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  1. R

    Where were the twins on the 3rd whilst the parents were out?

    The McCanns were protecting the twins they loved and wanted vs. Madeleine who they didn't.
  2. R

    Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 26

    Two years and no news about where Madeleine is. Poor little girl. I wish they could find her body and it would tell what really happened to her.
  3. R

    Where were the twins on the 3rd whilst the parents were out?

    If the twins were drugged they could be carried anywhere without waking up. The focus of the PJ was a missing child and not two sleeping toddlers in their beds even though they should have waken up from the noise of so many in the apartment.
  4. R


    I know of other people in the early months of this case who also read the characteristics of the parents when they gave interviews, and they said the McCanns were obviously lying. If the behavior of the parents has now changed and they appear at ease, it only means they have practiced how to...
  5. R

    "Who would leave children that young alone?"

    I'm in my first year of college. I had a chance to talk to a girl in my math class yesterday who is from London England and we decided to go out for sodas afterwards. On a hunch I asked her about the Madeleine case and if she'd ever heard of the McCanns. She rolled her eyes and said how many...
  6. R

    A view from the fence

    Hi Maryam. I am the reverse of you. I started out thinking that Madeleine had been kidnapped and her parents were innocent. But the more I listened to people talk about this case, the more I read and I had to change my mind. I don't know if she had an accident and died or if her parents drugged...
  7. R

    McCanns launch new appeal

    I would bet if the McCanns were examinated by psychiatrists they would find signs of mental illness in both Kate and Gerry.
  8. R

    Gonçalo Amaral - What Lies Beneath the Truth - Trailer

    Just like the McCanns came up with an excuse to explain Madeleine's "disappearance". :rolleyes: IMO
  9. R


    Coming to America. To beg for money. But Oprah wants to talk about Madeleine. McCanns: Who is Madeleine?
  10. R

    "Who would leave children that young alone?"

    Is the culture so different that it's fine to leave a child alone in Europe but here you can get arrested for it?
  11. R

    Why Amaral Doesn't Just Quit

    I don't know anything about Portugese law. Here in the USA, people can come together for a cause and do something about it. Like TES searches for missing people. So many people in Portugal seem outraged that the McCanns got away with Madeleine's death. Why can't they put together search teams...
  12. R

    English translation of Amaral's documentary

    This is an incredible find.
  13. R

    Kennedy withdraws financial support for McCanns

    Maybe Kennedy wised up and saw the McCanns for the scammers they are.
  14. R

    Who was listening to the McCanns?

    National security? The people who protect the McCanns from prosecution must have a lot of power.
  15. R

    Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 26

    Kate and Gerry: We need more money. We need to pay our mortgage,,, (oops) we mean look for Madeleine.
  16. R

    McCanns launch new appeal

    I think the McCanns are some of the most cold-blooded people I have ever seen. Their sorrow when Madeleine disappeared seemed faked and it looked so easy for them to go back to their former lives without their daughter. I don't think they really ever loved her. People who are still donating...
  17. R

    The Fund

    I agree. In the USA it's against the law to sit on the board of a charity if you benefit from the charity.
  18. R

    Proving the McCann's innocence

    Looking at Kate and Gerry's actions separately you don't see much to incriminate them. But as a whole they sure appear guilty to me.
  19. R

    Why did Madeleine 'go missing'?

    Was this question ever answered?
  20. R

    CA-Sandra Cantu Missing 3/28/2009 from Tracy,#4

    Sandra was such a beautiful little girl. Everyone who knew her said she was sweet, kind and happy. I can't bear thinking about what her last minutes alive were like or what was done to her before. I want to beat and kick and scratch the eyes out of the person who did this to her. It's not fair...

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