All things swine flu (H1N1)

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presidential update:

Closing schools, etc. If there are cases. Urging parents and businesses to consider contingency plans in case that is necessary, and wash your hands.

Back to the recession already in progress.
too late to close borders.

Different from other flu b/c it is new and we don't know exactly how it is going to behave or respond to treatment.

Take sensible precautions.
1 case found now in PA but don't know who, where or anything.........teaser on local news............
Scientists see this flu strain as relatively mild

Genetic data indicate this outbreak won't be as deadly as that of 1918, or even the average winter.,0,3606923.story?page=1

i guess we'll know by this coming fall/winter...

From the article..

Though scientists have begun to relax about the initial toll, they're considerably less comfortable when taking into account the fall flu season. They remain haunted by the experience of 1918, when the relatively mild first wave of flu was followed several months later by a more aggressive wave.

The longer the virus survives, the more chances it has to mutate into a deadlier form.

"If this virus keep going through our summer," Palese said, "I would be very concerned."

So we have a good window of time. Let's hope this fizzes out for good pretty soon.

This is weird too.

Ralph Tripp, an influenza expert at the University of Georgia, said that his early analysis of the virus' protein-making instructions suggested that people exposed to the 1957 flu pandemic -- which killed up to 2 million people worldwide -- may have some immunity to the new strain.

That could explain why older people have been spared in Mexico, where the swine flu has been most deadly.

so what does that mean anyone who didn't have the flu in 1957 is toast? sounds comforting! :crazy:

what' more freaky about that is the guy's name is TRIPP, hehe like Captain TRIPPS??

I'm not donning gloves and a mask yet. The only thing that will make me go into bugout mode is if people in other "good sanitation type" countries start dying, like they have been in mexico, and if it happens super fast. I mean the flu kills 36,000 in the USA in a year. that's an average of 75 a week. If people start droppin like flies at a rate more than that I'm hosing down anyone that comes to visit me with bleach. :hand:

Another thing, the guy in Vancouver who was diagnosed with the flu caught it in Cancun at a nightclub he thinks. I was reading earlier about people on this board going to Cancun. I'm pretty sure they aren't reporting cases there because it will hurt tourism. If you go and get sick, please take precautions to not spread it to others on the plane when you get back, although by then your home town will probably be innundated anyways.

Ryan said he flew to Cancun on April 14 with a friend, but began feeling sick before his return flight last Wednesday.
When he got home, he spent the next two days bedridden with all the symptoms of the common flu, only worse. He also had trouble breathing.

I wouldn't be too cocky about thinking you are gonna go there and NOT pick this up. Good luck though and have a good time. Hope they don't close the borders before you get back! :blowkiss:

This says alcohol-based sanitizers do work against flu virus. Not quite as effective as soap and water but do work.

I still wish anyone considering going anywhere in Mexico would think twice. Yes we have it here in the States, but I would feel better about my chances here than in Mexico. It's just not the same there. That country is very messed up and they will be desperate to keep their tourism alive.

Frankly I am ticked off that the little boy from Mexico City was allowed to cross the border into Brownsville and from there to Houston, where he died of swine flu. I don't believe the "authorities" when they say closing the borders won't help. Yes, it's already here, yada yada yada, but I still think it could help. I know it's easier said than done.
-- In the Park City School District, 4,400 students are out of school at least through Monday as three possible cases of swine flu are tested. All classes and activities are canceled, even the prom this weekend.
Park City District Superintendent Ray Timothy says one of the three students who may have swine flu went to Mexico for spring break. Now two others are sick, also. (more at link)
VP Biden's comments earlier this morning on the Today Show.

Joe Biden said Thursday he advised his family to stay off airplanes and subways because of the new swine flu, a remark that forced the vice president's office to backtrack and prompted one airline official to complain about "fear-mongering."

"I would tell members of my family — and I have — that I wouldn't go anywhere in confined places now," Biden said on NBC's "Today" show

My opinion - I totally agree with everything that Biden said and don't think that any further clarification was necessary on his or his office's part.
The President of Mexico is asking his people to literally stay in their homes May 1-5th.,2933,518444,00.html

Hi Sassygerl, I'm just curious, are you still planning to travel to Mexico?? My clients have decided not to take the risk and I am scrambling to find an alternate destination for them. I am always interested in how others view this dilemma. TIA. :):)
This is starting to get worrisome! We are supposed to travel through 2 international airports in a couple of weeks and I am getting a little concerned, especially now, with SuziQ's post of school closures in Utah. When I was looking yesterday, there were no known cases of the flu in Utah. Maybe that was just because they had not "confirmed" it as the flu yet?

Now Biden says he would advice his family against air travel at the moment. Darn! I guess I'll just wait a couple more days to see what happens.

Also, I'm supposed to go to a class this morning where about 75-100 people are going to all be in the same room together and I'm feeling a little uncomfortable about it all.

I hate this kind of stuff. I want to be prudent, but I don't want to over react and I sure as heck don't want to get sick!!

What are the chances of that happening here in the states - the president shutting everything down? Just curious.

I say zero percent. Look at how much flak Biden is getting just over his comment about how he would advice his own family. Before our government would shut everything down, especially air travel, this flu would have to be a full blown epidemic.

At this point the Government seems to think they have all the Tamifal they will need?:waitasec: I get peeved when I feel like the Government is not being honest so that I can make appropriate decisions for myself and my family.

Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sebelius and Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Napolitano will host a Webcast to answer questions from the American people regarding the H1N1 flu on Thursday at 1:00 PM EDT. They will be joined by Acting Director of CDC, Dr. Besser.

You can access the webcast on the HHS home page here:

and on the CDC website here:
I heard that Janet Napolitano told the border patrol they cannot wear masks because it would "intimidate" the Mexicans. If true, that is so stupid! I think the Mexicans would understand - heck, anyone would understand wanting to take precautions against getting sick! I've heard the masks don't do much, but I hate to think this woman is telling them what to do for such stupid reasons. I can't really find any confirmation so don't know if this is true or not.

I just want to add, I know our country is not perfect either, we have our own problems, but I just don't feel good about Mexico's handling of this.
Ha. What do you think would happen if the govt. announced they didn't have enough Tamiflu available? That would incite total panic.

If anyone's interested in gene sequencing & the swine flu, here's a forum for you:

Some discussion there on the possiblity the flu has already mutated in Mexico. I sure hope not.
Just talked to my mom (ER nurse very close to where the people are in SC). The cases in SC have not been confirmed yet (waiting on cultures), although now there are 17 people with possible swine flu in Newberry.
What are the chances of that happening here in the states - the president shutting everything down? Just curious.

I've been reading up on the government's pandemic planning and mitigation. Actions such as these are called Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs).

Pandemic planning and mitigation is contained in a government document called 'Community Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Mitigation'.

It's available online here:

You can access the document in PDF file sections to download and read here:

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