Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

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oh god i cant even go there :( imagining her like that .. im sorry its off topic but it makes me cry

I'm sorry, my intent isn't to be shocking or hurtful. It's just KC carrying a dead baby past George? I don't think so..
Why not?

Some guy, just this Christmas, pretty much decided he was going to get his ex-wife so bad he went to her parents, shot up the place, including shooting an 8 year old girl who answered the door in the face, then burned down the house. 9 people died, including the ex-wife and her parents. It appears the only reason he killed himself afterwards is because he was badly burned setting the house on fire, as LE found another car, and transportation arrangements for his getaway. Everyone who I heard they talked to, including family of the deceased, said this was a good guy, and there were no signs this was coming.
Unfortunately, this is just one of many stories with the same theme.
So, again, why not?

I don't think the cases are comparable really. This man went on a violent rampage. The man actually killed the target of his anger, his ex wife. If the situation was comparable, KC would have killed not only Klee, but her entire family. Rather she appears to show great affection for the entire family, especially her Mother. And the affection flows equally from CA to KC! There is no evidence to suggest a violent rampage from KC. Rather, there seems to be evidence of a cold calculated plan, hatched over a number of months to rid herself of the burden of her daughter. Finally, if the motive was to make CA angry and to get back at her, it sure backfired didn't it? I mean CA has been 100% loving and supportive of KC, and well, KLee unfortunately has been an afterthought for Grams.

I also believe that there are more plausible explanations that have nothing to do with "getting back at the mother who made her angry". For example, realizing that she wasn't the center of attention she thought she would be as a mother, and life was so much more fun without a child to take care of. You see, my belief is that KC actually thought her story would "fly". That everybody would simply take her word that baby = gone. That was how her mind was working. Simple. Just keep saying Zanny did it and folks would feel sorry for you and you could live the "good life" again. No killing family, no guns, no fires, no burns, just no baby and loving life again.
I don't think the cases are comparable really. This man went on a violent rampage. The man actually killed the target of his anger, his ex wife. If the situation was comparable, KC would have killed not only Klee, but her entire family. Rather she appears to show great affection for the entire family. There is no evidence to suggest a violent rampage from KC. Rather, there seems to be evidence of a cold calculated plan, hatched over a number of months to rid herself of the burden of her daughter. I also believe that there are more plausible explanations that have nothing to do with "getting back at the mother who made her angry". For example, realizing that she wasn't the center of attention she thought she would be as a mother, and life was so much more fun without a child to take care. You see, my belief is that KC actually thought her story would "fly". That everybody would simply take her word that baby = gone. That was how her mind was working. Simple. Just keep saying Zanny did it and folks would feel sorry for you and you could live the "good life" again. No killing family, no fires, no burns, just no baby and loving life again.

I didn't read very far back, so I was taking your post as you just didn't believe someone would do something like this for such a stupid reason, and that is where these cases are comparable.
From this post, I think you and I are pretty much on the same page. I do think getting back at her mother was part of it, but not the only thing by a long shot.
I tried before to sort out if the bag was closed. I hope it was. Are you sure of that?

The condition of the bag is in the S Birch LE interview.

It had yellow pull ties and he said they looked inside. He didn't say it had to be untied first. You would think since Mr B was tossing it into his own trash can he would have tied it off first, I don't remember if he said he did or not...
Is it not true the DP can be taken away if it will only serve to cause more harm to the victims or the victims families?

In this case as long as they are not charged with any crimes that would include CA and GA. The dp will not bring Caylee back, so aside from the public which includes many people who would offer to carry out the sentence themselves, who does the dp serve? And, is this why it was removed?

Prosecutors are not nice people. If they had proof of a premeditated murder, they would have let the Judge decide on death or not.
I'm sorry but I'm not really sure why ANYONE is introducing the idea that the tape found on the remains is GAFF TAPE and not DUCT TAPE. Two TOTALLY DIFFERENT types of tape. All the reports from LE, etc. that have been reported in the media have referred only to DUCT TAPE.

Here is what gaff tape is:

Here is what duct tape is:

Although both are pressure sensitive, one is backed with cotton material and the other vinyl.

PLEASE, PLEASE don't try to confuse the issue ... it makes me think that anyone that tries to say gaff tape was with the remains is trying to point the finger at someone who has not been implicated and is merely involved because she just happens to be a friend of the accused.

