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  1. M

    Subscribe to New Websleuths YouTube Channel

    Hey there, I love the YouTube channel! Tricia has the best guests including experts pertaining to relevant cases. This is a terrific way to participate in interviews by asking guests questions live during the show. I have met fun crime sleuths and enjoy the in-depth case discussions. Nightly...
  2. M

    Sources detail Terri’s timeline day Kyron disappeared #2

    I had one baby with colic and both of my children were extremely fussy when they were teething or had earaches. I would rather listen to nails scraping against a chalkboard than drive around with a wailing baby. Why?....because my overwhelming maternal instincts made me want to hold and...
  3. M

    Sources detail Terri’s timeline day Kyron disappeared #2

    I believe LE isn't ready to make an arrest in this case because they have not located Kyron and TH is such a loose cannon LE is leaving her free to continue with her telling, bizzare behavior that may reveal more important clues.
  4. M

    Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

    IMO, as mentioned in other posts, that Terri spent alot of time taking pictures of Kyron, sending them to Desiree attached to long-winded emails, giving details on his activities, I have this feeling that Terri wasn't doing this as a kind jesture. Rather to rub it in Desiree's face that she had...
  5. M

    Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

    This complicated web of relationships leads me to wonder if Desiree has not been bending Kaine's ear about Terri from day one. I just get this feeling that, especially with the affair issue coming to light, Desiree has had Terri's number pegged for a long time. But really what could she do...
  6. M

    2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

    Thanks Calliope! I am going to edit my post about the "client" because I just did a fairly extensive retracing of my steps and I could not find it. Now how it got in my head is such speculation we might have to start a thread to figure that one out. :crazy: I did however find where Oregon...
  7. M

    2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

    I have this client word on the brain but haven't found it yet and I could be meshing information in my mind mixed with very little sleep lately but I am going to look a little bit longer. I did find this article on that was taken from Oregon Live. I am from the east coast so I...
  8. M

    2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

    I am still looking for the information about Dede's whereabouts on the day of question. I accidentally stumbled across this post from her cousin. . . If the link can stay and you don't mind a salty word or two, the post is very telling concerning Ms. Spicher and the family dynamic. :crazy:
  9. M

    2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

    I'm just throwing my :twocents: in here but my take was that in the above scenerio DDS confessing to everything meaning she had a potential role as an accomplice and assisted TMH in carrying out the crime. I am curious if DDS has been completely candid with her attorney thus far because I...
  10. M

    Sheriff's Office Asks Media for Questions/Presser on July 27

    Can I catch a flight from NC to BeanE town and get there in time for the presser? :Banane15:
  11. M

    2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

    I didn't mean to make light of the situation and I hope I didn't offend anybody. You are absolutely right. I have stated in eariler posts, had I been in Dede's shoes and gleaned any information from my contact with TH, I would have been on my cell phone trying to find out the name of my...
  12. M

    2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

    Buckeye territory is will be on the way so stay tuned as our welcome home Kyron parade may be coming to a town near you! :martini::curtsey:
  13. M

    2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

    The ultimate would be having Kyron be the cameraman to give an assist in making that video too!!! Until we know different we might as well dream big! :dance:
  14. M

    2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

    If that happened I will moon walk from North Carolina to Oregon and back singing "Oh Happy Day" at the top of my lungs! :woohoo:
  15. M

    2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

    I feel so strong about the footage of Dede leaving the courthouse today that I must mention it one more time. IMO this person is beyond bad news!! I wanted to climb through the TV when I saw this tonight. To see sweet, adorable little Kyron and know Dede was at the courthouse concerning his...
  16. M

    2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

    On "Issues: With Jane Valez-Mitchell" tonight, a former law enforcement officer from Oregon who still practices law there stated that "the grand jury can compel a witness to testify "but they are entitled to request immunity before they give their testimony. It was his opinion that Dede asked...
  17. M

    2010.07.26 - Kyron Horman case featured on Dateline

    :rocker: You totally rock Leila! I did the opposite. I missed the show but read the entire thread. I could have read this post and saved myself 17 pages of catching up tonight. Based on everything I read tonight you just gave and excellent summary. Very impressive! :applause:
  18. M

    2010.07.26 - Kyron Horman case featured on Dateline

    You have a good point. After reading 17 pages of this thread to get caught up tonight, I don't see how we could possibly miss anything earth-shattering by not watching it either. :headache: I thought I would never get to the end! :woohoo: I really appreciate what everyone had to say...
  19. M

    2010.07.26 - Kyron Horman case featured on Dateline

    I didn't get home from running kids around tonight until Dateline was over! Yet, I have no excuse for not recording in on my dvr. :blushing: Does anyone know where I can watch it online?
  20. M

    2010.07.26 - Kyron Horman case featured on Dateline

    IMO Desire is such a loving, unselfish mother, she put Kyron where she thought he had a stable environment, his father's love and the energy a little boy needed. She probably could have eeked by caring for Kyron when she was sick but made a selfless decision that eeking through the early years...

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