Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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The image projected by DY today probably got her attention. Not dumpy; coded.


earlier someone needed to know why no Kyron t-shirt for Desiree.

ITA. THAT's the reason. yup.

Desi's not playing the appeal & gain empathy as a mother card with Terri. nuh uh. Not at the moment. :cow:
Respectfully BBM. I'm not sure what the bolded part means as both K children are Kaine's?

The time frame being referenced, around Terri's 2005 DUI... is BEFORE Baby K in 2008. So it would have just been J and Kyron. One kid his, one kid hers.

I did that when I was 36 years old. I worked out (aerobics, weights, racquetball, bike, rowing machine) for 21 hours a week. I ate 1200 calories a day of healthy, boring food.

My stint lasted 3 months and I lost 30 lbs. I figure at least half of that weight loss was due working out so much.

Summer of 2009 I got sick and started drinking Carnation Instant Breakfast because it didn't make me sick. Gradually I quit eating and started drinking it more. From September to New Years I literally LIVED on it, 3 or 4 packets a day. I had Mountain Dew or orange juice too but I did not eat a single piece of food for 4 solid months.

I lost 15lbs in the first month. I lost 30lbs overall. Unintentional but drastic. Definitely a wonderful and inexpensive diet plan if anyone is wondering... and I wasn't looking for one.

Lol. My dogs don't drink either. ;)
But I think sometimes the observation of these types of behaviors are because people living in the house are...paying attention to them. Like one does when they are familiar with alcoholics or addicts- they watch for them. If you, say, have no interest because you kinda hate your spouse...or you work all the time...or travel a lot....or have becomes used to this person in your life behaving erratically....or something like that....I think maybe the awareness of those behaviors frequently comes after the fact?


I agree completely. I could have orange juice and vodka every night. The only reason anyone would know is because I don't drink orange juice without vodka!

My Beagle LOVES Corona.... :waitasec:
sole supporter of children by myself was harder -- being at home with children with spouse working was challenging more so from ''optics'' of others - my late husband appreciated the benefits that being at home (moi) provided and that's what really counted in addition to benefits for the kids but extended family was critical (that's how I see this in this particular case)....there's no perc to being a SAHM (aka chaffeur, accountant etc) and no flipping pay either...but feel free to ask the SAHM for extra favors while you are at it....LOL
A few tidbits about addiction:

The pathway to the pleasure center of the brain is almost identical for opiate, alcohol, nicotine, and even caffeine addictions. Morphine isolated from the poppy pod can be broken down into codeine. Altered morphine and codeine molecules yield heroin, and drugs such as OxyContin, Vicodin etc etc.

Not everyone has a predisposition for addiction. Research is ongoing in this area.

Addiction is a disease of the brain and not a character flaw.

I provide this information as a pharmacist with decades of experience with psychopharmacology and several years of research in the field of addiction. Drug seeking behavior to prevent withdrawal and cravings become a way of life - a life of h*ll. moo

BBM ~ Thank you, and speaking from personal experience, yes, it is hellatious.
Alcoholics can hide it for a long time, if they want too.

Didn't Kaine say in an interview not too long ago that there'd been no drinking after the DUI, that they'd *fixed* that problem and moved on (can't recall the exact words, but that's the gist of it). Don't ask me when he said this, I can't keep up with the contradictions.

I agree with BDE; Houze is watching all of this and taking notes. This stuff is going to come back to bite them in the butts, from all sides. IMO.
I think LE is advising DY and KH about how to deal with Terri, I just think LE in this case may be Tony.

LE has publicly distanced themselves from DY and KH's statements, and I don't think that this is some bad guy/good guy tactic. If the investigating LE were in on it, they'd remain silent, IMHO, but they haven't been silent. Instead, they've respectfully, gently distanced themselves from many of the statements made by DY and KH. Also, the revelation that DY and KH are operating off feelings, suspicions, things Terri has said and not on information provided by LE further confirms my suspicion that Tony is their advisor for the press conferences.

Also, the odd comment about how LDTs are used, almost downplaying that aspect of this investigation, is very, very telling to me, and makes me wonder if there was some deception on the part of LE when discussing Terri's results about which TY, DY and KH are not aware.
So hmmm...wondering how Terri is spending her time?

