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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. cjcord

    MI MI - Ronald & Christine Jabalee, both 58, New Baltimore, 6 Oct 2006

    He MAY have killed them..or he was sleepwalking?:waitasec: Could this baffling statement have been made while he was on #13 of the Vicodin? I'm not being offensive or sarcastic- just wondering if such an incriminating statement could be excused if he were under the influence of opiates...
  2. cjcord

    Heart Shaped Sticker And Duct Tape #3

    hm. Went away all afternoon so I'm trying to catch up. Just for my eye's sake (reading is hard right now) can someone explain why exactly we have been discussing stickers and their inherent shinyness-glitteriness for so many pages? TIA
  3. cjcord

    George's Possible "Suicide" Letter

    What baffles me...over and over again, is the amount of bleeding hearts who would have everyone crucified for wanting to know the contents of these communications. So far, all we know is hearsay. What IF these texts and the letter has major evidential value? What IF some people are correct in...
  4. cjcord

    George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#2

    respectfully snipped you're not the only one. Only I go one more step, and place CA firmly in the driver's seat for this one. She will do anything to get Casey out. And George will do anything for CA. As has been proven. Just MOO though, as always.
  5. cjcord

    2009.01 Document Release @ Any Moment Now

    all I see are motions to compel...not the actual docs asked for. am I missing something?
  6. cjcord

    OMG! Could This Be Where She Got The Nanny's Name From???

    LOl...sorry, but that tickled me. We just had this very discussion yesterday, wonder if a SM poster is cross posting:D ETA: the conclusion of the discussion, or where it left off, I think was that there were a few Gonzales' and a first name Zenaida, but they may or may not have lived on the...
  7. cjcord

    Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee Pt. 2

    from last thread: Just a throw in here: It is my understanding that NG has her own show for these very reasons. Her attitude and opinions and method of conducting her...erm...interrogations:) I feel it foolish for guests to agree to appear on her show without expecting this very behavior. But...
  8. cjcord

    Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

    Psst- we have a #2 thread for this topic now!!
  9. cjcord

    Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee Pt. 2

    thank you for the continued thread!
  10. cjcord

    Caylee's Funeral

    Playing fair here: a guardian ad litem is for living children, from what I believe. Caylee is no longer eligible for that. That being said, legally, her mother has full rights over what happens to her. Please try to keep in mind, Casey has not been convicted- until she is, she has the right...
  11. cjcord

    Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

    true. But i HIGHLY recommend the rainforest jumperoo :D sorry...back on topic^^
  12. cjcord

    Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

    Is it appropriate at this point to perhaps begin a #2 thread for this topic? 42 pages seems a bit extreme....or am I crazy?
  13. cjcord

    Anthony Home And Floor Plans

    lol Flickr is a photo uploading program. The link I posted above goes directly to your floor plan you last posted, which I uploaded on my own flickr account- that way even new posters (who cannot view WS site uploaded images) can view it as well:)
  14. cjcord

    Anthony Home And Floor Plans

    Thank you! Here it is:
  15. cjcord

    Anthony Home And Floor Plans

    I uploaded it to flickr, but I'm not sure if it is ok with mods if I post a link. Let's check:) ETA: waiting for mod response!
  16. cjcord

    Caylee's Funeral

    Sorry if this has been brought up and discussed to death, but legally- can they STOP LP from attending a public event? I mean, making him FEEL unwelcome is one thing, but unless it is private, I fail to see how they would actually keep him out>.<
  17. cjcord

    Anthony's Deceptions and Seeking Full Immunity#3 Poll Added

    I'm glad I searched for this before I brought it up^^. I personally feel this is EXACTLY what their plans are. I feel that with the evidence LE has, there is nothing the A's could offer that would require immunity at this point, EXCEPTING a confession to save their child. Now; would it be...
  18. cjcord

    Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

    Regarding using duct tape to stop fluid leakage...hmmm. That doesn't quite sit right with me. Not in this situation at least. If it WAS a rage incident, Casey's adrenaline would have pumping too much for her to think of a logical course of action that way. In this situation, my opinion is that...
  19. cjcord

    Anthony Home And Floor Plans

    Please do! I was just looking for my discs so I could do one as well^^ and IS an addiction! (hence why my sims game is now missing...) *waits for evil husband to give up the goods*
  20. cjcord

    Anthony Home And Floor Plans

    :p I may have to try one in S2 just to see if i do as well.... that is TOO funny! *goes off to try*

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