The Remains Discovery "Daisy Chain"

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I don't think the "clandestine" element is removed from the picture just because the PI's went to the area in daylight, if clandestine is even the right word. It all depends on what brought them to the area. I can't know that at this point, but don't accept at face value what little has been said by DC so far. Others obviously do, yet question the veracity of what the MM has said publicly so far. I just think it is more likely, at least just as likely, that the MR with no ties to the A family is the one who acted on the "innocent" Kio information in searching in an area he passed by in his work. I think it is more likely that a PI who worked for the defense and then worked for the family would be acting on inside information that the remains in fact were there to be found. I'm fine that other people see it differently and don't agree with me.

I actually kinda agree. The inside info from the PI's could just have easily come from LE as the A family IMO. They may have had the heads up that the searches in the area were only basic, leaving the possibility they had missed her the first few times.
I'm just thinking that if Lee was so convinced that Caylee was in that spot, why would he go through meter man, and not send the PI's straight out? And if he was assisting LE, why would he not tell them that that is the spot to look...and to keep on looking? Why the covert operation?
I think Lee was honestly trying to find Caylee, but I feel he was in the same boat as all of us...believing that the area had been thoroughly searched with cadaver dogs and all...that despite his gut feeling,and thinking he understood KC's messages, Caylee must be somewhere else. Because how on earth could she be missed by LE, TES, cadaver dogs and the rest?
Did we ever find out exactly where the cadaver dogs searched, or how long they were out there?
I posted the following piece of speculation yesterday evening but it kind of got swamped by a blizzard of other posts. I think it is interesting to stand back and see if we can trace the true "daisy chain" of information that led to the remains discovery, whether it be LP's theory or some other theory.

What follows is my theory - updated since I posted last night.

What we know is Kiomarie was interviewed at nearly 10PM on July 19. Kio grew up on Hopespring drive and her dad still lives there. Kio has a friend named Bailey who also lives on Hopespring very close to the Anthony's. Bailey had already spoken to Brian B. and learned he had spoken to LE about the shovel. So Kio and Brian get to talking about KC, and when Kio heard about the shovel, she starts thinking about the secret hiding area off Suburban. Bailey calls Brian and gets the detective's phone number, gives it to Kio, and Kio calls the detective. :clap:

Neighbors are obviously talking. It probably does not take long for word to spread about Kio's interview and suspicions about the woods off Suburban. Maybe neighbors kind of are convinced that the area is a high-probability area, but are afraid to spend a lot of time searching themselves because 1) they are neighbors and 2) they figure LE will be able to do it. :waitasec:

So LE does an initial search of the accessible areas (some of it was too wet), and they come up empty. TES comes out and searches same area - no luck. Problem is - as we know today - the body was not quite in the spot Kio had pointed out. In fact it was several hundred yards away, up the street close to Hopespring. :bang:

Neighbors though remain convinced that area is a highly probable area. They know of Kio's story. They know of the shovel. They know TES and LE could not get into all areas. They are unconvinced the unsuccessful searches to date have ruled out the area. :snooty:

Now throw into the mix speculation that the MR's supervisor is also a neighbor of the Anthony's. Since neighbor's are talking and still think the body could be found up there, the supervisor speaks to his good buddy the MR and asks him to take a look when he does his route. He may even have assigned him specifically to do that route in August just because he is trusted. An official utility vehicle parked up in that area would not look suspicious. :angel:

So the MR takes a look and finds a suspicious-looking bag. We know he called it in three times, and the bag was not located:

  1. LE first says they searched and cleared the area (as noted above, they cleared an area several hundred yards away).
  2. They go out again (possibly with a dog) and find nothing. Unknown exactly were this was done, but probably still a hundred yards or so away. If one listens to the MR 911 calls, the location description is vague enough to allow LE to miss the spot.
  3. They go out a third and final time. MR points to the area and LE heads back, sees a big rattlesnake, and decides it might be best to come back later. Oh, and by the way, there is loads of garbage back there.
Fay comes in, floods the area, and no searches can be done until early November. Note that rumor has it Kronk was not on that route in Sept., Oct., or Nov., implying to me someone assigned to him that route to check things out. :eek:

This next bit of speculation is going to infuriate a lot of Lee haters here when they read what I am thinking. :scream: (I think Lee is getting a bum rap from the public).

