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  1. T

    On "BIO" - Casey Anthony : How Did We Get Here

    I have my DVR set up to tape it at 9 pm CST. I just hope there may be something new. By new I don't mean new information, as I think we alll know all there is to know. I just don't want to watch a series of clips put together of the reruns of all the HLN stuff we have all seen. HLN would say...
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    I surely didn't see it and I watched NG over and over tonight trying to see it. I saw Ms. Simms nose a little red like KC's gets. But excuse this if it sounds petty, I don't mean it to be. I think she just looked worn out and her makeup was coming off as it does all of us after a long drawn out...
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    Wow, What a fascinating thread. I missed a lot!! MADJGNLAW, that is EXACTLY what I saw she said as well. She is just pure evil. I only wish the jury would see these. Afterwards, just like the Scott Peterson trial and they learn all they couldn't know during the trial, they will just as shocked...
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    OH thank you Mohabi. I was in shock that NG was putting the words next to her, saying it is not his fault.That is why NG show drives me crazy sometimes. Ok, A lot of times. But I can't stop watching for I am afraid I'll miss a good interview with someone else. :)
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    This is another thing that truly gets under my skin. That because (IF) she was molested that is why she lied and then killed her child. I was molested by my step grandfather and step father for years, starting at age 5 until I don't even know, at least 9. It did not make me murder a child, want...
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    Oh, I couldn't get here fast enough after watching this on Nancy Grace tonight. They showed Casey and her suppossedly saying "it's not his fault" in reference to LBD saying blaming GA. I watched this several times and the syllables just do not match that! I 100% believe Casey said " it IS his...
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    Would you lie in court to save your child? CLOSED FOR REVIEW

    WOW, how eloquently put. I teared up as I read this. I say this because I had answered yes, I would lie for my child. I know I would because I would blame myself for how my child turned out. I would be running over and over in my mind, every mistake I had ever made, every sign I had missed and...
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    Would you lie in court to save your child? CLOSED FOR REVIEW

    I was so glad to see this thread because I have been thinking about it since the beginning and I have went both ways on this issue. First, I have to say, I don't think ANYONE can know FOR POSITIVE what one would do in a real life circumstance with one's own child and the facts being specific to...
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    Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

    I think the problems I have are with the way the DP is handles then. If you are going to give someone the DP, then lets not let it run on and on for twenty or more years. If we are going to have this as a penalty, then it needs to be carried out and we need to be VERY sure of the persons quilt...
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    Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

    When this case first came about and for the last 3 years I had been hoping she gets the death penalty. I am truly not a supporter, per say, of the DP. However, I don't know what it is about THIS case that makes me change my mind. Now today I read this article and found it extremely...
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    2 hour live Justice with Judge Jeanine 6/18 on ICA case

    Can anyone tell me, what difference would it have mattered if it was present We know the remains had been there a long time. We know the sediment, whatever it was, settled and dried (stuck) to the bone. I mean we know she had a brain and that no one even suggested she died of head trauma...
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    Who do you believe? Dr. G or Dr. S?

    I was actually looking forward to this very respected Dr. S's testimony. While I can give him credit for all of his years of training, education and experience, I have to say, that all went out the window for me, when he presented the theory on the duct tape. He truly wants the jury to believe...
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    2011.05.23. Nancy Grace.

    I can't help it. this sounds like just another NG theory to call "bombshell". I love NG watch her every night. But no way CA is admitting this was an accident. I guess we will all see tomorrow. However, it will NOT be in JB or defense opening statement. Mark my words. Whooie!
  14. T

    What Is the Defense Strategy?

    Hello everyone. It's been quite awhile since I have been here. But I was watching NG from last night, again today. And something hit me hard. I was wondering if anyone else thinks this may happen. With LKB's statement on 48 hours mystery, regarding KC lied because of the "way she was brought...
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    2010.04.23 FBI Lab Submissions/Key Items LIST ONLY

    Hi lambchop. I haven't posted in a while. But I just wanted to add, I have never had a hair from an employee in any of my shopping bags, I don't think. But in this case, wouldn't it just be the case and add more confusion to this craziness? :)
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    Rhornsby Legal Q&A #3 Relevant to the Anthony Case

    Mr. Hornsby, I know it has been said that all Baez really has to do is "ask" for a room without recording equipment in it for his visits with KC. However, with an inmate like KC, isn't it possible the jail realizes that with someone of her "character" or lack thereof, I should say and all the...
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    2009.12.15 Discuss Today Show here

    Absolutely this was just for another free trip! They said nothing new, absolutely NOTHING! I'm baffled at CA continuing to say there hasn't been a complete investigation and there is NO motive. I mean, really CA?? Really??? Even her own mother, SP, says, I believe she hated her mother...
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    2009.12.15 Discuss Today Show here

    Priceless! :floorlaugh:
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    Rhornsby Legal Q&A #3 Relevant to the Anthony Case

    Mr. Hornsby, I was wondering if anyone else besides KC Anthony were charged with the exact same economic crimes, what do you believe the sentence would be? I believe any other defendant would have worked these charges out through a plea deal. Have you ever had a client charged with...
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    2009.12.11 Discuss Motions hearing. One year to the day Caylee Found #1

    Here's what I want to understand. If you are GA and CA, how do you see this photo of your child and NOT say "Enough" and know she murdered their grandchild. This IS the face of pure EVIL!

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