Billings -Couple with 12 adopted children murdered #4

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The briefcase taken from the Billings' home was found. It's a 3 sentence "article" stating the briefcase was found, not where or when, and it "contained nothing of substantial value."[/quote]

A ruse to make the three suspects think the goods are still out there?

Or, did they find what they need to link everything back to LPatrickG?

It will be interesting to see who get's nailed next - LS?

Help me out, sista. You've been so good at this sleuthing stuff - and I'm a bit behind and having a hard time keeping all the characters straight in my head, but is LS one of the guys on LPGjr's myspace - the guy in the camo?

The Judge Has Approved Stallworth's Extradition, BUT He Said He DOES NOT Have The Authority To Extradite Him. The DA Will Have To Send A Letter To FL Governor, Who Will Have To Send A Letter To Alabama Governor, Who Will Send Letter To Judge...
I remember that in a very early press conferences, journalists asked about the connection between the suspects and the Billings. If you remember, they were told that LPG Sr had a power washing company and Coldiron was a day laborer and both had worked for Billings. LE did NOT say that Billings had leant money to LPG Jr for his martial arts studio. This is a very important fact that they have known from very early on.

Rather than tell journalists, LE left this fact to to leak out in the search warrent? Seems a bit odd....Wonder why the mystery on that point?

I didn't see the comment calling all Ninja Turtles?? Also I thought this was the woman who had been kidnapped not the mom, she wants her grandchildren?? What pictures were supposed to be from the safe?? many ???
on a side note and maybe my brain needs a lil humor I thought it ironic that they did not want to break copywrite and put courtesy of Pensacola News Journal on photo of Melanie and Byrd. Please don't crucify me for saying that. I just thought it ironic. IMO IMO IMO
DUH DUH DUH I see it now this is ludricras homina homina
??? so are those the pictures weren't thay on another video??

I was wondering that too! :waitasec:

If he worked for the CIA it certainly wouldn't be public knowledge. :cow:

In reply to "who knew?"...

Low lifes, high lifes and as I've learned since this case broke, many people will surprised to learn that there's plenty of the high-low lifes. Money really can buy a lot these days.

I agree to most people used cars, real estate, adult entertainment and the adoption of many special needs children would seem odd.

Awhile back I remember reading where one of the major adult film stars was either planning to adopt a child or had already adopted one.

Sometimes the business or even lifestyle a person is involved in regardless of how the general public would view it, would pose no risk to a child and therefore it is allowed.

I know of quite few used car dealers that live in $1 mil+ homes, but none that have that many children. I do know a medical professional that lives in a multi-million dollar home, that aside from his 3 biological children and 5 grandchildren, he and has wife adopted 6 special needs children at the same time, from another country. It was a private adoption done through churches with no state involvement and immigrations gave them no hassle on bringing the children into the country and residency status was granted without too much question.

With the mentioning of the real estate, I haven't spent any time poring over their real estate documents to be able to say anything, but flipping is a well known tactic that can become extremely profitable if the property is flipped among friends, family or very trustworthy associates, it can also be used to greatly increase a property's value over a short period of time.

I agree with robbery being secondary.

What you mentioned about your daughter's friend, I've said before and I'll say it again, that's the biggest problem we have in this world, too many people ignoring the evils that are out there until it lands in their backyard and then they become "shocked". The majority of the crap that goes on isn't really as "underground" as people like to believe, so much of it goes on right under noses, but people choose to live by the monkeys...see no evil...hear no evil...speak no evil...evil no exista.

I have 3 uncles that were LE, one was a city police chief, another a county deputy and the other was FBI. I was brought up to look at all sides to every story, combine them, then split it down the middle to start finding the actual truth.

It's a sad situation all the way round.

I agree. The truth seems to reside in the middle most of the time. There is too much BS on either side.

Still catching up so apologies if this has already been said and will delete later if it has.

The lady who posted the original videos mentions a special needs lady being locked up and her children taken away on her website. Not sure if that is any link but just recall reading a story about that. This new video seems to be explicitly suggesting that the Billings have this ladies grandchildren - not that I believe that at all but that is just what I take from the video.

The photos that the lady claims are the Billings, they look too old to genuinely be photos belonging to the Billings. SOme of them looked like they had the white border round them like the ones my parents have from the 60s and 70s. Thats just my take on it though.

IMO, it probably wasn't "The Billings" who took the kid but the state because of some problem with "HER" JMO

What a convoluded mess is all I can say. Great sleuthing by all here. My questions/comments are these.....
1. No matter what the reason, these 2 did not deserve to die and may God bless and protect the children, and their family members as they try to go forward.
2. Masked camo lady from one of the 1st youtube videos that was posted, where it was 1/2 english and 1/2 spanish, do we know for sure who she is?? That video was haunting to me, I'll never forget it.
3. Am I the only one that questions the contents of the safe that were announced?? I cannot believe they did all this for that, or there has to be a 2nd safe.