Meantime, Lee, I believe, is not drinking the KC Koolaide the way Cindy is. He knows KC did something. He does not know the details, but has suspicions, and does his best to pull information from KC without raising her ire and having her shut him out. He loved Caylee and wants to know the truth. He gets enough KC code to believe her body is nearby, but again no details. :detective:

Lee becomes aware of Kio's and the neighbor's suspicions.
With what KC implied, the general location makes perfect sense. He knows LE and TES searched in that area but maybe they were not in the right spot. Maybe he is involved in lining up other silent searches, including that of the MR, or maybe he just hears about the MR's finding and subsequent failure of LE to locate the body. On the one hand he knows LE and others have searched and declared it clear - should trust that coming from LE, right?? On the other hand, the MR did say he found something. After Fay, this gets filed in the back of his mind.

Meanwhile, Lee loves his mom but feels she is in a deep denial over KC's crime. He knows - feels - KC did something to Caylee. While mom is stuck in the first stage of grief (denial), Lee is entering the second stage (anger). It shows as he tries to protect the parents he loves, and the public backlash is vicious. He starts to drop from public view. He does not want to get caught up in the maelstrom Cindy is creating. :(

In early Nov. TES finally can get out and do a search. But they find nothing and pull out earlier than expected.

Bewildered, Lee talks to the PI working for his parents.
I speculate the conversation went something like this:

Lee convinces PI Casey that Caylee is dead and they need to look for a body. So the two PIs hike up there two times to look and video-tape, and PI Casey goes up another two times alone. The information they have is that Caylee's body was found in August, but not recovered. They find nothing. PI Casey calls Lee several times and asks if he can help nail the exact spot down, because they are not seeing anything but thick brush and unrelated trash. Given only 10 minutes of video were recorded, none of the searches may have been very long.

They are very close, but not quite in the right spot, and they fail to locate the remains. They report back to Lee: nothing. :banghead:

Nejame catches wind that Lee sent the PIs up there and he decides he has had enough. Time to bail out. It appears the Anthony's privately think the child is dead but publicly berate LE for not searching for a live Caylee. Well, Lee believes she is dead, and probably George does too, but Cindy won't admit it. He's had enough and resigns. :furious:

At this point Lee is thinking: LE looked several times. TES looked several times. My PI looked several times. No one could find the bag. The only one who ever saw the bag was the MR. In order to put this thing to rest, we need him to look one more time.

Lee gets word back to the supervisor neighbor and tells him the PI's could find nothing.
Can we get the MR back out there? So the supervisor reasigns the MR to the route and asks him to see if the bag is still there. The route is scheduled for the 11th of every month, so they have missed the November slot, but he'll be assigned to the route on Dec. 11.

The MR goes back on the route, finds the bag, sees the skull...and Caylee is brought home. :blowkiss:
Now one of the PIs brags to his good buddy LP about the trips they made to that same area and found nothing, and the circus begins again.

The key piece of the above puzzle is confirming or denying a link between the neighbors and the MR. The "supervisor as neighbor" is one possible link. Another possible link is "MR chats up neighbor". But a link needs to exist for the above theory to make sense.

The daisy chain, as I see it, is:

  1. Kio - Bailey - Brian B. - Kio - detective - TES. Failure to find the remains starts a second chain.
  2. Lee - neighbors - supervisor - MR - LE. Failure to find the remains starts a third chain.
  3. TES. Failure to find the remains starts a fourth chain.
  4. Lee - PI - Lee - supervisor - MR. Success.
IMHO :rolleyes:

Great theory! I wonder if LP will use this one now. We'll know where it came from. :rolling:
The only reason the supervisor would have been involved, IMHO, is if he was a neighbor or lived in the neighborhood. That's the rumor, but nothing more at this time.

Not sure what other connection the MR would possibly have to the area and the case, unless he was part of the protester crowd as someone guessed.

He initially found the bag and called it in on Aug 11. Then he found it again and called it in on Dec. 11. That tells me the route for that neighborhood gets done on or about the 11th of each month.

If the route is read around the 11th, then when the route was done in July there was nothing to discuss with any neighbors he might encounter, because the case had not yet broken. He might have discussed it with one or two neighbors as he did the route in August, then got real lucky in finding it. I guess that's possible.

I find it interesting, though, that he apparently did not do the route in Sep., Oct., or Nov.

