Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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I didn't put much stock in that because she was put on the spot to come up with some examples----not just answer yes or no to a question, AND because Kyron is on her mind day and night, not to mention that she is probably just worn to a frazzle.

How about explain the bee sting comment. How about what do you mean she can't even be honest about where she was. How about she can't even be honest about how she and Kaine met.

Those are three things she's used in the past to point out that Terri is a liar. She had a clear opportunity to expound on those things which seemed to be available off the cuff for her before. I heard no defense of those comments filled with information to what they meant.
Terri's attorney is listening to all of this, I guarantee it. The more talking that others do, the more ammunition Mr. Houze will have if/when this ever gets to trial. There were numerous contradictions that came out in the audio interview from what has been said publicly in previous interviews. The more these players talk the more likely they are to trip themselves up and forget what they've said before. Give 'em enough rope.... jmo

If Terri ever goes to trial, there will be evidence that she committed a crime and no one will care whether her ex and his ex ever contradicted themselves when speaking of her. Right now, Terri is perfectly free to dispute anything they say about her behavior, if she cares to. What's stopping her?

I'm also confused about the term "players" used to refer to these victims, or the reference to "give 'em enough rope . . ." The left-out ending to that saying is ". . . to hang themselves with." What??:waitasec:
Another thing to mention -- how about the portion of the interview where DY expresses surprise at the reporter's suggestion of TH and DD meeting up? DY is laser-like as she asks *met up?* where did you hear that? do you have a source [for/on] that? To me, to sounded like DY had other info/impressions in her mind that suggested to her that they did NOT meet up on the 4th at all. HUH? My ideas always have them meeting up, DD leaving her job to meet/assist TH in some way. So now we wonder again---what does DD know about that day? Planned crime, planned ahead, and carried out as a team? So weird. We did get a source though on the "plaintive wail" of the ping away from TH's stated location--it was an exclamation from TH after she met with LE...they accused her of not being where she said she was based on *ping* evidence, and she told others about this.

Your thoughts?
Why did DY not have a picture up of her other son on the wall next to Kyron's picture in the hallway?

She does! At one point it was blurred out, but for most of the time they showed Kyron's picture, Desiree's head was blocking the view of her older son's picture.
Okay then. Please pass me the sugar - I just listened to an extra large bottle of bitter pills.

This interview makes me want to scream. :scream:

Anyone else?

In today's interview, per Kaine, Terri begins acting strangely in 2005 including her alcohol problems and her arrest for DUI. And that year she was losing 40? lbs in 4 months for the "show". :eek: Was Kaine rooting for her in her passion, her discipline and her acheivement? :thumb: Oh, too bad, reporter forgot to ask. But Kaine offers that was when she probably started acting weird. :doh:

The years pass, Kaine has no idea what Terri does all day or where she goes, had no reason to know until now. :doh: She does her thing and he works. :treadmill: He doesn't really know her friends, including Dede, who was maybe an every 6 month type visitor and participated in giving Terri the 40th birthday party. :birthday:

He guesses now that Terri has been drinking herself to sleep for some time. :martini: . She might still be on some kind of PPD medication too :waitasec:- at least she was - but only her doctor knows for sure. :doh: Other people say the liquor goes missing when Terri visits. :rolleyes: However, he's never noticed the liquor disappearing around his house. *shrug*

BabyK is now a changed child. :baby: What a relief for the baby to have no mommy now. :sunshine: Desiree agrees "ya ya, she's (baby) totally changed." :dance:

Kaine mediated the difficulties between Terri & her older son, disciplined and provided rules & structure for Terri's 16 year old son. :whipper: Desiree understands, you see, Terri had a different parenting style than Kane. (Whoa - there's a big hint.) Terri's older son told him he will come live with Kaine whenever in the future he may need to.

Oh, and Kaine can see how strange Terri's behavior was now, in hindsight. :doh:

Reporter: Shame on you. Way to drop the ball buddy. Such lost opportunities. :trout: No questions about how Terri & Kyron got along? A few questions how Terri & her own son got along? None about Terri & baby? Kaine & Desiree practially THREW him the question - about the baby doing better - but no follow up. No- What do you see different in the baby? How is she doing better than before? Huh? Why? :slap:

Okay maybe once again, the questions were submitted in advance approved & rehearsed?

JMHO, Terri taking care of 3 kids, throwing weird signals out all over the place - including signs of depression. And these other two parents not really caring much about how the caregiver is doing. Both are busy working. One is busy holding permanent grudges and trying not to show it. :innocent: Were neither interested in Terri as a person playing the highly critical care giving role within the family unit?

I am sure Kaine and Desiree have no idea how shallow their ongoing selective and regularly changing storytelling makes them come across. And I realize they both very much believe they have reason to feel angry towards Terri. Desiree's has built up 8 years of bitterness - I can't imagine how she feels now. But frankly, this interview about how Terri deteriorated before their very eyes and so they are sure she's done this to Kyron - it's all her fault ... comes across as almost vicious - a bit beyond the pale...and makes Kaine & Terri both look self-serving and wholly insensitive toward the person they entrusted for 7 years to help raise their child. I'm sorry. That's not a marriage. That's a live-in nanny service.

