Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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I don't believe their anger is misplaced or unusual, just to be clear. That's not my point. IMO, cell pings aren't going to convict her, and all these discrepancies and contradictions can be used to plant a seed of doubt in the jurors minds, even while they are sympathetic to the parents.
Cell phone pings alone are not enough to convict her. The fact that Kyron went missing right after being in her care is what is going to convict her, along with the misinformation about the Dr.'s appointment, the truck for the science fair, and her vague whereabouts on the backroads.

And stuff like her sexting affairs and sending provacative pictures while LE is trying to find Kyron implies that she doesn't have her priorities straight. Why is she fooling around like that with another man when her husband is grieving the loss of his only son? I don't get that, and I don't understand why people dismiss that as unimportant. In court that will go to her state of mind, which clearly was not on Kyron.

If she cared about custody of her daughter, in my opinion, she wouldn't be doing all that scuzzy-skanky stuff. Sorry to be blunt, but I don't see her on some moral high road.

ETA: BeanE: I just saw your post. I'm sorry, but I am making a character judgment about TH, just as others are judging Kaine and Desiree. We have always been able to state our opinions here on Websleuths about people's characters in cases like this, and I don't think that has changed, has it?
No I totally agree with you. I didn't mean to say I thought they looked like bullies, but that the strategy was to keep Terri quiet so that Kaine and Desiree *would* look like they were ganging up on someone who wasn't defending themselves.

I don't understand the lack of fight for her daughter, even if her attorney is telling her not to. :(

IMO, it's a matter of fight now and likely lose or get these probable charges out of the way then worry about custody issues. If she fights the RO now, she'll have to tip her hand in her defense in a potential criminal trial and risk losing her baby for good. I can see his reasoning behind advising her not to go that route right now.
Thank you for this post. When I finished listening to that interview whatever respect I did have for the "parents" was gone. I was even having a hard time seeing them as "grieving" parents. To me, they seemed vindictive and accusatory with precious little "evidence" to go on. I had to get up, walk around, straighten up my house a bit before I could tone my comments down.

Your post was very sensible, fair to a large extent. While I still dislike what I heard from KH and DY, I'm trying to see them as hurting people despite what I hear coming out of their mouths.

Thank you again. My blood pressure dropped a point or 2.

My opinion only

Glad to hear your blood pressure went down. I understood where you were coming from though, really. But regardless if their suspicions are misplaced...and their tongues too loose about those suspicions...they are in fact grieving parents whose child is out there somewhere in harms way, desperately afraid &/or missing his parents terribly. I can't imagine having to live every waking moment knowing my child is experiencing that...regardless of who has him or who was responsible. JMO, but I give some fairly broad leeway to KH & DY in that regard, realizing that much of what they're saying or how they're coming from that place. *hugs*
IMO, it's a matter of fight now and likely lose or get these probable charges out of the way then worry about custody issues. If she fights the RO now, she'll have to tip her hand in her defense in a potential criminal trial and risk losing her baby for good. I can see his reasoning behind advising her not to go that route right now.

Seems to me one could fight for supervised visitation though without fighting the RO in its entirety or fihting for custody. Thats the part I personally don't understand. It makes me sad for little KH.
O/T - Wow. Just watched this morning's Today Show piece. Talking heads saying LE is going back to the beginning and re-checking leads, the reward money, indicates they have bupkus. I've got the page open to keep checking for the video to re-watch and digest it, and will post as soon as it comes up.

ETA: posted now in Today's News thread
Seems to me one could fight for supervised visitation though without fighting the RO in its entirety or fihting for custody. Thats the part I personally don't understand. It makes me sad for little KH.

I know. Me too.

I posted a while ago why it might put her defense at risk.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Terri Horman Agrees to Leave the House & is not contesting the RO[/ame]

JMO, of course.

Also (not responding to your post, but just in general), in this interview Kaine and Desiree continue to paint Terri as a chronic liar --- as they've been doing all along --- and then drop the bombshell that all of the information they're spreading about her comes from Terri's own mouth. Hello ?? I'm sure Houze is going to use that to his advantage, too.
I don't blame Kaine and Desiree one bit! If I thought someone had something to do with disappearing my child...well let's just say that me saying something about them on tv or the internet would be the least of their worries.
I don't blame Kaine and Desiree one bit! If I thought someone had something to do with disappearing my child...well let's just say that me saying something about them on tv or the internet would be the least of their worries.

I would be careful to say things that are the truth. I would do whatever LE said to do -- I'd be too afraid to screw things up otherwise.
I am a Kyron supporter and I want him found, hopefully alive. I just want the RIGHT person arrested , whoever that may be.
My opinion of why the toddler is probably displaying personality change:.

Enrichment activities positively affect children's behaviors and their development. This has been a subject that has been studied for thousands of years by different civilizations and it also has been proven to positively affect the behavior of primates held in captivity.

