSinUK

    Tunisia - GUILTY - 38 killed in resort shooting, Port El Kantaoui, 26 June 2015 *Arrests*

    It is now believed that at least 30 of the 38 dead are British, which seems very much to indicate that Britons were the main target. The gunman's father appears to have disowned the gunman and his actions. But there are reports that perhaps three gunmen were involved, more than originally...
  7. JSinUK

    Tunisia - GUILTY - 38 killed in resort shooting, Port El Kantaoui, 26 June 2015 *Arrests*

    Actually, that's a very good point. Feel a bit dumb now for not checking that out myself. I just assumed it was a new thread without checking. Thanks for putting things straight, though. And I was one of those non-American posters who contributed a post in the gay marriage thread recently, so I...
  8. JSinUK

    Tunisia - GUILTY - 38 killed in resort shooting, Port El Kantaoui, 26 June 2015 *Arrests*

    For sure. Which is a very timely reminder for us all to bear in mind that not all muslims in muslim countries are evil. In most such countries - including in Tunisia - the real nutters are only a minority. This man deserves recognition for his actions.
  9. JSinUK

    Tunisia - GUILTY - 38 killed in resort shooting, Port El Kantaoui, 26 June 2015 *Arrests*

    Thing is, these nutjobs can travel around. They don't need to restrict themselves to muslim countries. I fear that at some point, a couple of these nutters are going to show up outside the USA but somewhere where lots of Americans take vacations - eg some beach in Mexico or something like that...
  10. JSinUK

    Sweden - Gay Marriage Now Legal In.....

    I may be a Brit, but I have a gay female American friend, who is overjoyed with this decision. And I am pleased for her. After all, if two adults want to get married, why the hell should it matter whether they are man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman? If they are happy together and...
  11. JSinUK

    Tunisia - GUILTY - 38 killed in resort shooting, Port El Kantaoui, 26 June 2015 *Arrests*

    I know. And I've just checked out the legalisation of gay marriage thread - 671 responses and well over 40,000 views. Compared to this terrorist atrocity with nearly 40 dead - 21 responses and a little under 450 views. I can only conclude that either the American media is letting their public...
  12. JSinUK

    Tunisia - GUILTY - 38 killed in resort shooting, Port El Kantaoui, 26 June 2015 *Arrests*

    The majority of this forum's membership are Americans, and these terrorist attacks appear to have been under-reported in the US media. Right now the aftermath of the Charleston massacre and the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage - understandably big news in America - appear to have crowded out...
  13. JSinUK

    Tunisia - GUILTY - 38 killed in resort shooting, Port El Kantaoui, 26 June 2015 *Arrests*

    The answer to that basically boils down to economic self-interest. Saudi Arabia sits on such vast oil resourses, that even making these temporarily unavailable through conflict - with the risk of Saudi extremists blowing the oil wells up and putting them out of action for months - would have an...
  14. JSinUK

    Tunisia - GUILTY - 38 killed in resort shooting, Port El Kantaoui, 26 June 2015 *Arrests*

    Saddam Hussein was an evil man, but we in the west choose other evil men as allies, eg that dude in Uzbekistan whose regime is prone to boiling it's own political dissidents alive. Saddam Hussein - although capable of local land grabs if he thought he could get away with it - was not our enemy...
  15. JSinUK

    Tunisia - GUILTY - 38 killed in resort shooting, Port El Kantaoui, 26 June 2015 *Arrests*

    Apologies. Have heard from my work colleague, and it is with some relief that I realise I got it wrong. He is actually in Egypt and not Tunisia. The death toll is now up to 37, with Brits, Irish, Germans, and Belgians known to be among the dead
  16. JSinUK

    Tunisia - GUILTY - 38 killed in resort shooting, Port El Kantaoui, 26 June 2015 *Arrests*

    We'd have been better off letting vicious dictators like Saddam Hussein stay put to keep these scum down. That's why destabilising the region with an invasion was so counter-productive. Trouble is, we have now allowed a monster to be spawned which threatens all of us. I think at some point we...
  17. JSinUK

    WA - FUGITIVES, Glen Feinman, age 33, and Deanna Tampico, age 33, who are dating.

    I haven't seen this story updated anywhere here, so I did some searching and there is good news. This evil pair were recaptured in Utah......
  18. JSinUK

    GUILTY Australia - Boy, 7, tortured & beaten to death, Sydney, 21 May 2013

    Ten years!!! Australia seems to be as bad as my UK when it comes to pathetic sentences. At the very least that mother stood by and allowed the boyfriend to torture her kid for months, eventually killing him. And then she tried to lie to protect his sorry *advertiser censored* after her own kid was already dead at...
  19. JSinUK


    British woman murdered man accused of paedophile offenses, then handed herself in.....
  20. JSinUK

    GUILTY UK - Michael Pleasted, 77, stabbed to death, Canning Town, London, 28 Nov 2014

    A British woman has murdered a man she was previously friendly with once he was charged with paedophile offenses against boys under 13. She later handed herself in to police...... This...

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