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DNA Solves
  1. Infojunkie

    For WM3 supporters re if Echols admits guilt

    I just donated to WM3, so for those that say it's over, it isn't. They want to fight, and I will be there. Freedom is fine, but innocence is better. The WM3 want to prove they didn't do it, and that's what I've wanted since I became aware of their cause. Being released, this way with the plea...
  2. Infojunkie

    Viable suspect: Damien Echols

    And how old was he? And did HE know that? He was a teenager, what would you do? As an adult I don't even know what I would do except to answer the truth as I knew it. And in regard to his long was he questioned for? When was he told he could talk to lawyer? When was he told...
  3. Infojunkie

    48 Hours and Paradise Lost; West Memphis Three

    Finally. It's been so long, too long. The plea isn't perfect but at least they can continue to fight for their innocence while free without the fear of the death penalty weighing on their minds. For the 2 non death penalty recipients, it was a big sacrifice for one the one death row. I hope and...
  4. Infojunkie

    George has KC's car destroyed #2

    So for those who disagree with what has been done to the care, what should've been done with it? So many have yelled and ranted that George and Cindy would auction it off for money, and they didn't. You obviously don't like what they chose instead. So what should they have done with it?
  5. Infojunkie

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    This to me speaks volumes as to why Casey got away with murder. Confuse the jury with another despicable crime for the sole purpose of confusing the verdict. Most intelligent people see through this, but we didn't have that benefit this time. We got the dull side of crayon box.
  6. Infojunkie

    Legal Questions for our Verified Lawyers #4

    I've read about a supposed Martha Stewart Law that opens the accused up to federal charges that would trump the state charges. Is there even such a thing?
  7. Infojunkie

    2011.07.08 - Dateline NBC

    It just reiterates the belief that they disobeyed the court order to NOT discuss the case. They talked about it, and it's starting to look like they did since the opening statements...why else would the accident crap persist. No proof given of an accident, but they all think it was an accident...
  8. Infojunkie

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    What evidence can they have looked over and rehashed in just 11 hours. It just doesn't make sense.
  9. Infojunkie

    Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

    I had a harder life than this woman, so no, she doesn't get a pass from me.
  10. Infojunkie

    Trial Analysis Day 20

    It would also be easier than going through page after page of diabetes opinions, and toddler clothing opinions.
  11. Infojunkie

    Poll: Did Casey Really Keep Caylee in the Trunk Before Caylee Died?

    My son gets dark circles under his eyes a lot. It happens after a very long and exciting day of fun. I just don't see it as anything more than an over stimulating day. As an ECE, we are taught to look out for many signs of abuse, dark circles and fatigue aren't part of it. :twocents:
  12. Infojunkie

    Baez - Just Lost The Trial

    We're only on Day 4...of a 6-8 week trial. Their job is to listen to the evidence. We need to believe in the State right now. They are telling a story, and today they chose to question until the end of the day....think about that.
  13. Infojunkie

    Baez - Just Lost The Trial

    I would like to hear this too. I would be interested to hear what a GOOD defense would be. Would you go with the same line of questioning? Can you bring up life long sexual abuse with no evidence to excuse a crime?
  14. Infojunkie

    Baez - Just Lost The Trial

    Have you felt an acutal child in distress? It's horrible, and unforgettable. I cried all the way to the hospital with the paramedic constantly asking me if I was ok, I couldn't stop crying. And all he had was a febrile seizure, but the blue lips, the seizures, and I didn't call 911 right away, I...
  15. Infojunkie

    Baez - Just Lost The Trial

    But her neighbour was "nosey". He said he wasn't, but I'm pretty sure he would've heard the wailing and gnashing of teeth. But there was nothing...not an outcry, a screach, a huge splash, an oh god help me.... Hmmm....two theories collide LOL
  16. Infojunkie

    Support Thread: George, Cindy & Lee Anthony

    On the off chance you check us out here sometime. I'm sorry that I thought badly of you, I'm sorry you lost your baby Caylee. I watch my in laws and my parents with my son, and I see their love and I see you with Caylee, and you loved her so much. No matter what, she will love her Cece and her...
  17. Infojunkie

    Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #7

    Here's my theory...for what it's worth. ICA had orignally intended for Caylee to have her neck broken after she was dead to make it appear as part of a robbery, her parents were to come home and discover and be overwhelmed by robbers and die in the fight...ICA was there too, she would have the...
  18. Infojunkie

    What would you tell the state?

    Can they do that? Or would it be deemed theatrics? Maybe they could sneak it in during questioning.
  19. Infojunkie

    What would you tell the state?

    I'm showing my geek here...but here goes. In Lord of the Rings Boromir has a scene where he's talking to his troops. At the end he yells "FOR GONDOR". In my mind I see all of you and I hear "FOR CAYLEE"! (I cannot even imagine how much behind the scenes stuff goes on in your office, so this is...
  20. Infojunkie

    Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

    I'm Canadian, we don't have the death penalty up here. I cannot get behind the death penalty in any case until the system works itself out. The Innocence Project tells me that there are still some issues within the system. If the state shows me exactly how she plannned it, and carried it out...

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