*Leaving your child alone in a playpen prison for numerous hours each day while you play fantasy games on Facebook and Xbox will adversely affect your child behavior and development.

An interesting read about child enrichment/stimulation:
"The behaviors that relate to attention are linked to the pre-frontal cortex and motor skills are controlled by the cerebellum. Both of these regions are the last parts of the brain to develop and can continue to develop for years after birth," explains Pollak. "If children are in neglectful situations, these parts of the brain may not receive the ideal amount of stimulation for healthy development."
After reading this entire thread, a couple of things occur to me.

*Cell phone pings: if the only source for that story is Terri saying that LE told her that her phone pinged somewhere she wasn't...well, LE can and do lie sometimes! It makes me wonder if LE told her that to watch her reaction. Her reaction was outrage, bewilderment, and hesitation to take a second poly, which to me translates into doubt and fear about being blamed. If I KNEW for sure where I was and had my phone with me, and LE told me it pinged somewhere else, then I would be furious. I would know that either LE was lying (which they can and do do) or that the technology had failed (which it can and does do) and was causing them to look at me. Terri's "venting" over this bit of info (and failing the poly-if she really did fail) is the only logical response, IMHO, IF she is innocent.

*No response: I think Houze is not just a good legal lawyer but a good people lawyer. I think he has prepared her for each of these press conferences by saying, "They are going to try to push your buttons. They are going to talk about how much better their lives are without you. They are going to dredge up every bad thing they can think of about you. You CANNOT watch, and if you do watch you CANNOT respond. Everything you say will be twisted and turned against you. You will either look too good for someone who is grieving or you will look like you're cracking under the pressure. Any contradiction to their stories will look defensive and guilty. NOTHING you can say will help you."
Also: not talking to the media does not equate not talking to LE. It took them until this week to say that she's "sometimes" not been cooperative, which could just mean that her lawyer doesn't want her to answer a certain question OR that she couldn't meet when it was convenient for them. Who knows.

I am not on Terri's side. I want Kyron found and the truth to come out. I just keep having this awful feeling that they still have nothing and aren't looking in the right places. I think if we ever learn the truth, it is going to shock everyone, including me.
I'm finding it more difficult to find factual information in this case until LE start talking i think that fact will remain. Getting Th side of events early on may have given us more insight. Sadly I don't believe Th will ever talk to the media, early on a friend of TH's said she wanted to talk but KH told her to keep quiet.

"A friend of Terri who wished to remain anonymous, told KOIN Local 6 Kyron Horman’s step-mother was caught off guard when she was served divorce papers as well as a restraining order from her husband and Kyron’s father, Kaine Horman.

“Terri didn’t know she was going to be hit with divorce papers or a restraining order,” the friend said.

The friend said Terri may consider talking publicly and airing her side of the story.

“She’s been doing what Kaine said all along and he’s been telling her to stay quiet. The public will benefit from hearing what she has to say.”

( The link i have is no longer Valid, anyone else have a working link for that article?)

I think that may have been the only chance TH would have spoken Up. Since that time she has retained Counsel and Ironically it has been KH who has supplied a lot of the info on this case.

I'm not slamming either party I just wish we could get some consistent info. KH has gone from nothing was wrong, I did not see any signs that something was amiss with Terri , she is a great mom to she was drinking, self medicating, PPD, emotional outbursts and for me the most telling remark was not in this interview but
in this article..

""She has a deceitful side that I have experienced several times," says Kaine. "As far as going to extremes with the plot, I didn't see that coming at all.",,20400681,00.html

I have more questions this far in to this than I started off with and i'm scared that LE may be feeling the same:( I'm hoping not and that the GJ is a testament to that.. sigh

So was KH totally unaware of what went on in the home? Did he actually see signs or didn't he?

What was this deceitful side? and how did you experience it? Could it help show TH way of thinking so we can gather some info on what may or may not have happened to Kyron.

Was he just so unhappy in the relationship he failed to register all the signals as something more than an unhappy marriage.

KH has said a lot his statements have come from briefings but now we are hearing they have come from TH I'm sooooo lost.... and so is KYRON where is he???
“She’s been doing what Kaine said all along and he’s been telling her to stay quiet. The public will benefit from hearing what she has to say.”

( The link i have is no longer Valid, anyone else have a working link for that article?)

Story title: Terri may talk to the media, on page 18 of the links at the top
My opinion of why the toddler is probably displaying personality change:.

Enrichment activities positively affect children's behaviors and their development. This has been a subject that has been studied for thousands of years by different civilizations and it also has been proven to positively affect the behavior of primates held in captivity.

*Leaving your child alone in a playpen prison for numerous hours each day while you play fantasy games on Facebook and Xbox will adversely affect your child behavior and development.