From what I understand, the MR was on another route those three months, and was just recently moved back to his regular route.
Thanks Gailey. I have not been able to determine whether the supervisor is a neighbor or not, because I have not seen his name anywhere. If I had his name I could compare it against the homeowners in the vicinity.

Regarding LP, I doubt LE would feed him information, but he has made enough connections that he probably gets bits and pieces we do not, and he develops some of his own theories. If we (WSers) heard the same bits and pieces we'd probably come up with a dozen different theories ourselves, all of them just as interesting as LP's. :rolleyes:

No, the avatar is not me. :wink:

Amen. I have officially removed myself from the LP bu** smooching thread.
If we analyzed every original thought/fruition that came from his mouth, it was never proven/nor come to fruition.

He is profitting from the death of a child. Bottom feeders.
When anyone else hears the words "daisy chain," do you guys think of Black Sabbath's "Crazy Train," or is it just me?

NO... she did not give him a location where Caylee's body was, if that is what you meant. Those calls were recorded, and if she had given Lee a location to find Caylee's remains... the LE would have been informed and Caylee would have been found back then.... not in Dec.
Remember at this time, Casey was letting her family and everyone else believe Caylee was kidnapped... Lee was looking for a live Caylee, and trying to pinpoint where ZFG could have taken her.
I don't believe Casey ever told Lee or anybody else where she put Caylee's body. If she had, they would have found her before they did, and that would ensure that she would get the death penalty. She is not that stupid.

I believe in their own code she did tell him. Between that and "a neutral place, close to home" and a few other statements, she was telling Lee. They thought because they were using their own "code" they evidently used between themselves at home, it would not be figured out.

I am wondering if the MR didn't figure it out. There are a few people on WS who said their siblings and them talked in code around their parents when teens, so this may be their way of working it out and the MR figured it out.

I have always "seen" in my minds eye, Lee being arrested. I don't know what for, or if KC is going to throw him under the bus, but each time I have seen that, it was at the Anthony home and with him now moving back home, I may not be too far off.
When anyone else hears the words "daisy chain," do you guys think of Black Sabbath's "Crazy Train," or is it just me?

That is a good description of the Anthony family for sure. "Crazy Train"

Crazy Train - Black Sabbath (not sure these are the exact words, did this from memory, folks)

All aboard! Hahahahahahaha!

Crazy, but that's how it goes
Millions of people, living as foes
Maybe, it's not to late
To learn how to love, and forget how to hate

Mental wounds not healing, life's a bitter shame

I'm going off the rails on a crazy train
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train

I've listened to preachers, I've listened to fools
I've watched all the drop outs, who make their own rules
One person conditioned, to rule and control
The media sells it, and you live the role

Mental wounds still screaming, driving me insane
Great theory! I wonder if LP will use this one now. We'll know where it came from. :rolling:

I believe it is simpler than that. I believe either KC or Lee told PI Casey where the body was dumped, but the hurricane's high water moved it and they were all looking for it.

I guess the "kicker" will be when we get to see PI Casey's phone records for that time and those days. Then we will know who told and who knew.
I posted the following piece of speculation yesterday evening but it kind of got swamped by a blizzard of other posts. I think it is interesting to stand back and see if we can trace the true "daisy chain" of information that led to the remains discovery, whether it be LP's theory or some other theory.

What follows is my theory - updated since I posted last night.

What we know is Kiomarie was interviewed at nearly 10PM on July 19. Kio grew up on Hopespring drive and her dad still lives there. Kio has a friend named Bailey who also lives on Hopespring very close to the Anthony's. Bailey had already spoken to Brian B. and learned he had spoken to LE about the shovel. So Kio and Brian get to talking about KC, and when Kio heard about the shovel, she starts thinking about the secret hiding area off Suburban. Bailey calls Brian and gets the detective's phone number, gives it to Kio, and Kio calls the detective. :clap:

Neighbors are obviously talking. It probably does not take long for word to spread about Kio's interview and suspicions about the woods off Suburban. Maybe neighbors kind of are convinced that the area is a high-probability area, but are afraid to spend a lot of time searching themselves because 1) they are neighbors and 2) they figure LE will be able to do it. :waitasec:

So LE does an initial search of the accessible areas (some of it was too wet), and they come up empty. TES comes out and searches same area - no luck. Problem is - as we know today - the body was not quite in the spot Kio had pointed out. In fact it was several hundred yards away, up the street close to Hopespring. :bang:

Neighbors though remain convinced that area is a highly probable area. They know of Kio's story. They know of the shovel. They know TES and LE could not get into all areas. They are unconvinced the unsuccessful searches to date have ruled out the area. :snooty:

Now throw into the mix speculation that the MR's supervisor is also a neighbor of the Anthony's. Since neighbor's are talking and still think the body could be found up there, the supervisor speaks to his good buddy the MR and asks him to take a look when he does his route. He may even have assigned him specifically to do that route in August just because he is trusted. An official utility vehicle parked up in that area would not look suspicious. :angel:

So the MR takes a look and finds a suspicious-looking bag. We know he called it in three times, and the bag was not located:

  1. LE first says they searched and cleared the area (as noted above, they cleared an area several hundred yards away).
  2. They go out again (possibly with a dog) and find nothing. Unknown exactly were this was done, but probably still a hundred yards or so away. If one listens to the MR 911 calls, the location description is vague enough to allow LE to miss the spot.
  3. They go out a third and final time. MR points to the area and LE heads back, sees a big rattlesnake, and decides it might be best to come back later. Oh, and by the way, there is loads of garbage back there.
Fay comes in, floods the area, and no searches can be done until early November. Note that rumor has it Kronk was not on that route in Sept., Oct., or Nov., implying to me someone assigned to him that route to check things out. :eek:

This next bit of speculation is going to infuriate a lot of Lee haters here when they read what I am thinking. :scream: (I think Lee is getting a bum rap from the public).

Meantime, Lee, I believe, is not drinking the KC Koolaide the way Cindy is. He knows KC did something. He does not know the details, but has suspicions, and does his best to pull information from KC without raising her ire and having her shut him out. He loved Caylee and wants to know the truth. He gets enough KC code to believe her body is nearby, but again no details. :detective:

Lee becomes aware of Kio's and the neighbor's suspicions.
With what KC implied, the general location makes perfect sense. He knows LE and TES searched in that area but maybe they were not in the right spot. Maybe he is involved in lining up other silent searches, including that of the MR, or maybe he just hears about the MR's finding and subsequent failure of LE to locate the body. On the one hand he knows LE and others have searched and declared it clear - should trust that coming from LE, right?? On the other hand, the MR did say he found something. After Fay, this gets filed in the back of his mind.

Meanwhile, Lee loves his mom but feels she is in a deep denial over KC's crime. He knows - feels - KC did something to Caylee. While mom is stuck in the first stage of grief (denial), Lee is entering the second stage (anger). It shows as he tries to protect the parents he loves, and the public backlash is vicious. He starts to drop from public view. He does not want to get caught up in the maelstrom Cindy is creating. :(

In early Nov. TES finally can get out and do a search. But they find nothing and pull out earlier than expected.

Bewildered, Lee talks to the PI working for his parents.
I speculate the conversation went something like this:

Lee convinces PI Casey that Caylee is dead and they need to look for a body. So the two PIs hike up there two times to look and video-tape, and PI Casey goes up another two times alone. The information they have is that Caylee's body was found in August, but not recovered. They find nothing. PI Casey calls Lee several times and asks if he can help nail the exact spot down, because they are not seeing anything but thick brush and unrelated trash. Given only 10 minutes of video were recorded, none of the searches may have been very long.

They are very close, but not quite in the right spot, and they fail to locate the remains. They report back to Lee: nothing. :banghead:

Nejame catches wind that Lee sent the PIs up there and he decides he has had enough. Time to bail out. It appears the Anthony's privately think the child is dead but publicly berate LE for not searching for a live Caylee. Well, Lee believes she is dead, and probably George does too, but Cindy won't admit it. He's had enough and resigns. :furious:

At this point Lee is thinking: LE looked several times. TES looked several times. My PI looked several times. No one could find the bag. The only one who ever saw the bag was the MR. In order to put this thing to rest, we need him to look one more time.

Lee gets word back to the supervisor neighbor and tells him the PI's could find nothing.
Can we get the MR back out there? So the supervisor reasigns the MR to the route and asks him to see if the bag is still there. The route is scheduled for the 11th of every month, so they have missed the November slot, but he'll be assigned to the route on Dec. 11.

The MR goes back on the route, finds the bag, sees the skull...and Caylee is brought home. :blowkiss:
Now one of the PIs brags to his good buddy LP about the trips they made to that same area and found nothing, and the circus begins again.