Oh, and nothing like marriage counseling by National Media proxy, and (how convenient) without the problem spouse participating. What a great idea. :Jumpie: Why didn't I think of that?

Moo Moo Moo (no more smilies allowed).

I'm tellin' ya, ah needs some sugar!!

This complicated web of relationships leads me to wonder if Desiree has not been bending Kaine's ear about Terri from day one. I just get this feeling that, especially with the affair issue coming to light, Desiree has had Terri's number pegged for a long time. But really what could she do? When she was hurt by the affair any negativity was probably labeled sour grapes by Kaine. I know by personal experience that men have alot more power nowadays when it comes to custody issues. Father's rights are taken much more seriously in the last few years unlike they used to be and I can see that when Desiree became deathly ill and needed to go out of the country to Canada for an extended period of time with Kyron, Kaine may have said, oh I don't think so. Lack of monetary resources forced Desiree to seek treatment in Canada so I assume she was in no position to fight a custody battle at the time as well. If Kaine forced Desiree's hand in giving him custody of Kyron when she went to Canada, she also had no funds to have a custody battle when she returned. It has been reported that she was deeply in debt and had to live with her parents to get on her feet when she returned. At that point, with the amount of time that had passed, Desiree would have an uphill battle regaining full custody of Kyron and who knows what they all went through to come to the agreement they ended up with. I realize I am Mooing all over the place, but if that kind of scenerio occurred, Desiree may have been telling Kaine for years about problems she saw brewing in Terri and Kaine could have dismissed it all as the bitter ex-wife, jealous Mom that had to put up with Terri supposedly loving and raising her baby, and he hasn't seen the real writing on the wall until recently. Who knows, Desiree may have been getting the brunt of, "poor Kaine and Terri" having to put up with Desiree, with her being the bad guy. Then, finally the truth reared it's ugly head! I really worry about what all Desiree may have had to endure for the last 7 years with Terri in control as the manipulative step-mother to her son. I feel aweful for Kaine too and I hope it doesn't seem like I am bashing him. It just doesn't seem like he has a keen eye for trouble.
This might have already been posted but.. something that made me wonder

Kaine said he didn't really know Dede, that she was kind of in and out every 6 months yet, she threw Terri's 40th birthday party AND she's known them both for seven years. Seven years ya think ya would know somebody first of all. Second of all, for her not to come around as often yet throw a birthday for Terri is pretty odd. The only person that would throw me a birthday party is 1)my husband or 2)a close friend.

It seems from this that maybe Terri & Dede's closeness was secretive or hidden from Kaine.. and the only reason I would think that it would be secretive is if it were more than a friendship. This is just a theory and so I hope I wouldn't offend anyone.

I guess it could also mean that Kaine was just a tad bit detached? Seems like he didn't know a lot of what Terri did at home or why, didn't know her friends, didn't find out about substance abuse until later (please correct me if I'm wrong, I think that's what I heard?) My hubby knows what I do! If not when he's at work and we're im'ing each other about our day, when he gets home we always talk about our day. How could Kaine not know what she does? Kinda strange to me.
If Terri ever goes to trial, there will be evidence that she committed a crime and no one will care whether her ex and his ex ever contradicted themselves when speaking of her. Right now, Terri is perfectly free to dispute anything they say about her behavior, if she cares to. What's stopping her?

I'm also confused about the term "players" used to refer to these victims, or the reference to "give 'em enough rope . . ." The left-out ending to that saying is ". . . to hang themselves with." What??:waitasec:

Kaine used the phrase "failed to be a team player" when explaining why two media outlets were booted from a press conference.
alcoholics drink because they are alcoholics. The sky is blue-reason to drink. Sky is gray-reason to drink. Happy- reason to drink. Sad-reason to drink.

Alcoholism is a very weird disease and there is denial on many people's parts- spouses, parents, sibs, etc.

I think they say 1 drink is too many and a million not enough.

I was just talking to someone and he was telling me about his drinking days long ago and how crazy his thought processes were.

And how powerless his family felt until his wife said it was her or the booze.

It's interesting ,too, about the roles that the children play in an alcoholic family.

The clown, the golden child, and the child who is the source of all problems in the family.

Too much on this topic, but a good one to find out about as it is the cause of so much misery.

A few tidbits about addiction:

The pathway to the pleasure center of the brain is almost identical for opiate, alcohol, nicotine, and even caffeine addictions. Morphine isolated from the poppy pod can be broken down into codeine. Altered morphine and codeine molecules yield heroin, and drugs such as OxyContin, Vicodin etc etc.

Not everyone has a predisposition for addiction. Research is ongoing in this area.

Addiction is a disease of the brain and not a character flaw.

I provide this information as a pharmacist with decades of experience with psychopharmacology and several years of research in the field of addiction. Drug seeking behavior to prevent withdrawal and cravings become a way of life - a life of h*ll. moo
Kaine used the phrase "failed to be a team player" when explaining why two media outlets were booted from a press conference.