Where can I find a list of the contents of the safe. I'd like to know. Thanks.

I think whoever posted the newest YouTube video is .......ahem!......"misguided" & using the Billings for publicity which is VERY sick,sad & scary.The whole video(mis-spelling & all)seems "hinky" to me & probably links back to that "masked bandit" who everyone thinks is TG but isnt!!!! LOL

SPEAKING OF WHICH.............ANY word if TG made it today?

The whole thing is way over the top with the "We are the world" song in the background. :rolleyes:

It is the "masked bandit" and the lady in that video who is referred to as the mother of those children is her without the mask. Take a look at this video... YouTube - A KILL FOR HUMANITY
It shows the same cartoon pictures in it. Thats what made me realize it was the same person. Not sure if this has been mentioned. Sorry if it has. Anyways, so I think that proves its not TG

To me it looks like a middle school kid who's either been given a script or is yanking chains. Why the ninja clothes? Why not say these things publicly?

something interesting.... my husband went to school with LPGjr and he said he use to come to school in ninja gear occasionally. (this was in HS) Wonder who thought of the idea to wear ninja clothes to the murder?

:loser: I'm pretty sure he didn't have many friends in high school because people were afraid of him. Not for the scary ninja but for the scary personality.[ame=""]YouTube - cuckoo clock 2[/ame]

I thought I read a comment somewhere late last nite, maybe on pnj or maybe not that someone wrote they remembered him and that he would get into "character" as another person and stay in character for days...have no idea if this is legit or not
Forgive if this has been answered as I have been gone but wasn't there supposed to be a news conference by the sheriff today? TIA


"We are making very delicate moves," the sheriff said. "We are very concerned about any misstep that we may take or that we may make that would jeopardize the successful prosecution of the individuals we currently have in our custody. This is a difficult, difficult thing to do, so please bear with us."

Look up Patrick Poff and you'll see even more

RANT: I spoke earlier today with a person locally who had Jr. come to a personal safety event she was doing. She said he gave her the willies, so she did a background check on him, but didn't find anything much on him. Well, of course, it's cuz he changed his name.

WTH are convicted felons allowed to legally change their names?? What is the point of doing background checks???

Excellent question!!

That would make sense. As in it would make sense that that is what her issue is with the Billings.

Sorry, I wanted to dig more into this myself when I got in from work but got a partner with potential swine flu so be taking care of him and speaking to drs in between coming on here!

From what I understand it's only dangerous to the young, elderly and people with compromised immune systems. Probably not a lot to worry about.

Wow, talk about putting a target on Coldiron's back.

I hope he's in jail separated from the general population.

Since we're on the subject of strip clubs let me briefly tell you about something that happened to my brother in law at a strip club here in Pcola. I'm not sure of how it went down, but one day my sis comes home and finds her and her hubby's credit card stmt in the mailbox. She opens it up to discover that her husband charged $2,500 at a local strip club one night! Furious, she asks him WTH!? He gives her 2 DIFFERENT lame stories. One of them being that one of the strippers "coaxed" him into buying expensive bottles of champagne all through the night that were passed around in the back room. The other story was that he got money off his card into order to buy poker chips also in the back room so he could play poker. This was years ago and I never found out or asked if my sis got to the bottom of it all, but whatever happened in that backroom didn't sound completely on the up and up. Yeah...her hubby was out misbehaving,but that was a lot of money - I wish I knew what the whole story was! Sorry a bit O/T

I hope he's no longer your brother in law. If not your sister needs a stern talking to. JMO
I remember that in a very early press conferences, journalists asked about the connection between the suspects and the Billings. If you remember, they were told that LPG Sr had a power washing company and Coldiron was a day laborer and both had worked for Billings. LE did NOT say that Billings had leant money to LPG Jr for his martial arts studio. This is a very important fact that they have known from very early on.

Rather than tell journalists, LE left this fact to to leak out in the search warrent? Seems a bit odd....Wonder why the mystery on that point?

The point is to catch the perp LPGjr in lies to let him know you know way more than he thinks you do. It coerces him into telling the truth because otherwise he will tread off into a mine field if he keeps lying.
Help me out, sista. You've been so good at this sleuthing stuff - and I'm a bit behind and having a hard time keeping all the characters straight in my head, but is LS one of the guys on LPGjr's myspace - the guy in the camo?