The key piece of the above puzzle is confirming or denying a link between the neighbors and the MR. The "supervisor as neighbor" is one possible link. Another possible link is "MR chats up neighbor". But a link needs to exist for the above theory to make sense.

The daisy chain, as I see it, is:

  1. Kio - Bailey - Brian B. - Kio - detective - TES. Failure to find the remains starts a second chain.
  2. Lee - neighbors - supervisor - MR - LE. Failure to find the remains starts a third chain.
  3. TES. Failure to find the remains starts a fourth chain.
  4. Lee - PI - Lee - supervisor - MR. Success.
IMHO :rolleyes:

Since my earlier post today, I have read through 25 pages of the PI thread, watched NG and also watched the raw video of JH & his lawyer with Kathi B.

Nowhere that I can see has anyone questioned what Nick Savage did following LP's call on 15th - 17th Dec. I would imagine that LE/FBI have been keeping an extremely watchful eye and an even keener ear on JH and DC. The fact that LP is only now announcing the the phone call on national television leads me to believe he has been given the nod by someone that it's ok to bring it into the public domain. I'm certain that in the time that has elapsed LE/FBI have a lot more information regarding who said what to who and when. Am I the only one that thinks this?

I think this daisy chain gets stronger by the day.

What follows is my theory - updated since I posted last night.

Bailey calls Brian and gets the detective's phone number, gives it to Kio, and Kio calls the detective. :clap:

Neighbors are obviously talking. It probably does not take long for word to spread about Kio's interview and suspicions about the woods off Suburban. Maybe neighbors kind of are convinced that the area is a high-probability area, but are afraid to spend a lot of time searching themselves because 1) they are neighbors and 2) they figure LE will be able to do it. :waitasec:

Neighbors though remain convinced that area is a highly probable area. They know of Kio's story. They know of the shovel. They know TES and LE could not get into all areas. They are unconvinced the unsuccessful searches to date have ruled out the area. :snooty:

Now throw into the mix speculation that the MR's supervisor is also a neighbor of the Anthony's. Since neighbor's are talking and still think the body could be found up there, the supervisor speaks to his good buddy the MR and asks him to take a look when he does his route. He may even have assigned him specifically to do that route in August just because he is trusted. An official utility vehicle parked up in that area would not look suspicious. :angel:

Kronk was not on that route in Sept., Oct., or Nov., implying to me someone assigned to him that route to check things out. :eek:

This next bit of speculation is going to infuriate a lot of Lee haters here when they read what I am thinking. :scream: (I think Lee is getting a bum rap from the public).

Meantime, Lee, I believe, is not drinking the KC Koolaide the way Cindy is. He knows KC did something. He does not know the details, but has suspicions, and does his best to pull information from KC without raising her ire and having her shut him out. He loved Caylee and wants to know the truth. He gets enough KC code to believe her body is nearby, but again no details. :detective:

Lee becomes aware of Kio's and the neighbor's suspicions.
With what KC implied, the general location makes perfect sense. He knows LE and TES searched in that area but maybe they were not in the right spot. Maybe he is involved in lining up other silent searches, including that of the MR, or maybe he just hears about the MR's finding and subsequent failure of LE to locate the body. On the one hand he knows LE and others have searched and declared it clear - should trust that coming from LE, right?? On the other hand, the MR did say he found something. After Fay, this gets filed in the back of his mind.

Meanwhile, Lee loves his mom but feels she is in a deep denial over KC's crime. He knows - feels - KC did something to Caylee. While mom is stuck in the first stage of grief (denial), Lee is entering the second stage (anger). It shows as he tries to protect the parents he loves, and the public backlash is vicious. He starts to drop from public view. He does not want to get caught up in the maelstrom Cindy is creating. :(

In early Nov. TES finally can get out and do a search. But they find nothing and pull out earlier than expected.

Bewildered, Lee talks to the PI working for his parents.
I speculate the conversation went something like this:

Lee convinces PI Casey that Caylee is dead and they need to look for a body. So the two PIs hike up there two times to look and video-tape, and PI Casey goes up another two times alone. The information they have is that Caylee's body was found in August, but not recovered. They find nothing. PI Casey calls Lee several times and asks if he can help nail the exact spot down, because they are not seeing anything but thick brush and unrelated trash. Given only 10 minutes of video were recorded, none of the searches may have been very long.

