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  1. L

    NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #9

    So sad. That poor angel. No child deserves this. RIP Shaniya. God bless...
  2. L

    NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #7

    5PM - is that about half an hour ago? (It's 10.30pmhere right now!)
  3. L

    NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #7

    That's what I' m hoping for most of all!
  4. L

    NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #7

    I know that people have said that Shaniya looks too calm to be leaving the building in the pics but.... 1/ Maybe nothing happened in that room (probably a silly thing to say but please God let nothing have happened) - I don't know why they would have brought her there if nothing horrible was...
  5. L

    NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #7

    I don't know what to say but just wanted to post something! So sad. :( I feel for her dad. I might be naive but believe he let his daughter go to her mother with the best of intentions. That poor, poor girl. Not sure if this article adds anything (and bear in mind it is quite a notorious...
  6. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    I remember that article. It mentioned something as well about he believed that everybody deserved a second chance. Just throwing it out there but maybe BB just trusted the wrong person. For a lot of people who are older (and i know he is only in his 60s so not that old!), they remember how...
  7. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    Evening all, Just trying to catch up. A lot happens whilst I'm asleep in a different time zone! Just to clarify is she definitely not a real estate agent? I know that the associations of Realtors came out with that press release that said she was not a member of their organisation and...
  8. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    Sorry my math is worse than my geography!!! :) Thanks for the geog trip though!
  9. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    lol! I was just examining his nose and feet. I'm starting to see a snout and trotters. :crazy: It must be the pork sausages we had at the weekend! That website really is awesome! Just did loads of searches on various family names. Really interesting! Thanks for posting. Now back to the...
  10. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    oooo...that's some good mappage! :) Only here is where my U.S. Geography goes bad. I can identify Florida to the right but not too sure about the other states! :banghead: Ok - my Geography is really poor. Is that just Florida? I have no idea what it looks like on a map on its own. Oh
  11. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    Thanks! He will be fine. It is just like normal flu but as the media is going mad over it and so it is difficult to get information on it that is truthful, thought it best to call the Dr who is apparently going to call us back and write out a prescription for Tamiflu.
  12. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    I'm confused about all the initials again. Need to get the pen and paper out. Don't think you are implying at all. It just feels like you hit on something when you get all the cooinsidences! That's how I felt!
  13. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    That's useful to know. Never come across any 'Wiggins' but was wondering if it could be a popular name as there was the original mix up between the two P. Wiggins and now this... Just reread and realised you didn't say that there were a lot of 'Wiggins' but that you hoped there were. Does...
  14. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    That would make sense. As in it would make sense that that is what her issue is with the Billings. Sorry, I wanted to dig more into this myself when I got in from work but got a partner with potential swine flu so be taking care of him and speaking to drs in between coming on here!
  15. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    I thought it was Cortez? Is this an Alias or am I getting confused with names?
  16. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    I have to agree. The only thing that struck me about this one (and I was only watching it with no sound, just pictures and text), was that it seemed to be implying more of a link to the Billings than the others. Not that I am saying I agree with that at all and I still believe that she is...
  17. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    Not sure about that theory but from what I remember of Melanie's My space pics, the children were of lots of different ethnicities.
  18. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    Still catching up so apologies if this has already been said and will delete later if it has. The lady who posted the original videos mentions a special needs lady being locked up and her children taken away on her website. Not sure if that is any link but just recall reading a story about...
  19. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    Sorry...probably being a bit slow but how did you come up with these links?! The third one is the one I found earlier through the video. Just wondering if you had noticed and if that somehow links up further?!
  20. L

    Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

    Have just watched the video (Youtube) posted above and googled a few of the names in the video. I googled the name of the judge mentioned in the video and it came up with this link When I saw the name of the site I thought it might be relevant...

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