Surfing the web? Watching videos of Dede coming out of the court house? Listening to MP3s of K & D?

Playing her fave web game?

Wonder if she is responding to what she is hearing to anyone?

Wonder what her response was to Stavly's:

>>"I would be, frankly, surprised if Terri Horman did not eventually face charges in this case," Stavley said. "I'd be surprised if the indictment didn't come down."<<

Dang, I'm still shaking my head about that. He takes on DS as a client, they go to the grand jury, and then he says that the same day.

ALSO...very curious about those smiling glances of DS... Was she signaling someone OR is that just the "look" on her face. Soooo odd.
Didn't Kaine say in an interview not too long ago that there'd been no drinking after the DUI, that they'd *fixed* that problem and moved on (can't recall the exact words, but that's the gist of it). Don't ask me when he said this, I can't keep up with the contradictions.

I agree with BDE; Houze is watching all of this and taking notes. This stuff is going to come back to bite them in the butts, from all sides. IMO.

Yes, and indicators are that drugs and alcohol are a factor with Terri, and probably DeDe, and the other landscaper buddy too. I mean, TH has not had any rehab nor sobriety consciousness-raising post-DUI shining through, or somebody would be bragging about it. More denial.

Yes, and indicators are that drugs and alcohol are a factor with Terri, and probably DeDe, and the other landscaper buddy too. I mean, TH has not had any rehab nor sobriety consciousness-raising post-DUI shining through, or somebody would be bragging about it. More denial.


Somehow I get the feeling that there was little support or followup for TH bottom line is that she was operating without much of a safety net (moo based on what I sense from KH) - she was more of a snap on tool for his (KH) life
While I realize most here are Terri supporters, KH and DY believe she killed/abducted Kyron. Terri tried/wanted to have KH killed.

I'd be reaming her also. Every chance I got. I don't blame them for anything they say.

Not so sure I agree! I honestly don't know if Terri is guilty of murdering her step-son. There's way too much reasonable doubt for me to convict right now.

Then there's this kind of thinking:

Can you imagine the cruelty involved in having an affair while your wife is 8 months pregnant? I admittedly don't care for Kaine and haven't since he was busy making ground rules for the media. I care for him even less at this point. However, that dislike is mutually exclusive from my need for more evidence/facts to convict Terri. moo

I hope with all my heart that this crime is solved and the perpetrator caught and punished appropriately. moo
If Terri did this-and I say 'if'-the personal attacks by DY and KH obviously are not working. If their intent is to make Terri so angry that she -what? shouts out what she did to Kyron? -it hasn't worked so far. So all these weeks later, why is this still being done? A profiler could easily see this isn't working, and,I assume, would have changed tactics. if they are doing this because they are angry parents? I understand that-but it still isn't working.

If Terri did NOT have anything to do with Kyron missing, this is damaging to her. Her life,her child, her self-esteem, her reputation-future jobs-everything-is ruined. Friends gone, family hurt. If Terri truly left Kyron at school, and went about her day-a normal day in her mind-this is so seriously wrong on every level.

I don't personally want to hear anymore about her weight-gain (or loss); her Facebook habits, her 'closet' drinking, her 'neglectful' parenting ways.

I want evidence. I want video of Terri at the store with Kyron, or someone who saw her leave the school with him that fateful morning. I want a statement from someone who saw Kyron AT school after Terri left. I want something that links Terri to the crime-besides innuendo or suspicion or tales of her past, people she slighted or stories from someone who already had a grudge against her. I want supplies she brought to dig a hole, or gas mileage/receipts proving she put an extra 50 miles on the truck that day, contrary to her story. I want evidence-real evidence. Until then-I see people who decided she did it, and are determined to make her fit-for the perpetrator, for the crime. But unless there is hard evidence-that can absolutely link her to the crime-I think what Terri has been put through the last few weeks is wrong. I know she has done things I would not have-but a boyfriend, sexting and pictures are not indicators of a murderer. A person who is hurt, confused, and probably very angry-yes. A kidnapper or murderer? No. Being stupid doesn't make you a criminal either.