They are very close, but not quite in the right spot, and they fail to locate the remains. They report back to Lee: nothing. :banghead:

Nejame catches wind that Lee sent the PIs up there and he decides he has had enough. Time to bail out. It appears the Anthony's privately think the child is dead but publicly berate LE for not searching for a live Caylee. Well, Lee believes she is dead, and probably George does too, but Cindy won't admit it. He's had enough and resigns. :furious:

At this point Lee is thinking: LE looked several times. TES looked several times. My PI looked several times. No one could find the bag. The only one who ever saw the bag was the MR. In order to put this thing to rest, we need him to look one more time.

Lee gets word back to the supervisor neighbor and tells him the PI's could find nothing.
Can we get the MR back out there? So the supervisor reasigns the MR to the route and asks him to see if the bag is still there. The route is scheduled for the 11th of every month, so they have missed the November slot, but he'll be assigned to the route on Dec. 11.

The MR goes back on the route, finds the bag, sees the skull...and Caylee is brought home. :blowkiss:
Now one of the PIs brags to his good buddy LP about the trips they made to that same area and found nothing, and the circus begins again.

The key piece of the above puzzle is confirming or denying a link between the neighbors and the MR. The "supervisor as neighbor" is one possible link. Another possible link is "MR chats up neighbor". But a link needs to exist for the above theory to make sense.

The daisy chain, as I see it, is:

  1. Kio - Bailey - Brian B. - Kio - detective - TES. Failure to find the remains starts a second chain.
  2. Lee - neighbors - supervisor - MR - LE. Failure to find the remains starts a third chain.
  3. TES. Failure to find the remains starts a fourth chain.
  4. Lee - PI - Lee - supervisor - MR. Success.
IMHO :rolleyes:


JKG, I agree with everything, including the snippe parts. I was going to snip some more but there are too many good and valid pts.
I understand everyone 's view point as to how Lee was just trying to look for a live Caylee and encourage KC to cooperate with LE more. That sounds fine but if you actually look at the dialoge (sp?) between these two people they are speaking in code -- if you honestly wanted nothing more then to find your niece why would you speak in code to begin with? That's suspicious in itself. This took place end of July 26th to be exact...The MR happend to first make a report on August 13th??? Hmm maybe just a mere coinsidence I guess. We knew based upon this that KC was going to write some letters. If these two were being 100% why are they talking about evading something in the letter from JB? He's on KC's side that makes no logic sense for the other view points being said. KC has made it known to her family that she doesn't wish to speak with LE she doesn't trust them, remember?

ITA with you. there is no need for the secrecy if LA is just trying to find his niece... even if they were talking "in code" so that if the tapes were released the kidnapper wouldn't know what they were talking about, it's still obvious they are talking about where to look for Caylee anyways.
You're kidding us, right JWG?

No, not kidding. But interested in which part you think I am yanking chains, if not all.

I considered the fact that, at least early on, those around and closest to KC were talking and comparing notes. Friends and family. All gathering around the kitchen table, texting, talking on the phone. I expect the neighbors were as well. Lots of overlap between neighbors and those closest to KC.

This is not speculation - it is fact and is mentioned repeatedly in witness interviews with LE.

Starting with knowledge that people are talking amongst themselves and reinforce each other's suspicions...I arrived at my hypothesis.
ITA with you. there is no need for the secrecy if LA is just trying to find his niece... even if they were talking "in code" so that if the tapes were released the kidnapper wouldn't know what they were talking about, it's still obvious they are talking about where to look for Caylee anyways.

OK, imagine you are Lee and

  1. You really want to find Caylee.
  2. It is clear your sister has wigged out and gone off the deep end. You don't know why.
  3. Your gut tells you sis did something to Caylee and has the answers.
  4. You know sis will shut you off immediately if you piss her off - meaning you accuse her.
  5. You and sis know your conversation is being recorded. Sis is not going to throw herself under the bus.
  6. You and sis did not spend time over the previous several months practicing the exact meaning of code words, phrases, nods, tears, or eye wipes.
How would you try to extract information from sis?

Me? I would only need a blow torch, a pair of pliers, and five minutes...but that is not allowed in this country.

