BP Oil Spill Approaching Gulf Coast

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Dr.Fessel, These BP execs definitely need a long course at charm school, I think the only word that can accurately describe their remarks is 'ignorant'. They are so elite with all of their riches I really think they are out of touch with the real people.
I don't think - I know. When do you think Obama, Pelosi, Hayward, - heck even Michelle have been in a grocery store last? Bought a gallon of milk? Gassed up and paid for a tank of their precious gas? Even seen an electric bill? Nope - they have NO CLUE!!!!!! And could care less!!!!!
I just gotta say that Anderson Cooper rocks!! This man has stayed on this disaster like a dog with a bone!! I hope he gets some major recognition for his reporting from LA!!:twocents:

BP chairman says company cares about 'small people'

Wed Jun 16, 3:04 pm ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) – BP chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg said Wednesday the British energy giant cared about the fate of the "small people" hit by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, vowing to look after all affected.

Emerging from White House talks with President Barack Obama, Svanberg said the British energy giant had "always met our obligations and responsibilities."

"We have made clear from the first moment of this tragedy that we will live up to all our legitimate responsibilities," Svanberg said, adding all claims for compensation would be met "swiftly and fairly."

"We will look after the people affected, and we will repair the damage to this region, the environmental damage to this region and to the economy," he added.

Obama said he had urged the BP bosses to remember when they were meeting in the boardroom to "keep in mind those individuals, that they are desperate, may lose business that have been in their families for two or three generations."

Svanberg agreed, saying: "We care about the small people."


Ok that did it for me and Obama. He allowed this guy to get away with saying this.

He should have grabbed that guy by the tie and explained to him here in the USA we don't have small people. Maybe you and the Queen do but here we are equal. Then he should have given him the bums rush out the door.

What in the world is wrong with our President?

Why are these people even setting foot in our country?

Why aren't they doing prison time for the people they murdered on that drilling rig?

Why aren't they doing prison time for the rare birds and animals they have killed?


Probably for the same reasons no-one has been brought to book for the Union Carbide disaster. Corporations are all too powerful.

Thank you to whoever posted the link to the article at The Oil Drum.

Later AC says that they cannot find where BP owns 20% of dispersant co.-however they do sit on their board!!:banghead:
Did anybody see this Senator from Texas who apologized to Tony Hayward for the Obama administrative shakedown? He said it was wrong for Obama to make BP dish out $20 billion for damages. The Republican party tried damage control all day, but to no avail. By the end of the day the Senator totally retracted his story.

Did anybody see this Senator from Texas who apologized to Tony Hayward for the Obama administrative shakedown? He said it was wrong for Obama to make BP dish out $20 billion for damages. The Republican party tried damage control all day, but to no avail. By the end of the day the Senator totally retracted his story.


That was as stupid as it gets.

He should have spent the time on asking what the negotiations were that resulted in the 20 billion set aside.

He should have asked how much the president asked for in the first place and what did he settle for.

What promises were made as far as criminal charges go. Was this a part of the negotiations?
Inside Oil-Spill Pelican Rehab [Photos]
The bird rehabilitation center in Fort Jackson, Louisiana, smells like Sea World: The stench of raw fish is overpowering. But that's pretty much where the similarities end. It's a hot, cramped warehouse; the audience consists of profusely sweating reporters; and the unhappy-looking captive animals are covered in oil. At first, the center was only getting a few pelicans a day, but now it gets about 40. As of noon today, 585 visibly oiled live birds have been collected on the Gulf Coast.
"The rig's on fire! I told you this was gonna happen!"

A prominent Houston attorney with a long record of winning settlements from oil companies says he has new evidence suggesting that the Deepwater Horizon's top managers knew of problems with the rig before it exploded last month, causing the worst oil spill in US history. Tony Buzbee, a lawyer representing 15 rig workers and dozens of shrimpers, seafood restaurants, and dock workers, says he has obtained a three-page signed statement from a crew member on the boat that rescued the burning rig's workers. The sailor, who Buzbee refuses to name for fear of costing him his job, was on the ship's bridge when Deepwater Horizon installation manager Jimmy Harrell, a top employee of rig owner Transocean, was speaking with someone in Houston via satellite phone. Buzbee told Mother Jones that, according to this witness account, Harrell was screaming, "Are you ****ing happy? Are you ****ing happy? The rig's on fire! I told you this was gonna happen."