As to why Terri hasn't stood up to defend herself-in the beginning, no one talked. Kaine asked everyone to be quiet. They didn't even speak to the media at all for the first week or so. He most likely asked Terri to be quiet. When all the stories and fingers began to be pointed at her, she probably didn't know who to talk to, or even what to say. Who would she have spoken to? The newspapers who were slamming her? And would anyone have believed her? The lynch mobs were already going in the comment sections of every paper. I believe she did attempt to respond in the comments and was shouted down pretty quickly. Then she hired her attorney, who told her to zip it. Fingers are pointed that she didn't fight for her daughter-but she is getting death threats, and her daughter would not be safe. I am sure her attorney advised her that as soon as they go to court on the murder-for-hire, and she is proved innocent, she can them resume her parenting with baby K.

ALL we have is circumstantial 'gossip', for the most part. The LS/murder for hire is a he said/she said. There doesn't' seem to be (as yet) enough to have arrested her for it. This may be what the GJ is for-we don't know yet. But I am not sure I want to take the word of a landscaper who didn't come forward on his own, but talked only after LE found him.

If Terri does have any of my sympathy at all, I think it is mainly because of this campaign launched right from the first few days. I don't think she stood a chance. All I heard and read the first few days-week or so-was what a good mom she was, a volunteer at school, liked at the gym, liked by the swim teacher, neighbors and friends all said she was a great mom. She seemed to be a good mom. Then the PC's started, and fingers were pointed, and all of a sudden she is a hated pariah.

I just hope that LE didn't have tunnel vision, focusing so much on Terri, that perhaps a real predator or pedophile hasn't gotten away.

I also realize that maybe people saw things we don't know about yet-things that are a concern..and I acknowledge that LE may have tons of info we are not privy to..but then I think an investigation should be done-quietly, efficiently and behind the scenes, until enough evidence has been acquired to charge Terri and put her behind bars and on trial. Then all the finger pointing can begin. Until then? I feel this is a fishing trip and they haven't gotten the fish they want and are continually throwing out more bait. But it isn't working, and it will only work if she truly is the fish. If she does not have the answers, she truly can never tell them what they want to hear.

ETA:This is just my opinion.
The time frame being referenced, around Terri's 2005 DUI... is BEFORE Baby K in 2008. So it would have just been J and Kyron. One kid his, one kid hers.

Summer of 2009 I got sick and started drinking Carnation Instant Breakfast because it didn't make me sick. Gradually I quit eating and started drinking it more. From September to New Years I literally LIVED on it, 3 or 4 packets a day. I had Mountain Dew or orange juice too but I did not eat a single piece of food for 4 solid months.

I lost 15lbs in the first month. I lost 30lbs overall. Unintentional but drastic. Definitely a wonderful and inexpensive diet plan if anyone is wondering... and I wasn't looking for one.


I agree completely. I could have orange juice and vodka every night. The only reason anyone would know is because I don't drink orange juice without vodka!

My Beagle LOVES Corona.... :waitasec:

my cats like tequila:angel:
Somehow I get the feeling that there was little support or followup for TH bottom line is that she was operating without much of a safety net (moo based on what I sense from KH) - she was more of a snap on tool for his (KH) life

You make a solid, strong, important point here. Thanks for the food for thought. What a couple. Neglect all around.

I question tho..... If one's spouse tried to have you killed, AND did something evil with your child, how polite you'd be about that person in an interview.

And I think LE gave their blessing on all this.
Yes. Big day for the defense.

I wondered, kill me now, about Desiree's groomed, sexy, confident appearance and how that fits into the message going out to Terri. The sleek look. She's stunning, highlighted (I personally endorse) and her toned physical appearance today was striking to me. Very manicured and studiedly (!) casual, almost resort. We are all fashion bloggers, right?

I may change my mind about this strong impression and soften it in future interviews.

imho just this second, not permanent

I appreciate this kind of observation, Xin. It's rare. thanks for it.

Anyway, that said, KH became interested in TH. He's a man who is attracted to certain physical qualities. DY has probably always kept herself up, and his new wife, the killer woman (imo), probably kept herself up in the same way and more...hence his attraction.