So again I ask, how would you try to extract information from sis? A second question is, how useful do you think that information would be?
OK, imagine you are Lee and

  1. You really want to find Caylee.
  2. It is clear your sister has wigged out and gone off the deep end. You don't know why.
  3. Your gut tells you sis did something to Caylee and has the answers.
  4. You know sis will shut you off immediately if you piss her off - meaning you accuse her.
  5. You and sis know your conversation is being recorded. Sis is not going to throw herself under the bus.
  6. You and sis did not spend time over the previous several months practicing the exact meaning of code words, phrases, nods, tears, or eye wipes.
How would you try to extract information from sis?

Me? I would only need a blow torch, a pair of pliers, and five minutes...but that is not allowed in this country.

So again I ask, how would you try to extract information from sis? A second question is, how useful do you think that information would be?
Casey is a motor mouth. She was giving clues to Rob D.
The letter to S. Beary on 8/14 tells me she wanted to tell her dad where Caylee was.
I personally don't think she is a soicopath, so I think she has a wee bit of a conscience, she just never bonded with Caylee, and was jealous of her and CA's
I think she told LA. He didn't have to extract it. He simply waited for it. As CA says, we always get to the truth, eventually.
How useful? More like how abusive! Giving LA the info in confidence is an horrific abusive thing to do. He would struggle with what to do. That could be why he disappeared. Again, I believe the MR knew exactly where to look for Caylee. There is a link from him to whoever knew where she was, I'm convinced of it. Why? How many people went out there and searched the area? How many bags of garbage were out there? I'm convinced he not only knew where to look but he knew it's description ie the duct tape around it...jmo
How would you try to extract information from sis?

Interesting thread - as always - JWG, bravo!

I couldn't resist tossin' in on this question...

I'd write the following note on a piece of paper, "The only way I can help take care of the evidence is if you tell me where to find it. Draw me a map." I'd hand her this piece of paper when she was out on bond sittin' @ G&C's with me in private and watch her draw the map, maybe exchange some follow-up questions in writing...done.

Now...I'm not sayin' that's what happened, jus' couldn't resist the question. :)

BTW...didn't the SW after the body discovery collect some notebooks? :waitasec:
No, not kidding. But interested in which part you think I am yanking chains, if not all.

I considered the fact that, at least early on, those around and closest to KC were talking and comparing notes. Friends and family. All gathering around the kitchen table, texting, talking on the phone. I expect the neighbors were as well. Lots of overlap between neighbors and those closest to KC.

This is not speculation - it is fact and is mentioned repeatedly in witness interviews with LE.

Starting with knowledge that people are talking amongst themselves and reinforce each other's suspicions...I arrived at my hypothesis.

I think it's good except JMO:

Definitely came from Casey, to either JB or LA (A Big ??) then on to PI Casey.

MR was just as the police have said, a concerned citizen. And, everyone in Orlando was looking for Caylee virtually everywhere. Looking at maps, Casey's cell phone pings--perhaps the MR read here about the tips as so many of us have.

He just happened to be the one to find baby Caylee and bring her home.

What is it they say, the simplest answer is usually the correct answer?

I don't see where Casey was intelligent enough to speak in any sort of code.....just convoluted run-on sentences designed to accomplish what they always did in the past--confuse family and friend's into giving up and moving on, thus allowing her to continue her ludicrous fabrications. (Whew!!!)

In that conversation, LA was referring to LE and Casey also refers to same towards the end. He is stepping on eggshells with her to keep her talking. even if in circles, it was better than nothing. I believe LA began to loose his trust in Casey after her continual lack of cooperation with not only local PD but then FBI, and possibly her BS'ing him about writing letters that most likely never appeared.

And, the statement to him about the "hundreds of leads" he got off of her vague and completely bogus "resources" led him exactly the same place as LE--Nowhere. I believe that along with FBI & Body Farm test results, LA had come to the awful realization that his sister did something to his niece.

And then learned from her or JB, OR not---maybe he didn't have anything to do with the PI being out there, and I think even slimmer with the MR!

LA may not even be any part of this "daisy chain"!


Now I done it.
Run on convoluted sentences designed to make sense out of CA nonsense.
(OMG def time for some zzzz's!)
i havent read all the posts ...
But have you seen this
And the little video dialogue there
To me that is a definite code - But i just cant personally see that GA and CA would keep quite about their little granddaughters rotting corpse for months.

Unless that is what GA told the Grand Jury ? that they knew caylee was dead but didn't know where and that is why they played along that she was alive trying to get Casey to confess..

totally way out there of course ....
Oh...I almost forgot, after we had everything clear I'd look for some sign that the deal was done and our pact was solid.


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