Can we beg for a forum so we can keep these people separate????
It is a VERY DIFFICULT case to sleuth.
BTW, I think some of us are n the right track, sorry to say........
connection between the suspects
something I have given much thought about ----was it random???????
did they plan way more than just 30 days? months---yrs?
perhaps if they knew the Billings it was by their on doing ?
just a few of my thoughts today
I'm confused about all the initials again. Need to get the pen and paper out.

Don't think you are implying at all. It just feels like you hit on something when you get all the cooinsidences! That's how I felt!

check out the names on the link

I may be off base ... only saying there was a link in a previous thread about a person with initials AC.

I get worrird that I may link to someone by mistake. Don't want to cause undue associations, and possible harm.

TG Has Left Escambia County Sheriff's Office FREE. Not A Suspect Or POI.

When They Found The Van, They Found The Briefcase Which Contained Personal And Business Information. No Evidence Was Found In It. They Do Not Know If It Was Opened.

Still Looking For Three More People...
WEAR-TV says TG has left the sheriff's office a free woman, and that she was very cooperative and helpful when questioned...
I think the confusion w/the van and where it was found w/Gonzales living in a travel trailer, the van was found at Senior's residence. I think Jr. lived in Gulf Breeze in a rented house w/Wiggins as the landlord.
So I don't have to go back and dig through 4 different and very long threads, could someone clarify whether or not TG was married to the Fausti guy who got in trouble with LPGjr awhile back. Are BF and LPGjr still friends? Was BF in the military and is that perhaps how TG got to the area (appears she is has roots in Annapolis, Maryland). Are most of the children in the myspace pics a product of TG and BF's marriage, and am I the only one that thinks it's weird that LPGjr and BF are friends? I know it happens, but I can't imagine my husband being buddy buddy with one of my ex's!! (I've only been married to one man, but I can't see my husband hanging out with any of my ex-beau's - much less committing a crime with one of them!)
He's a real piece work!

WOW! Just WOW! A bit surprised they'd allow him to wear that garb to high school though. I'm not but a couple of years older than he is and we had dress codes.

I came across this website a few days after LPG jr. was named in the case. I grew up with Pat. This quoted remark hits the nail on the head. He absolutely did wear his gi to school (from time to time).

He was a con artist. He would talk in circles to your face with a big smile, while he was planning "what was in it for him". He ended up at every party everyone else was at, but he was the type of guy everyone rolled their eyes at..... loud, obnoxious and prone to wild stories we all knew weren't true.
WEAR-TV says TG has left the sheriff's office a free woman, and that she was very cooperative and helpful when questioned...

They have 2 or 3 more to interview before they arrest TG or whomever gets arrested if anyone. I would not read anything into her being allowed to go free at this point.
That's useful to know. Never come across any 'Wiggins' but was wondering if it could be a popular name as there was the original mix up between the two P. Wiggins and now this...

Does anyone know if this is just a popular name in the area or in the US as a whole?

Ah, a sleuth-tool showoff opportunity?

I remember that in a very early press conferences, journalists asked about the connection between the suspects and the Billings. If you remember, they were told that LPG Sr had a power washing company and Coldiron was a day laborer and both had worked for Billings. LE did NOT say that Billings had leant money to LPG Jr for his martial arts studio. This is a very important fact that they have known from very early on.

Rather than tell journalists, LE left this fact to to leak out in the search warrent? Seems a bit odd....Wonder why the mystery on that point?

Maybe LPG Jr. was lying about this and LE found out it was a lie, so no reason to put it out there. Does anyone know if LPG Jr. had his own martial arts studio? I have not heard of one. I thought his mother had one though.
From what I understand it's only dangerous to the young, elderly and people with compromised immune systems. Probably not a lot to worry about.

Thanks! He will be fine. It is just like normal flu but as the media is going mad over it and so it is difficult to get information on it that is truthful, thought it best to call the Dr who is apparently going to call us back and write out a prescription for Tamiflu.
I came across this website a few days after LPG jr. was named in the case. I grew up with Pat. This quoted remark hits the nail on the head. He absolutely did wear his gi to school (from time to time).

He was a con artist. He would talk in circles to your face with a big smile, while he was planning "what was in it for him". He ended up at every party everyone else was at, but he was the type of guy everyone rolled their eyes at..... loud, obnoxious and prone to wild stories we all knew weren't true.

Knew someone just like him. I worked with a guy when I was in college who claimed to have a Dodge Omni that they had wedged a huge engine into. He was never able to bring it around. This was the same kid who told me a gorgeous girl followed him around at a party offering him fifty bucks if he'd :censored: her, he just didn't want to do it. :rolleyes:
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