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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. Gailey

    Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 Jun 2014 - #10

    I am sure that is true, and likely members of Websleuths come across it quite often. That doesn't mean that this is what is going down in this case.
  2. Gailey

    Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 Jun 2014 - #10

    You expressed the feelings of Calgarians so eloquently in this post Julydarling. The need to want to do something to help this family in this awful situation permeates Calgary and likely Airdrie and surrounding communities and will continue to do so for some time. How the funds are directed...
  3. Gailey

    Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 Jun 2014 - #10

    If my 5 yr old son was missing and almost certainly dead, the last thing I would be thinking about would be how to direct donations. Quite frankly, it would be all I could do to breathe - one breath at a time. Doesn't the smart advice suggest not making major decisions when life changing...
  4. Gailey

    Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #8

    When I saw mention of a wood chipper in the previous thread, like many who read it I am sure, I shuddered. However, at the presser earlier, Chief Hanson seemed to make a point of reaching out to owners of acreages and rural businesses to search their properties and report anything suspicious...
  5. Gailey

    Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #7

    This is just the most heartbreaking news. So sad for all the family and friends of NO, KL & AL. Sad for my city, this is not what we are about. A truly dark day indeed. I hope with all my heart that DG finds a scrap of conscience and tells LE what he has done with these people, who so did...
  6. Gailey

    Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #7

    If you are moving to Edmonton from Calgary, which is approx 3 hours north, why would you be selling off the bulk of your possessions? I can see that if you were making a permanent move to another country, but not for such a short distance. A person who has gone missing from their home may have...
  7. Gailey

    BP Oil Spill Approaching Gulf Coast

    Probably for the same reasons no-one has been brought to book for the Union Carbide disaster. Corporations are all too powerful. Thank you to whoever posted the link to the article at The Oil Drum.
  8. Gailey

    Fiber Analysis

    Is it not likely that after a bath and hairwash, Caylee's hair was rubbed vigorously with a towel and might that not account for the fibres in her hair? I would also imagine that towels that get dried in a tumble drier with other items of clothing would accumulate fibres from surrounding...
  9. Gailey

    Who told P.I. not to call 911 if body found?

    ks1, I think this is a good point. Although I am not sure if I agree with you about CA/LA. For argument's sake, let's just say it was JB that DC identified during the off record portion of the i/v. Presumably LE would then alert the SA to their findings. What would the SA do? We know...
  10. Gailey

    Legalities of Unauthorized Family Visits Via Laptop

    Wasn't there a laptop on the podium in front of Lee when he gave his eulogy? Don't most laptops have webcams these days?
  11. Gailey

    Who told P.I. not to call 911 if body found?

    Respectfully snipped I agree with this scenario. Someone has just started an interesting link: I think this has some ramifications over here. If in fact, JB does have unlimited internet access, what would prevent Casey having the...
  12. Gailey

    Who told P.I. not to call 911 if body found?

    Precisely, that's why JB wasn't out in the woods knee deep in undergrowth probing the ground with a specialist tool for locating buried bodies - DC was! Has anybody thought that maybe this was the very reason DC was no longer contracted to JB?
  13. Gailey

    P.I. Casey denies he knew where Caylee's remains were

    I want to know what JWG and Bond make of this interview
  14. Gailey

    P.I. Casey denies he knew where Caylee's remains were

    BC has no interest in saving JB's skin. I think JB is the 6 ft white rabbit in the room. The only reason I can think he wanted to get to the remains ahead of LE would be to remove the duct tape. There, I've said it!
  15. Gailey

    2009.2.19 3 pm press conference FDLE Haleigh Cunmmings

    Not beyond the realms of possibility by any means. There has just been a big case in the UK of exactly that. Mum conspired to kidnap daughter for ransom money. They've just locked her up. So it does happen.
  16. Gailey

    Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #1

    Great, great points Bond - as always. I just wish I didn't have to read through pages and pages of comments about how the diary is going to hang Casey to get to yours. In the general document thread I responded to a poster who asked why LE would be interested in a 2003 diary. I responded...
  17. Gailey

    2009.02.18 Document Release

    Common sense tells me that when LE photographed this diary, they would have no immediate way of knowing whether it was written in 2003 or 2008. To important a potential piece of evidence not to photograph. Does anyone know what techniques LE would use to try and authenticate the date of...
  18. Gailey

    2008.01.08 Court Hearings Discussion

    So true. In Mississippi a woman on death row who murdered her husband gets to see her young children once a month
  19. Gailey

    2008.01.08 Court Hearings Discussion

    I've seen this comment/question twice now. To clarify SuziQ is correct, but Judge Seidlin awarded the remains to the baby as next of kin and that is why the Guardian Ad Litem was so prominent in organising ANS's funeral. He was acting on behalf of Dannilynn.
  20. Gailey

    The Remains Discovery "Daisy Chain"

    Since my earlier post today, I have read through 25 pages of the PI thread, watched NG and also watched the raw video of JH & his lawyer with Kathi B. Nowhere that I can see has anyone questioned what Nick Savage did following LP's call on 15th - 17th Dec. I would imagine that LE/FBI have...

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