The day that the remains were found on Dec. 11, I distinctly remember some of the news anchors talking about gaff tape... not duct tape. I clearly remember Dr. Baden appearing on Fox News about midday, holding up a roll of gaff tape and demonstrating how it would have to leave fingerprints or even saliva if it was torn with the teeth. He is not the only one I heard mention this gaff tape on t.v. in the early days. I think I remember it being said on CNN as well, but not positive on that. I also heard Geraldo use that term. I know that Geraldo is not the best source for information, but I do recall several people on Fox using that term. Later on, everybody started saying duct tape, and I wondered about that. I had never heard of gaff tape and certainly never heard that the two types were interchangable.
Is it appropriate at this point to perhaps begin a #2 thread for this topic? 42 pages seems a bit extreme....or am I crazy?
I have SO many incriminating things looked up on my computer from this case. I would have to subpoena all of the regulars here to tell what we were looking up just so they would believe me. LOL

Fortunately we all seem to keep track of our kids and no one here has ever claimed to chloroforming them so they can get more WS time.
Fortunately we all seem to keep track of our kids and no one here has ever claimed to chloroforming them so they can get more WS time.

true. But i HIGHLY recommend the rainforest jumperoo :D

sorry...back on topic^^
Just after Caylee was found to have tape on her Geraldo was giving an impromp-to 'breaking news' deal. He was the one calling it gaff tape. He called it that several times. Michael Baden was there with a roll of duct/duck tape and was calling it duct tape and doing a demonstration of just how good the tape was at collecting prints and tissue. He also pointed up that it would be nearly impossible to use with latex/rubber gloves too. Baden also demonstrated tearing the tape with his teeth and leaving DNA evidence behind.

So...blame the Gaff tape on Geraldo. I was watching 'live' and I honestly couldn't understand why one of them was saying duct and the other gaff. I didn't even know what Gaffer tape was.

Hi Origrammi
bold me
I remember watching that segment with Geraldo.
I was curious as to why he was referring to it as gaff tape and not duct tape.
I would believe most households have duct tape in the the tool box but not gaff tape.
I do it all the time, Just think if LE took anyone of a WS's computer, we'd be up creek without an alibi

cinny we have hundreds of other members to alibi us if we needed, remember that anytime you (not you personally, you meaning any of us) post something snarky, the poster you snark maybe called to your defense in the future and always play nice!!
dtown, Take a deep breath and let me put my two cents in here. I'm retired from a 22-year career as a reporter. So, I just feel the need to respond to your many post concerning the media's handling of this news.
The reporter is not personally reporting about this case and the evidence. This is not the reporter's opinion. What you are reading is what the reporter has gathered from the sources. That's what reporting is all about - gather the news from the sources on your beat and put it out to the public.
No where in the article does it say this information comes from an "unnamed" source. It clearly states "Sources close to the case..." The persons who relayed this information do not have to be named. And, please note the story says sources. That's plural. More than one source.
There are many types of sources a reporter will use. Ones you can readily attach a name to and those you can't identify by name or they would no long be your source. But over time they have proven to be reliable and truthful sources. So, a reporter feels safe using the source they can not identify by name.
I personally used sources, some in the courts and cop shop beats, who willingly gave up information (or as you call it - leak) which when checked was true. They do it for many reasons - sometimes because the information is going to be released shortly anyway. Other times as part of a controlled plan to get certain facts out to the public eye and defense experts and attorneys. It happens all the time. What you need to understand, by "leaking" the information, that source or person, is working the case. They only release what they know can be reported without giving away the entire case's investigative results.
Casey is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. She will receive a fair trial. You call what is reported as irresponsible. However, it would be professionally irresponsible for the reporter to not include facts they have gathered from their sources.
You can bet the facts the reporter brings to the story are checked and backed up before they are aired or seen in print. Despite what you may think, the media is very aware of the consequences of reporting something that is false.
You do not believe the press has the right to report from its sources what has been said about the defendant's guilt; then that means you also believe the media should not be allowed to report what Casey's defense team and supporters have to say about her being innocent.
Regardless of what I've written here, you may still want to challenge what has been printed in this report. I encourage you to do that. Contact the news medium that released this story. Talk with both the reporter and editor. Perhaps what they point out will allow you to take a different view on how the news is reported and the safeguards that allow it to brought to the people.

I appreciate and respect everything you said. However, just because you were a respectable journalist, does not mean every reporter is. And it's natural for discriminating minds to question who these 'sources' are. I have believed that the OCSO was doing an excellent job throughout this case, but yet I distrust some "source close to the investigation" leaking such incriminating information now. That information, if it is true, would ensure that Casey has no chance to get a fair trial. Every potential juror in Florida is going to think, "well, they said back in January that she was guilty of premeditated murder, so we have to believe that."
I heard NG say last night that the death penalty was back on the table. How does she know this, was this stated by these 'sources?'
I'm sorry, but even NG questioned this female reporter last night about how close to Casey or the Anthonys was she personally. I recall that she got a startled look on her face, as if she was not expecting that to come up. Makes me wonder... why is the prosecution putting this information out now? Why not save it for the trial?
And..... "sources close to the investigation" could mean anything. It could mean some little deputy who has only been out of the academy for a month who happened to walk past the detectives and overheard something. Not good enough. I will believe this when I hear it from one of the lead detectives or the sheriff himself in a press conference.
I have no doubt that Casey will be convicted. I am just cautious about believing everything I hear from "sources" because I know that the media does not always report facts.
But in reality, why wouldn't he just say I saw her the 15th? Why didn't Cindy lie and say she saw her also? It doesn't make sense to lie about seeing her,imo.