Well, thanks, but that is not the way "players" was used in context of the original post. There was no reference to a team. The sentence was, " The more these players talk the more likely they are to trip themselves up and forget what they've said before. Give 'em enough rope...." In that context, "players" has a totally different meaning.
I am wondering about the comments people have made that say that these interviews don't help find Kyron.

I agree, but what is it that anyone of them could be doing that would help find Kyron?

Maybe a couple years from now, DY/KH will look back and ask themselves, "Why did we do those interviews?"

Seriously, who is thinking much about Kayleah of Colorado?

She's all but forgotten.

Unfortunately, this keeps the public glued to Kyron.

If people had to watch pressers like the ones from LE today, the audience would drop to just about zero.
Victims are now "players"....enough rope to hang themselves....

That's too much for me. How cruel.
Looking at the big picture of this interview is important I think.

It comes out at the same time as a tour of Kyron's Medford home.

It sounds like it is a press pool project since he is asking other reporters questions like this is something the press has agreed on.

From the picture where Kaine is just staring at Desiree it looks like they are in someone's home.

All the talk is about T.

T's best friend was caught coming out of the Grand Jury yesterday.

Press conference today.

Kaine and Desiree sitting in one of their homes and the baby is probably there, just talking about her. This has to be tearing up T.

I wonder if it was setup to get a response from her.

The baby and Terri's other son portions of the interview (where the baby doesn't miss Terri and is better off without her, and where Kaine is the hero for Terri's older son) were so preposterously biased that I think you might be correctomundo, Dr. F. :) Such a strategist you are, between naps, of course!
I am wondering about the comments people have made that say that these interviews don't help find Kyron.

I agree, but what is it that anyone of them could be doing that would help find Kyron?

Maybe a couple years from now, DY/KH will look back and ask themselves, "Why did we do those interviews?"

Seriously, who is thinking much about Kayleah of Colorado?

She's all but forgotten.

Unfortunately, this keeps the public glued to Kyron.

If people had to watch pressers like the ones from LE today, the audience would drop to just about zero.

Certainly can't disagree but this puts a whole new meaning to the idea of ...keeping your child's name in the headlines...

I've never seen anything quite like this. Amazing to me that the media continues to give Kaine and Desiree front page headlines. And you are so right, so many others like Kayleah, Lindsey, etc. are all but forgotten except maybe on their anniversary of disappearing. moo
Why believe her about the $350K if she lies about everything else?.

I have a feeling that Terri is being vocal about the amount because she wants to intimidate Kaine into believing she would countersue for attorney fees, harassment and emotional distress. I'm not saying I agree with Terri's methods, I just doubt she could dig up $350k so mysteriously. I have a feeling that the attorney is working on contingency. She probably received a down payment, making her willing to work on a longshot case, but that giant amount was reported to guarantee a giant return in the case that she isn't convicted.
JMO You CAN actually force a puzzle piece into the wrong place. You can twist it, push it, stomp it down, turn it-but eventually fit the piece in where you want it. Especially if it is a similar piece to the one that actually fits into the space. You will however, damage the piece attempting to force it in. But it can be done. However, at the end of the day, the piece still won't look right.
The baby and Terri's other son portions of the interview (where the baby doesn't miss Terri and is better off without her, and where Kaine is the hero for Terri's older son) were so preposterously biased that I think you might be correctomundo, Dr. F. :) Such a strategist you are, between naps, of course!

I don't think it's a stretch to say that the baby is not asking for her momma at this stage in her life - she is still a baby. And as far as Kaine being a "hero" for her bio son - well, I think even within a home where there are two bio parents, one is usually seen or felt as the softer or more "you get me" touch.

I think some of their remarks are meant to provoke a reaction

in Terri, especially the ones about baby k.

Hi Delaney,

i agree. The statement about baby K being a changed child and D saying "oh yah" was meant as a stab! It hurt me and it's not even my child. I would be enraged anyone said that about my son.

Anyway, I think you're spot on. What will be TH's next move?


I have a feeling that Terri is being vocal about the amount because she wants to intimidate Kaine into believing she would countersue for attorney fees, harassment and emotional distress. I'm not saying I agree with Terri's methods, I just doubt she could dig up $350k so mysteriously. I have a feeling that the attorney is working on contingency. She probably received a down payment, making her willing to work on a longshot case, but that giant amount was reported to guarantee a giant return in the case that she isn't convicted.

Document here (page 6):

"...respondent has indicated in a written communication..."
Victims are now "players"....enough rope to hang themselves....

That's too much for me. How cruel.

Both of these comments are being taken out of context. Kaine is the one who mentioned being a team player, and references to players in many posts here, are referencing his comments in the press.

As for the "rope to hang themselves," someone was hypothesizing that Houze hasn't spoken about Terri or addressed the rumors or their accusations because Desiree's and Kaine's comments may be used to help the defense, and the poster hypothesized that he (Houze) is giving them enough rope to hang themselves. It was a projection about what Houze may be doing and thinking with regard to Desiree's and Kaine's pressers, not a commentary about Desiree and Kaine by the poster.
as a ''stay at home mom'' (read that to be a 3rd class citizen) I felt that I was not as valued as I was when I was juggling working full time (kids in daycare). I seethe when I hear KH's and DY's comments
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