KH is attracted to women who keep themselves up in a certain way. That is not a crime. People can love themselves and try to look the best they can, but some, like TH, are homicidially (?) insulted if they are not adored every minute of the day.

Men are men and no more. His pick of women are women who cannot ever be satisfied with enough attention, and all women know after getting married how innatentive men can be and how they are such babies and need to be taken care of but cannot give back emotional and maybe sexual attention.

That said, KH chooses women who need a lot of attention and who are attractive, but can never totally satisfy them. Yes, good luck on that one.

But, anyway, most women like that will just bellyache and complain, they won't MFH or kill/sell the man's son.

Unfortunately for KH, he picked up with one who will murder him and his son because she thinks he, KH, has not given her the respect she thinks she deserves.

TH is absolutely and totally convinced in her mind that what whe did to Kyron was deserved and she is justified in doing it because........however he transgressed her, it's all his fault. Hard nut to crack, these justified ones (no matter how crazy that sounds to a normal person, she is wedded to it).

She justified what she did a long time ago and in her twisted mind, it is not her fault. That's the problem with personality's never their fault! If only everyone and world would act like they want them to, then all in the world would be fine. It is never their fault....ever. That is how TH is thinking about this.
If Terri did this-and I say 'if'-the personal attacks by DY and KH obviously are not working. If their intent is to make Terri so angry that she -what? shouts out what she did to Kyron? -it hasn't worked so far. So all these weeks later, why is this still being done? A profiler could easily see this isn't working, and,I assume, would have changed tactics. if they are doing this because they are angry parents? I understand that-but it still isn't working.

If Terri did NOT have anything to do with Kyron missing, this is damaging to her. Her life,her child, her self-esteem, her reputation-future jobs-everything-is ruined. Friends gone, family hurt. If Terri truly left Kyron at school, and went about her day-a normal day in her mind-this is so seriously wrong on every level.

I don't personally want to hear anymore about her weight-gain (or loss); her Facebook habits, her 'closet' drinking, her 'neglectful' parenting ways.

I want evidence. I want video of Terri at the store with Kyron, or someone who saw her leave the school with him that fateful morning. I want a statement from someone who saw Kyron AT school after Terri left. I want something that links Terri to the crime-besides innuendo or suspicion or tales of her past, people she slighted or stories from someone who already had a grudge against her. I want supplies she brought to dig a hole, or gas mileage/receipts proving she put an extra 50 miles on the truck that day, contrary to her story. I want evidence-real evidence. Until then-I see people who decided she did it, and are determined to make her fit-for the perpetrator, for the crime. But unless there is hard evidence-that can absolutely link her to the crime-I think what Terri has been put through the last few weeks is wrong. I know she has done things I would not have-but a boyfriend, sexting and pictures are not indicators of a murderer. A person who is hurt, confused, and probably very angry-yes. A kidnapper or murderer? No. Being stupid doesn't make you a criminal either.

As to why Terri hasn't stood up to defend herself-in the beginning, no one talked. Kaine asked everyone to be quiet. They didn't even speak to the media at all for the first week or so. He most likely asked Terri to be quiet. When all the stories and fingers began to be pointed at her, she probably didn't know who to talk to, or even what to say. Who would she have spoken to? The newspapers who were slamming her? And would anyone have believed her? The lynch mobs were already going in the comment sections of every paper. I believe she did attempt to respond in the comments and was shouted down pretty quickly. Then she hired her attorney, who told her to zip it. Fingers are pointed that she didn't fight for her daughter-but she is getting death threats, and her daughter would not be safe. I am sure her attorney advised her that as soon as they go to court on the murder-for-hire, and she is proved innocent, she can them resume her parenting with baby K.

ALL we have is circumstantial 'gossip', for the most part. The LS/murder for hire is a he said/she said. There doesn't' seem to be (as yet) enough to have arrested her for it. This may be what the GJ is for-we don't know yet. But I am not sure I want to take the word of a landscaper who didn't come forward on his own, but talked only after LE found him.

If Terri does have any of my sympathy at all, I think it is mainly because of this campaign launched right from the first few days. I don't think she stood a chance. All I heard and read the first few days-week or so-was what a good mom she was, a volunteer at school, liked at the gym, liked by the swim teacher, neighbors and friends all said she was a great mom. She seemed to be a good mom. Then the PC's started, and fingers were pointed, and all of a sudden she is a hated pariah.

