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DNA Solves
  1. Sunburst70791

    All things swine flu (H1N1)

    I have a question, just thinking and thought I'd share my daily thought process for today :-) Seeing that from what I am reading, once you get this virus you should have an immunity built, wouldn't it be better to get this so-called "mild" virus now before then real flu season hits...
  2. Sunburst70791

    All things swine flu (H1N1)

    Interesting. So...that's just weird, huh? I guess because it has the human component in it then we don't need to the pig or the bird to catch it (?). But that's how it supposedly started tho' right? Also, does that mean that humans that have it can pass it on to birds and pigs? Just pondering...
  3. Sunburst70791

    All things swine flu (H1N1)

    I think I heard it reported on Cnn or Fox...maybe it was an independent news source in my head...that said that it is highly recommended to ingest as many tequillas as needed at this time. LOL :crazy:
  4. Sunburst70791

    All things swine flu (H1N1)

    That's good news about no known cases. Yeah, the flying and layovers are what bother the me the most....especially thinking about the cramped spaces on the planes.... one cough, one sneeze ..... :eek:
  5. Sunburst70791

    All things swine flu (H1N1)

    THanks Kat! That's what I was being told...I guess I won't go wasting my money on that stuff. I think I may mix up some bleach/water and put in some sort of spray bottle and keep it in my car...I'll end up having bleach stains on everything I own! LOL
  6. Sunburst70791

    All things swine flu (H1N1)

    Quick Question: I've heard that alcohol will only kill bacteria...not viruses....true or false? I know a lot of people are going out to the stores and stocking up on germex... I, for one, think soap and hot water is the best...but for in the car when you can't wash would germex (sp) do....??
  7. Sunburst70791

    All things swine flu (H1N1)

    Hey All...I'm worried, I can't lie. I've been washing my hands like crazy and have my children doing the same. I'm in Louisiana, as far as I know, there aren't any cases here (yet). The thing that is concerning the living daylights out of me is my husband's job had him in Lubbock Texas last...
  8. Sunburst70791

    Forensic Astrology - GENERAL

    Thanks sooooo much! I'm so freakin' excited about all the links and book info you gave me!! I knew I could find help here! You guys rock!!!! I will be checking back in with you as I educate myself on this stuff. (((HUGS))) for the help!!
  9. Sunburst70791

    Forensic Astrology - GENERAL

    Thank you so much RhytmicSun... I will most surely go purchase that book! What is "master number" is that a bad thing or a good thing? I gotta's just so weird that because it happens almost every hour on the's gotten to the point where I expect the clock to say #:44 and...
  10. Sunburst70791

    Forensic Astrology - GENERAL

    I have a question....I really, really hope somebody can answer it for me... In the last 9 months I've noticed the number 44 on just about everything. It's very strange, I've always noticed that 44's ie: house numbers, phone numbers, etc. BUT LATELY it seems like 75% of the time that I look at...
  11. Sunburst70791

    Words of Love, Support and Encouragement for Sandra's Mother

    Dear Sandra's Family, I continue to have Sandra and you all in my daily prayers. I will always remember your sweet child, skipping and swinging her arms...such a happy much like my own daughter it saddens me so much. Please find comfort in knowing that Sandra is in the Lord's arms...
  12. Sunburst70791

    Confirmation Of Huckaby Suicide Attempt Prior to Arrest

    Just curious...hoping to understand the insanity plea. If a person is found to be insane when up against murder does that change the sentencing? Is it just that it rules out the death penalty or does it mean they go to an institution instead of prison? Thanks
  13. Sunburst70791

    Confirmation Of Huckaby Suicide Attempt Prior to Arrest

    wow. Crazy. This is what I believe and would like to let everyone else know... I do NOT believe in being able to plead insanity...I think thats a bunch of horse put it nicely. IMO ANYONE who kills another, other than self-defense...IS CRAZY...jmo
  14. Sunburst70791

    Keeping Hayleigh's Story In The Public Eye

    I've been checking these boards daily in hopes that there is some news on Haleigh...I'm so sad that nothing more has come about in the last couple of weeks...nothing. I'm still holding out hope that she is alive somewhere. I wish LE would hold some sort of conference to just touch base with...
  15. Sunburst70791

    An arrest has been made!

    you made me chuckle at the "barage of extreme profanity" restraint...I do it too! I'll type out what I really feel, all the cuss words and everything...then I go back and delete it all and submit a cleaner version. It makes me feel a little better. I never thought a case would hit me as hard as...
  16. Sunburst70791

    An arrest has been made!

    oh...that clears that up...thanks! I did have that confused. wow...this Julio...he sumpin' else. :crazy:
  17. Sunburst70791

    An arrest has been made!

    whoa.....:eek: although I trust LE in this case and I believe they got the right person. Julio needs a visit by the local police for even acting like he knows something....moo
  18. Sunburst70791

    An arrest has been made!

    I don't know if anyone else noticed...but her lawyer kinda rubbed MH's back during the proceedings....I'm sorry, I'm not a lawyer, never will be one, but there is no way I could represent that monster, much less try to console her knowing what she did!! oy! imo
  19. Sunburst70791

    An arrest has been made!

    Hi SS, I'm I interpreting that right? That if the little girl that was drugged and found six months ago comes forward with information that they will be putting their lives in danger? ie: Hitman?? :confused:
  20. Sunburst70791

    An arrest has been made!

    I hope she does, even though I think she deserves to die a horrifying death, I hope she pleas so Sandra's family doesn't have to sit through a trial. Also, if she does plea, I PRAY TO GOD that she never, ever, ever, ever gets to appeal or gets probation....she should ROT in prison....and I hope...

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