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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. B

    Identity Theft ...Anthony's

    My guess is that this has happened and Cindy is not the only one mentioned in the documents that it has happened to. Those documents were redacted extremely poorly. They showed everyone's SS#s, addresses, dobs, phone #s, etc. I actually tried to email WDTV and a couple of other sites that posted...
  2. B

    The "Missing" sworn statement......

    My guess is that what they mean is that with Caylee's DNA they could determine who her father is, not that her father's DNA was found.
  3. B

    Who should be responsible for this crime?

    Bipolar disorder is not a personality disorder, it is a mood disorder, and is an Axis 1 diagnosis according to DSM-IV, thus placing it closer to a psychotic type disorder than an Axis 2 personality disorder. People can have both bipolar disorder and a personality disorder but they are not one...
  4. B

    Fox Orlando Mobile Web Cam

    I think this webcam is sick. These people now know their granddaughter died most likely at the hands of their daughter. Despite whatever they have done, none to aid their daughter none of us can imagine what these people are emotionally going through. Justice will come, and this webcam does...
  5. B

    Prayer Thread for Caylee-Members come and agree together

    I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of god in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 O God, grant to the soul...
  6. B

    Official Documents To Be Released Today

    So this is sort of a tall demand, but was there anything interesting in PDF 3? A little ways into #2 I realized that the documents had not been redacted properly, and the social security numbers of a number of witnesses were visible. I emailed the station and suggested because so much...
  7. B

    A QUESTION for lawyers: If Casey admitted things to her attorney

    Attorney client privilege is sacrosanct, A lawyer may not violate the confidences of their client in any way, to do so is considered a very serious breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct. The narrow exceptions to the rule is if an attorney is given physical evidence of a crime personally...
  8. B

    Your very first impression of this case

    I first heard a CNN report with the 911 calls, shortly after the story broke. My first impression, I admit, sounds kind of horrible and cynical, but I immediatly thought the mother killed the child intentionally and attempted putting off detection by not reporting her missing. About 2 weeks...
  9. B

    Question about "new charges"

    I think they are trying to get leverage as well, but I do not see the utility I would not subject myself to a probable homicide charge in exchange for dropping a theft 1 and 2. I think it would amount to malpractice for her lawyer to suggest that to her. I think what they are really trying...
  10. B

    Death Threats

    I would not be surprised if this is happening and Cindy is telling the truth. Prior to my employment my law firm worked for the archdiocese of our area helping negotiate settlements in some of the priest molestation cases. To this day we all recieve random death threats, even those who did not...
  11. B

    Question about "new charges"

    No they do not have to cooperate. It is the state's decision not the victims decision on how/when to pursue criminal charges once a crime has been reported. It would be helpful if they cooperated, but it is not necessary. Here, Cindy would have a hard time denying the theft. Also in most states...
  12. B

    Convictions of Murder Without A Body

    There are fluids which may be in the stain unique to human decomposition. Upon putrafecation fluids with such lovely names as putrazine and cadaverine may be excreted. These could not come from a live body. It would really depend on the level of decomposition that occured in the car.
  13. B

    Convictions of Murder Without A Body

    My concern is that without the body, with out the cause of death, with out a weapon, without a motive other than that she wanted to party, etc the circumstantial chain will not be strong enough on appeal. Does anyone know if FL has a homicide by abuse or depraved indifference murder statute...
  14. B

    Sodium Pentothal

    I first want to say that this is not directed at anyone specifically, I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion and is entitled to express it. It makes me extremely sad that in this day and age people value our constitutional system so little that they would be willing to water board...
  15. B

    Sodium Pentothal

    The problem is not that using truth serum would be discrimination, but it would be a gross violation of constitutional rights and it is scientifically unreliable. First we all have an absolute right against self incrimination, when we say questioning stops or we need the assistance of counsel...
  16. B

    Jose Baez

    St. Thomas must be ABA accredited because he was allowed to sit for the bar exam. I know in my state when I was sitting for the bar you had to have a JD from an ABA accredited school. As many states have reciprocity now I am assuming that I that most states require a JD from ABA accredited...
  17. B

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #69

    Psychopathy/sociopathy may indeed be organic, in fact researchers have discovered differences in the brain composition of those scoring high on the Hare Psychopathy checklist and those that are "normal" they problem psychopaths present is one of management and they force us to make a value...

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