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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. S

    Raymond Clark III

    Card swipes alone aren't always a 100% reliable indicator of who was in a room. I work in a secure facility, and although we are strongly discouraged from holding the door open for other employees, you see it happen all the time. We have several layers of security, though, so it's possible to...
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    Evidence -- Body, Blood, Clothes, etc.

    Excellent points, Shlock. I think this is going to turn out to be an argument that got way out of hand. I don't think this murder was part of a plan.
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    Evidence -- Body, Blood, Clothes, etc.

    Y'know, that story about the fishing hooks and gum has bugged me, too. A little wad of duct tape would have done the trick. I don't think gum would work at all for this. I'm not at the point where I'd go so far as to say RC didn't do it, but there are definitely some things about the case...
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    Jen H ~ fiancee of Ray C

    I suspect they didn't show up to work because they were told not to by their supervisors, once RC became known as the POI. It would be just too disruptive to the work environment.
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    Raymond Clark III

    GMA had the high school girlfriend on this morning, and the kind of guy she describes sounds like a few I dated in high school and college. Yeah, some guys are insecure, controlling jerks at that age, but they don't necessarily grow up to be murderers. Long ago before I knew better, I dated...
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    Autopsy Results

    I think it's just the Post's usual MO of sensationalism. I'd definitely believe something the Chief said, particularly when he quotes the state's attorney as having made the request, over the Post.
  7. S

    Possible Murder Motives#2

    I was wondering about this earlier, JL50ish. Have they said exactly what kind of room the crime was supposed to have taken place in? Was it a lab with a bunch of mice cages around? Was it a room she normally went to, that she'd have a reason to visit? If it was a supply room or something like...
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    Possible Murder Motives#2

    I've had something like that happen with dogs, too. But their claws are more pointed and dense than a human's fingernails, so I'm not sure the same thing would happen from a human. I guess I could try it on myself, but it would hurt! :chicken:
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    Possible Murder Motives#2

    One of the more explosive workplace situations I've witnessed didn't involve any kind of physical intimacy, even kissing, but a lot of sexual teasing and constant (like a dozen or more a day) racy emails between two of my coworkers. Both were married. When the woman's husband's best friend was...
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    Possible Murder Motives#2

    Maybe joypath can answer this, but it certainly seems like it would be hard to get the "deep scratch" on his chest mentioned in so many news articles through a layer (or two) of clothing. My cats can scratch through clothing, but they have sharp claws that can pierce cloth. A normal person's...
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    Possible Murder Motives#2

    The laws in Connecticut may be different from where I live in Georgia, but around here, if a fire alarm has gone off and anyone is caught staying in the building, the employer gets fined. We've been told in no uncertain terms by our CIO that we're in major trouble if we don't leave the building...
  12. S

    Possible Murder Motives#2

    Here's another theory. Maybe RC was in that posture on the tape as a result of the wounds he'd just received in the struggle. He probably was in some pain, I'm sure he was completely freaked out, and he may have been trying to cover up some of the wounds or blood stains. Here's a quote: "When...
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    Clark's Legal Counsel

    I agree, particularly if there's an angle with DNA and the contamination of the crime scene.
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    Sentencing: death penalty or life in prison?

    No, I'm not as familiar with the laws in Connecticut. Maybe someone on the forum who lives there has a better feel for how much will be released and when.
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    Possible Murder Motives#2

    In this picture, he looks like he knows he's doomed:
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    Sentencing: death penalty or life in prison?

    I think a LOT will be clearer when that arrest warrant gets unsealed week after next. If the document drop is even half as revealing as what was in the Billings case documents (I'm guessing there'll be less due to differences in the law between Florida and Connecticut), we'll get a glimpse into...
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    Possible Murder Motives#2

    I totally agree. He's got information they want, and if things played out the way I suspect they did, he wants to make sure he gets manslaughter or murder two instead of being turned into the Hannibal Lecter of Yale. If he's got good counsel, he'll keep his mouth shut until the prosecution lays...
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    Possible Murder Motives#2

    I agree. I think he'll say that they had a verbal confrontation that got physical and then went horribly wrong. And then he freaked out and hid the body.
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    Annie Le, the person

    I think a lot of this was covered in subsequent discussion after my original post. Rather than repeat my several responses or that of others, I'll just say I stand by my earlier posts in the thread.
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    Possible Murder Motives#2

    That's an interesting theory, MWright, and things may have played out that way. I definitely don't think he planned to kill her. Confront her, yes, but not kill her. Her dismissal of him or appearing to scorn him may be the very thing that set him off. Once the physical interaction started, I...

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