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DNA Solves
  1. C

    Was Burke involved?

    I've read some really weird stuff about Burke (stuff like him smearing feces on the walls and saying some strange stuff about his sister, like asking why other "oohed and ahhed" over her), and that's what made me start thinking that maybe he's the one who did it. Before that, I thought maybe the...
  2. C

    Was Burke involved?

    IMO, I think Burke did it. Burke did it and the parents covered it up. Too many things in my mind point to this. The big one is the bowl with the pineapple in it. It had Patsy and Burke's prints on it. The pineapple was found in JB's system and apparently had only been in her system for...
  3. C

    The case for murder

    This is my first time posting in about 3 years! :scared: I don't know much about this case, but JS was actually the first one who popped up in my head. I had originally thought that maybe he thought Rebecca could have killed Max, and then killed her in revenge. Some things didn't quite add up...
  4. C

    Poll: My Experience with Bullying

    In my case, I was a bully one time, and it was back in sixth grade (I've since apologized and patched things up). Interesting to note that the person I bullied actually was one of my only friends at the time. But other than that, I've pretty much been the one to be bullied. It happens a lot to...
  5. C

    Poll: My Experience with Bullying

    This happened to a couple of my bullies too. Most notably, back in 2007, my 11th grade bully ended up in prison because he tried to rob an older gentleman, and in the process, actually ended up killing him. I can't find the link as of now but he's still in prison, and not to mention he actually...
  6. C

    Poll: My Experience with Bullying

    JDzWife, I had a similar bully back in 4th grade. She was 5'2" and one of the tallest kids in the grade. I was around 4'-something and one of the shortest. Ironically I was 4 months older than she was. She never really did anything physical, it was all mental/emotional. More mental than...
  7. C

    The 911 Call, LE Radio Call & Police Report

    Here's what I hear: at the 6:22 mark I can barely hear a faint female voice in the background. Then you can of course hear Misty talking to the operator. Then I can only partially make out what Ron says, "I ain't hidin' no ******* dope!" But there clearly has to be someone else in the...
  8. C

    Misty's letter implicating Joe

    I was able to clean it up to make it a little more legible, but I wasn't able to make the first few lines show up a lot more clearly. :doh: Nonetheless it does seem to be a bit easier to read. Hopefully it helped in some way. :innocent: It's weird, this whole thing with Joe, since Misty kept...
  9. C

    Misty's letter implicating Joe

    Progress report: Well, you can see the words after the first few lines quite clearly, but you still can't really see the words in the first few lines, which is what I'm still working on.
  10. C

    Misty's letter implicating Joe

    I just saved the letter to my desktop; hopefully I can enhance it so the words can be seen better. :angel:
  11. C

    2010.04.16 How many stories have we got now?

    Great idea for a thread. I contemplated something like this but I couldn't remember all the stories. Usually, and this is paraphrased from a quote, but usually when there is more than one story, the truth is right in the middle of all the converging stories. If true with this case though...
  12. C

    Poll: My Experience with Bullying

    Please prepare for the longest post you'll probably ever see from me. I mean, I like all the members here well enough to share some bullying stories of mine. I was bullied as a kid all the way up until I was about 17 or so. Some of it was because I was not a typical kid, and some of it...
  13. C

    2010.04.05 Tommy's Jail House Tapes Released

    snip The first thing I thought of when I read that was Jr.'s statement about the black man/man in black. I'm not entirely sure why.
  14. C

    Prodigy, 13, claims age discrimination by UConn

    Here's how I see it: just let him go on the trip. Hell, if school kids can go on country-wide trips in elementary school with only one or two people watching them, why can't a gifted 13-year-old go on a trip to another country to further his studies? IMO, being social doesn't matter anymore...
  15. C

    03/01/10 Nancy Grace- New jailhouse tapes?

    Thanks panthera, LFlorida, and Kimster. I'm not sure how the heck I didn't figure that out. :crazy:
  16. C

    03/01/10 Nancy Grace- New jailhouse tapes?

    I'm very sorry for being uninformed on this particular part of the case, but who is Robbie? TIA.
  17. C

    New Ronald Jail Calls Girlfriend? What Ron Thinks of Black People

    I don't trust either parent. JMO. (....and for what it's worth I don't trust Misty either.)
  18. C

    OH - Up for Parole Child Killer... *extremely disturbing*

    I live only half a mile from West Broad St. in Columbus, so you can bet I'll send a letter to keep him in prison. This guy deserves life in prison for what he did.
  19. C

    Is Ronald's sister Crystal C. living at 202 Green Lane?

    Can somebody please explain the significance of this finding to me? I'm sure there's something pretty big behind it but I don't understand what. The answer is probably staring me right in the face and I just haven't realized it yet. Thank you nomoresorrow for starting this thread as it sheds...
  20. C

    Misty Robbed at Apartment Complex

    BBM With how much unbelievable stuff that has happened ever since this case began, this could actually be a possibility. :crazy: We've seen nearly everything else already.

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