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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. W

    Teen Cancer Patient not Allowed to Graduate with her Class

    Where I live we have the graduation or commencement ceromony in October / November. Graduate in June don't get diploma until Oct./Nov. - I guess it is for those students who do go to summer school to finish off credits. It isn't always fair as most are in University or colleges and have to come...
  2. W

    WA/Canada - Human feet washing ashore

    here is an article I found:
  3. W

    WA/Canada - Human feet washing ashore

    I read somewhere it may be from a small plane thet crashed - two brothers, in fact the police have taken DNA from the mens father to see if it is them. The family really believe that is the case. I read it last week on, or, but I cannot find the article now. I know someone...
  4. W

    Anyone about Canada?

    Canadian real estate, but I would suggest renting first till you find a neighborhood you like then buy.
  5. W

    Anyone about Canada?

    If you are thinking of Ottawa you will need French it is our capital (very bilingual) But you might want to consider London, Windsor close to the Detroit border, or Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga, Brampton, Toronto close to the Buffalo border. You may also consider moving to...
  6. W

    Anyone about Canada?

    Regarding French - yes they teach it in the school, but in Ontario it only start to be taught in grade four. In Quebec it is taught in Kindergarten. Ontario hospital the Dr ususally speak english - but the general public speaks many languages like Mandrin, Punjabi, etc. and in the that was just...
  7. W

    Anyone about Canada?

    I live in Ontario, depending where you move will depend on your school - each municipality has their own school board. In Onatrio the kids have to take an EQUAO test in Grade 3, 6 and Grade 10 they must pass the test to graduate high school - these are provinical test. Also in High School it is...
  8. W

    Cdn Brenda Martin held in Mexico prison

    I really hope she is released soon. Harper is not doing a damn thing to help her. One thing that is starting is Brenda mom is getting alot more press. Maybe that will push Canadians to demand that the Harper government start doing more than talking to the Mexican authorities. Where is our...
  9. W

    Cdn Brenda Martin held in Mexico prison

    Thanks Patience. I cannot believe it took the Cdn govm't this long to get involved. That poor women. Plus Alyn Waage has said to the Mexican courts that she was not involved. This case was featured on CTV's W5. I pray she is home soon.
  10. W

    Identified! Canada - Toronto, deceased male, 1993 - Russell Pensyl

    Hey that was you I saw yesterday on Global. Congrats.
  11. W

    Missing 8 mth pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #6

    Has it been confirmed if Christina knew of the rape charges against her husband? If it was kept hush hush she may not have been aware. JMO
  12. W

    CANADA CANADA - ROBERT PICKTON, Pig Farm Killer, Vancouver, 1990'S

    Jury asked the judge a question. here is a link to the news article.
  13. W

    CANADA CANADA - ROBERT PICKTON, Pig Farm Killer, Vancouver, 1990'S

    Taximom I don't know if Picton was smart enough to pull this off and get away with it for so long. Plus with all the weirdos that came and went on his farm it hards to tell if he did this or if one of the other "unsavory" characters that hung around him did it. Plus as a side note a guy...
  14. W

    Where's Maddie ( 48 hours mystery to air saturday)

    Well in Canada the 48 hours that was on was on about a couple in Ohio and how the husband was charged. So I didn't get to watch the 48 Hours about Madeleine McCann. :mad: Was it any good?
  15. W

    Suppose, just suppose, DP is innocent?

    I agree with you I believe he is guilty. I can't image any mother that wouldn't check on her kids while away. And it seemed to me she was the kids main caregiver - she got them up for school fed them clothes them. Every Drew made a comment like it hard getting the older kids ready in the...
  16. W

    Make a case for Drew Peterson's innocence here.

    Sorry wish I could provide something but I think Drew is guilty. I also try to stay on the fence / give the benefit of the doubt but in this case my gut tells me he is guilty.
  17. W

    Where's Maddie ( 48 hours mystery to air saturday)

    If I remember to watch, get the TV on something other than hockey or the kids go to bed with no problem I'll try to do a write up. Go Sens Go
  18. W

    Suppose, just suppose, DP is innocent?

    Why? If she just decided to take off for a couple of weeks why would she look to see if there was any news about her. If we believe Drew she told him she was taking a vacation. She wouldn't need to suspect people would be looking for her - but where is her cell phone and why hasn't she answered...
  19. W

    Suppose, just suppose, DP is innocent?

    I live in Canada and the only news I hear about this case is from here on websleuths - it also isn't mentioned on the local US news channels I watch so it not getting that much media attention. So if and that is a big IF she did go off somewhere she may not be aware of all the media attention...

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