Whoever was on the other end of the line was apparently trying to calm Harrell down. "I am ****ing calm," he went on, according to Buzbee. "You realize the rig is burning?"
Tony Hayward, CEO - BP will be getting grilled before Congress today for approx 5 hours. CNN is televising live and also live stream online at


I wanted to watch it but had to work. I read some of what the BP honcho said and now I'm glad I didn't take the day off to watch the grilling. Lots of 'I don't know', 'I can't remember', 'I wasn't a part of it' and so on. A softball approach, let's get the big corporate guy in front of congress, b*tch slap him around a little then let him go free. (wink, wink....here's your campaign contribution.)

Reminds me of what the Goldman banksters said testifying before congress. Hmming and stalling for time to be up, when asked to explain why Goldman sold an investment designed to go bellyup and then bet against the people who invested and it made Goldman a fortune while the investors lost all.

Who in the corporate world is responsible for these acts of criminal negligence? Why do we merely make them pay a fine and walk away? Corporations anticipate a 'few' fines here and there and budget for them. (No big deal, small potatoes compared to future profits.)

Doesn't seem fair the rules that apply to us do not apply to corporations and the innocent suffer. Massive die offs of marine life, people who's lives depend on the sea, etc. It breaks my heart to see the people and marine/wildlife suffer from something so preventable! Ivan, Katrina, Gustav hurricanes and now this.

I am so numb and in shock from the disaster. Sorry for the rant...I think I've reached the anger stage.
Can Bounty Hunters Fix the BP Spill?

In his longshot bid to win the governor's race,(Lawton Chiles III) a scion of Sunshine State royalty is offering a novel plan to clean up the Deepwater Horizon spill: Force BP to put a cash bounty on crude and pay an "army of private citizens" for personally catching and returning the oil in drips and drabs.
A quick search of the Web found me no precedents for the Chiles plan, but one nautical bounty hunter has a poignant piece of advice for any novice hopefuls out there:
I wanted to watch it but had to work. I read some of what the BP honcho said and now I'm glad I didn't take the day off to watch the grilling. Lots of 'I don't know', 'I can't remember', 'I wasn't a part of it' and so on. A softball approach, let's get the big corporate guy in front of congress, b*tch slap him around a little then let him go free. (wink, wink....here's your campaign contribution.)

Reminds me of what the Goldman banksters said testifying before congress. Hmming and stalling for time to be up, when asked to explain why Goldman sold an investment designed to go bellyup and then bet against the people who invested and it made Goldman a fortune while the investors lost all.

Who in the corporate world is responsible for these acts of criminal negligence? Why do we merely make them pay a fine and walk away? Corporations anticipate a 'few' fines here and there and budget for them. (No big deal, small potatoes compared to future profits.)

Doesn't seem fair the rules that apply to us do not apply to corporations and the innocent suffer. Massive die offs of marine life, people who's lives depend on the sea, etc. It breaks my heart to see the people and marine/wildlife suffer from something so preventable! Ivan, Katrina, Gustav hurricanes and now this.

I am so numb and in shock from the disaster. Sorry for the rant...I think I've reached the anger stage.

Your first paragraph pretty much sums up how I spent my morning and afternoon watching the supposed grilling. So disappointing when I was really expecting a few answers (silly me).
All of the fake "I'm just devastated" and cocky attitude from TH is like a slap in the face to everyone touched by their reckless race for the big oil jackpot. Prison is too good for them if it ever comes to that.
Cracks Show BP Was Battling Gulf Well as Early as February

It took 10 days to plug the first cracks, according to reports BP filed with the Minerals Management Service that were later delivered to congressional investigators. Cracks in the surrounding rock continued to complicate the drilling operation during the ensuing weeks. Left unsealed, they can allow explosive natural gas to rush up the shaft.
“Once they realized they had oil down there, all the decisions they made were designed to get that oil at the lowest cost,” said Peter Galvin of the Center for Biological Diversity, which has been working with congressional investigators probing the disaster. “It’s been a doomed voyage from the beginning.” :furious:

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