I just hope that LE didn't have tunnel vision, focusing so much on Terri, that perhaps a real predator or pedophile hasn't gotten away.

I also realize that maybe people saw things we don't know about yet-things that are a concern..and I acknowledge that LE may have tons of info we are not privy to..but then I think an investigation should be done-quietly, efficiently and behind the scenes, until enough evidence has been acquired to charge Terri and put her behind bars and on trial. Then all the finger pointing can begin. Until then? I feel this is a fishing trip and they haven't gotten the fish they want and are continually throwing out more bait. But it isn't working, and it will only work if she truly is the fish. If she does not have the answers, she truly can never tell them what they want to hear.

ETA:This is just my opinion.

BBM - that is what I hope hasn't happened, but, I really fear has.

If fingers got pointed by DY with the back up of TY, and this made LE look harder at TH, and she, understandably got freaked and small things turned in to "big" things, and LE looked only at her, then, I just shudder at the time lost in going after the real perp.

I continue to pray for Kyron.
BBM - that is what I hope hasn't happened, but, I really fear has.

If fingers got pointed by DY with the back up of TY, and this made LE look harder at TH, and she, understandably got freaked and small things turned in to "big" things, and LE looked only at her, then, I just shudder at the time lost in going after the real perp.

I continue to pray for Kyron.

it's become too much like mud wrestling for me :banghead:
Not so sure I agree! I honestly don't know if Terri is guilty of murdering her step-son. There's way too much reasonable doubt for me to convict right now.

Then there's this kind of thinking:

Can you imagine the cruelty involved in having an affair while your wife is 8 months pregnant? I admittedly don't care for Kaine and haven't since he was busy making ground rules for the media. I care for him even less at this point. However, that dislike is mutually exclusive from my need for more evidence/facts to convict Terri. moo

I hope with all my heart that this crime is solved and the perpetrator caught and punished appropriately. moo

He's looking pretty darn passive-aggressive, and, this is too personal I admit, but did he dump her with no health insurance? (Pizzer and a hot button for me, having been through that little slice of hell.) True, her health bills from Canada would have been out-of-pocket anyhow, prob, causing her debt and her move-in with mom. (Where's her mom, sis--mentioned briefly at the start; where's the Denise Brown of this case?)

DHY remarried within 2 years? Do we know?

moo+rambles, sorry
He's looking pretty darn passive-aggressive, and, this is too personal I admit, but did he dump her with no health insurance? (Pizzer and a hot button for me, having been through that little slice of hell.) True, her health bills from Canada would have been out-of-pocket anyhow, prob, causing her debt and her move-in with mom. (Where's her mom, sis--mentioned briefly at the start; where's the Denise Brown of this case?)

DHY remarried within 2 years? Do we know?

moo+rambles, sorry

Recently on another thread we were discussing her health issues and the thread got shut down -- this whole issue of why she went North for treatment as always seemed a bit ''off'' to me (knowing that there are excellent hospitals in PNW)......the resulting debt/heath is what caused the change of custody re Kyron and has never been properly addressed (to my satisfaction LOL)

Canadians are pretty serious about health fraud.......lots of Americans try it and the Canadian government is not amused so it is not a case of her establishing residency (she'd have to have legal status i.e. immigrant, or a returning Canuck or just have a liking for Canadian medicine to do that)
Yes. Big day for the defense.

I wondered, kill me now, about Desiree's groomed, sexy, confident appearance and how that fits into the message going out to Terri. The sleek look. She's stunning, highlighted (I personally endorse) and her toned physical appearance today was striking to me. Very manicured and studiedly (!) casual, almost resort. We are all fashion bloggers, right?

I may change my mind about this strong impression and soften it in future interviews.

imho just this second, not permanent

I agree, Desiree is a very pretty woman. She appeared confident, poised, and very attentive to everything Kaine was saying. I bet, with the advice from her attorney, Terri didn't watch or listen to a word of it. So far the profiling of Terri hasn't produced any results, wonder what's next? moo
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