An interesting read about child enrichment/stimulation:
"The behaviors that relate to attention are linked to the pre-frontal cortex and motor skills are controlled by the cerebellum. Both of these regions are the last parts of the brain to develop and can continue to develop for years after birth," explains Pollak. "If children are in neglectful situations, these parts of the brain may not receive the ideal amount of stimulation for healthy development."

Not sure what baby K's activities were while she was with TH. But if it is true what DY said about KH having a more "structured" parenting style (and that does seem very plausible) than TH (whose behavior seems erratic at best, IMO), it would make sense that baby K would seem changed. It has often been asserted by professionals and mothers alike that young children often thrive with a predictable, structured routine.

Still, I agree that follow up questions about "how" she is different would have been helpful.

I'm not slamming either party I just wish we could get some consistent info. KH has gone from nothing was wrong, I did not see any signs that something was amiss with Terri , she is a great mom to she was drinking, self medicating, PPD, emotional outbursts and for me the most telling remark was not in this interview but
in this article..

""She has a deceitful side that I have experienced several times," says Kaine. "As far as going to extremes with the plot, I didn't see that coming at all."

I think many of us have observed that KH has a peculiar personality, that he is not very emotionally aware (low EQ?). I think he really meant each of these statements--that he would have considered things to be generally "ok" prior to this, and even retrospect, realizing the warning signs, he never would have dreamed the problems (with TH or with the marriage) were this extreme.

ETA: I don't want to give the wrong impression. I have tremendous sympathy for KH, perhaps all the more so because of what I am describing above as an impaired ability to relate to emotional situations. My heart really goes out to him.

After being married to someone for over 20 years who was the same personality type
(Enneagram 5) Introverted, distant & withdrawn into his own world, I can really see how clueless he could be about what was going on around him. These folks are "head" people and pretty much can zone out what is happening around them. My ex was brilliant ( a physician) but couldn't connect with much on an emotional or feeling level. Some folks just don't have it in the genes. If Terri was needy, wanted to be the center of attention, manipulative and cunning, she could have been doing all kinds of stuff her husband was unaware of. If their relationship had been sliding down hill, it probably just made her madder & madder, and he didn't even notice, because he didn't know how. Just my 2 cents, but unfortunately, I can recognize a lot of what may have been going on there.
If Kaine is so clueless, how can he say there were no signs that anything was wrong? But then again, he said his marriage was headed south after baby. Or was it when he said he didn't know Terri was unhappy. But she was being treated for PPD and the doctor wanted him to watch her closely. But she was never diagnosed.

*pulling hair out*
I realize that DY and KH's interviews are MEANT to convince us of TH's guilt, but honestly they have the opposite effect on me. The more they talk the more I have doubts about her being guilty.
This might have already been posted but.. something that made me wonder

Kaine said he didn't really know Dede, that she was kind of in and out every 6 months yet, she threw Terri's 40th birthday party AND she's known them both for seven years. Seven years ya think ya would know somebody first of all. Second of all, for her not to come around as often yet throw a birthday for Terri is pretty odd. The only person that would throw me a birthday party is 1)my husband or 2)a close friend.

It seems from this that maybe Terri & Dede's closeness was secretive or hidden from Kaine.. and the only reason I would think that it would be secretive is if it were more than a friendship. This is just a theory and so I hope I wouldn't offend anyone.

I guess it could also mean that Kaine was just a tad bit detached? Seems like he didn't know a lot of what Terri did at home or why, didn't know her friends, didn't find out about substance abuse until later (please correct me if I'm wrong, I think that's what I heard?) My hubby knows what I do! If not when he's at work and we're im'ing each other about our day, when he gets home we always talk about our day. How could Kaine not know what she does? Kinda strange to me.

Just throwing this out there - I have close friends I only see every 4 or 5 months. I am not a very social person, so we keep in contact via a phone call once a month or so, and a few emails. Back when I had FB, we communicated that way. Just noting that not everyone wants/needs to see their friends very often. :twocents:
After being married to someone for over 20 years who was the same personality type
(Enneagram 5) Introverted, distant & withdrawn into his own world, I can really see how clueless he could be about what was going on around him. These folks are "head" people and pretty much can zone out what is happening around them. My ex was brilliant ( a physician) but couldn't connect with much on an emotional or feeling level. Some folks just don't have it in the genes. If Terri was needy, wanted to be the center of attention, manipulative and cunning, she could have been doing all kinds of stuff her husband was unaware of. If their relationship had been sliding down hill, it probably just made her madder & madder, and he didn't even notice, because he didn't know how. Just my 2 cents, but unfortunately, I can recognize a lot of what may have been going on there.
Thank you for your insight! Sometimes people are workaholics who feel more comfortable in their "zone" and just don't pay enough attention to their homelife. Some people really are just too self-absorbed (which might be said for Terri as well as Kaine).
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