Perhaps because there was allegedly a big fight on the 15th and some people's theory is that she took Caylee and left in a big ole huff. This goes counter to the A's stated story that everything was "normal" cotton candy everything's dandy tale of June 15th complete with tucking Caylee and 22 year old Casey into bed that night. Well, if this is true, perhaps the A's didn't want anyone to know about the alleged fight and neck squeezing!

[Yes, I know Casey's cellphone pinged at or near the A family home early morning on June 16. I don't know if I believe she was there or maybe down the road or at Lee's. I'll wait to see the text messages between her and TonE to see if it clarifies where she was at (i.e., asking TonE to come over).]
The day that the remains were found on Dec. 11, I distinctly remember some of the news anchors talking about gaff tape... not duct tape. I clearly remember Dr. Baden appearing on Fox News about midday, holding up a roll of gaff tape and demonstrating how it would have to leave fingerprints or even saliva if it was torn with the teeth. He is not the only one I heard mention this gaff tape on t.v. in the early days. I think I remember it being said on CNN as well, but not positive on that. I also heard Geraldo use that term. I know that Geraldo is not the best source for information, but I do recall several people on Fox using that term. Later on, everybody started saying duct tape, and I wondered about that. I had never heard of gaff tape and certainly never heard that the two types were interchangable.

In the message that Amy sent to KC regarding a missing roll of tape, Amy called it gaff tape.

I remember this because I read it right after the GR show, thinking Amy must have "borrowed" it from the theater where she worked and was planning on returning it!!
Is it appropriate at this point to perhaps begin a #2 thread for this topic? 42 pages seems a bit extreme....or am I crazy?

I'll find a mod, I was thinking the same thing.

ETA We're all alone here kids not a mod to be found so I guess we can start part 2 ourselves or just carry on...
The swimsuit, if it exist would prove GA was lying about seeing them on the 16th.

I also question George's version of that's days events.
Casey could have left and came back to the home after Cindy left for work. Unless she stayed home because she had no other place to go, her anger was festering all night, she was on the phone with TL most of the night.

Should we assume Cindy would have told George about the events of the previous day? Going to Mt Dora to visit Cindy's dad, having dinner with her mother, then Cindy being confronted about Casey stealing from the grandparents..getting back home and (allegedly) confronting Casey, the fight, the choking...
If George was aware of the previous day's events would he be so calm and have no "words to say" at all to Casey? like it's just another day.. La Di Da.
What transpired on June 15 and June 16 between Casey and Cindy and even possibly George has me very curious
In the message that Amy sent to KC regarding a missing roll of tape, Amy called it gaff tape.

I remember this because I read it right after the GR show, thinking Amy must have "borrowed" it from the theater where she worked and was planning on returning it!!

Did Amy call it gaff tape in the text message?:confused:
I remember reading duct tape. (will have to go find it again to read LOL)
I thought Amy said something like thanks for losing my duct tape, I was happy to still have some left, goes to show what I get for loaning you my purse (Paraphrasing)
I appreciate and respect everything you said. However, just because you were a respectable journalist, does not mean every reporter is. And it's natural for discriminating minds to question who these 'sources' are. I have believed that the OCSO was doing an excellent job throughout this case, but yet I distrust some "source close to the investigation" leaking such incriminating information now. That information, if it is true, would ensure that Casey has no chance to get a fair trial. Every potential juror in Florida is going to think, "well, they said back in January that she was guilty of premeditated murder, so we have to believe that."
I heard NG say last night that the death penalty was back on the table. How does she know this, was this stated by these 'sources?'
I'm sorry, but even NG questioned this female reporter last night about how close to Casey or the Anthonys was she personally. I recall that she got a startled look on her face, as if she was not expecting that to come up. Makes me wonder... why is the prosecution putting this information out now? Why not save it for the trial?
And..... "sources close to the investigation" could mean anything. It could mean some little deputy who has only been out of the academy for a month who happened to walk past the detectives and overheard something. Not good enough. I will believe this when I hear it from one of the lead detectives or the sheriff himself in a press conference.
I have no doubt that Casey will be convicted. I am just cautious about believing everything I hear from "sources" because I know that the media does not always report facts.

(bold mine) ITA w bolded! We have good reason for skepticism, not only the State's natural desire to apply pressure (and according to some, poison the jury pool) but the media scrambling to beat the competition and come up w any kind of sensationalistic "story." Until the trial, I take it ALL w a HUGE block of salt. JMO
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