All things swine flu (H1N1)

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BTW - LindaNJ informed she got a script filled for Tamiflu for her trip to she'll be fine everyone. Hope she has fun! I'm jealous!
If you contract the swine flu, how long before you start seeing symptoms??? My ex was there a couple of weeks ago. He's coming into town for our son's graduation on May 8. I really wish I had the nerve to tell him to just stay away.

I read two to five days, but I can't recall the source.
I hope your friend and her family get well soon. Mexico is NOT all shut down....not much open in Mexico City. Huge difference.

Not all shut down...Cancun rep was on FOX last night and said some public gathering places were closed and schools. NO current cases reported as of yesterday in Cancun.
Tamiflu is not a vaccine. It is an Anti-viral, only given as a shot if you have come into contact with the flu.

That's incorrect. Tamiflu does not come in an injection only. It is widely available in tablet form.
Tamiflu is not a vaccine. It is an Anti-viral, only given as a shot if you have come into contact with the flu.

It's not a vaccine..true

It's not true it's only given as a shot if you come into contact with the flu. I filled scripts for pills.

It can be taken as a preventive measure, the dosage is different. I can chose to take it one a day for 10 days while I'm in Cancun or I can take it two a day should I have severe flu-like symptoms. I will not be taking it unless I become severely ill.
I wanted to doesn't kill the flu, you still had the just shortens it by easing the symptoms.
Per CNN, the WHO has raised the pandemic alert to it's second-highest level, indicating the swine flu nears widespread human infection. Sorry, no link yet.

Can I freak out now??? B/C I'm close.

I want to go home.
Just wanted to formally thank you Jersey*Girl, for your incredibly informative posts. :)
Per CNN, the WHO has raised the pandemic alert to it's second-highest level, indicating the swine flu nears widespread human infection. Sorry, no link yet.

Can I freak out now??? B/C I'm close.

I want to go home.

They are saying that it will be raised to level 5 which is a pandemic level. They are expecting that in the next few days.
The World Health Organization raised the influenza epidemic level from 4 to 5 on Wednesday, signalling that a pandemic is imminent, and urged countries to implement their pandemic plans.

"It's a virus that we've never seen before," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

"There's no background immunity in the population, and it is spreading from human to human, all of which has the potential for a pandemic."

As a precaution, the military is banning travel to Mexico for nonessential personnel.

Researchers do not know how the virus is jumping relatively easily from person to person, or why it's affecting what should be society's healthiest demographic. Many of the victims who have died in Mexico have been young and otherwise healthy.

When the flu spreads person to person, instead of from animals to humans, it can continue to mutate, making it harder to treat or fight, because people have no natural immunity.
Per CNN, the WHO has raised the pandemic alert to it's second-highest level, indicating the swine flu nears widespread human infection. Sorry, no link yet.

Can I freak out now??? B/C I'm close.

I want to go home.

Don't panic, get prepared! It makes you fell better to be more prepared in case it does get really bad.
Don't panic, get prepared! It makes you fell better to be more prepared in case it does get really bad.

I agree. Panic does nothing, but preparation calms your heart.

Little things like staying caught up on bills and laundry and shopping. Running out of toilet paper or clean towels if someone gets a stomach bug is NO FUN! Having to go to the store for Tylenol if the baby gets a fever is just one more challenge.

Personally I am going to be a little careful about crowds. We won't be receiving the chalice at Mass for the next little bit, and we will be revisiting the end-of-year trip to Six Flags. Stuff like that.

Most importantly, wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands!
I agree. Panic does nothing, but preparation calms your heart.

Little things like staying caught up on bills and laundry and shopping. Running out of toilet paper or clean towels if someone gets a stomach bug is NO FUN! Having to go to the store for Tylenol if the baby gets a fever is just one more challenge.

Personally I am going to be a little careful about crowds. We won't be receiving the chalice at Mass for the next little bit, and we will be revisiting the end-of-year trip to Six Flags. Stuff like that.

Most importantly, wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands!

Wash your hands. :D
I've really tried not to panic and be paranoid about this. Seems like one of the worse places you could be is in a flying steel tube. I'm flying to Texas next week to see my ailing Momma for Mother's Day and I'm bordering on not going. I don't care if I get it...I just don't want to pass it on to her. Guess I'll just say my prayers and go.
What I find unusual is this swine flu seemed to leap a crucial step-- that being sick pigs infecting people directly. Where are the isolated outbreaks and culling of regional pig farms?

Have they found a sick pig at all? Anywhere?

This phase should have been well documented and taken a few "seasons".

This is odd, imo.
Hey All...I'm worried, I can't lie. I've been washing my hands like crazy and have my children doing the same. I'm in Louisiana, as far as I know, there aren't any cases here (yet).

The thing that is concerning the living daylights out of me is my husband's job had him in Lubbock Texas last week (monday - friday). They flew out yesterday for Arizona...flew out of Baton Rouge, laid-over in Dallas...he flies from Arizona to California on Friday.

I am scared he is going to get it and bring it home to us...he comes home a week from today...

I told him to avoid physical handshaking, and to please wash his hands like crazy! I don't know...I really worry about the time he is spending on airplanes....he said he saw 1 person wearing a medical mask at the Dallas airport....I would have thought more....*shrugs*
I agree. Panic does nothing, but preparation calms your heart.

Little things like staying caught up on bills and laundry and shopping. Running out of toilet paper or clean towels if someone gets a stomach bug is NO FUN! Having to go to the store for Tylenol if the baby gets a fever is just one more challenge.

Personally I am going to be a little careful about crowds. We won't be receiving the chalice at Mass for the next little bit, and we will be revisiting the end-of-year trip to Six Flags. Stuff like that.

Most importantly, wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands!

This is the kind of stuff that I'm putting into plan as well.

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