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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. K

    Didn't JonBenet mention a visitor was coming?

    I think it was nothing more than something JonBenet was told about the trip to Michigan or the cruise. Such as Melinda or some other relative who would see her after Christmas made an innocent, "And Santa will be visiting after Christmas, too," etc. to explain why she would be getting presents...
  2. K

    jonbenet's headstone

    There was an episode of the tv series M**advertiser censored*S*H once. In it, a soldier was brought in on Christmas Day. One of the doctors, B.J., worked frantically at saving the guy even though there was no hope. When asked why, he said he found a photograph of the soldier's kids in his pocket and that he just...
  3. K

    CA CA - Elizabeth Short 'Black Dahlia', 22, Los Angeles, 15 Jan 1947

    FWIW, James Ellroy is now distancing himself from Steve Hodel's theory. He said Hodel convinced him (thus his preface to Hodel's book) but that Hodel has gone off the rails in recent years. Ellroy particularly cited Hodel's theory that a minion of his father killed Ellroy's mother, a theory...
  4. K

    Santa' s secret visit

    It sounds like a typical Christmas card. I'm sure the Rams got as many cards and newsletters as they sent out themselves, which must've been dozens and dozens. The "you all" sounds like a letter addressed to the family, definitely not JonBenet alone, and "Friend" is totally generic.
  5. K

    Why not JDI?

    That's been well-debunked. Patsy's fibers weren't on JonBenet's body where fibers would be from hugging or dressing. They were interwined in the rope of the garrote.
  6. K

    Why not JDI?

    The evidence is that Patsy wrote the note and Patsy's fibers were found in the paint tray and intertwined in the garrote, as well as it being Patsy's art supplies. In terms of psychology the crime fits more with a female closely related to the victim. I don't disregard John in terms of the...
  7. K

    Why not JDI?

    Patsy wrote the note. It's too close to her style and her handwriting. It's too much of a coincidence that so many of her hallmarks exist in a long, phony ransom note and she was in the house. That's not to say that John may not have thrown out a few ideas while Patsy was writing it, but if John...
  8. K

    I've read enough! Ramseys done it.

    Not if you had to think on the fly that night. The crime and staging were done that night, and were not very well-thought out.
  9. K

    Bedtime Dec 26 - DOI/PMPT AND A Candy Rose

    That would be easily coverable by crying during/after the 911 call before the cops got there, and also throughout the morning. No one would be able to tell if her eyes looked puffy from that crying or crying the night before. It was noted, perhaps by Arndt, that it struck her as odd that when...
  10. K

    Bedtime Dec 26 - DOI/PMPT AND A Candy Rose

    The autopsy report shows that she ate it only a couple of hours before her death. Her crab meal that she ate at the Whites had been digested and turned into fecal matter. There was another post that I can't find that broke down the entire timeline and rates of digestion to show that it was...
  11. K

    Evidence Against Patsy That Most People Have Never Read Before

    [/color] And that person would've had to have an intimate knowledge of the Ramseys' lives and their home and thus be known to the Ramseys. But I've yet to see an IDIer pinpoint anyone close to the Rams would could have feasibly done this: the intruders are always strangers, like Helgoth or Karr.
  12. K

    $100,000 explained

    Fantastic line by line analysis, Plenum7. It certainly does demolish the theory that the note was written by a kidnapper. Compulsion was also a (very well-made, IMO) movie which is aired on TV occasionally. I saw it recently on AMC late one night.
  13. K

    Bedtime Dec 26 - DOI/PMPT AND A Candy Rose

    I don't think that the time is that important as John and Patsy's inability to give a consistent accout of JB's actions that night. I knew a man who lost his daughter to a carjacker. He said he had gone over a million times in his head the last time he saw his daughter, what she was wearing...
  14. K

    Questions about the ability of the Ramseys to maintain a lie.

    There's evidence that the Ramseys, or at least John, were very surface Christians. I think Patsy probably was into it more, but could very easily convince herself that she was forgiven by God and did God's will.
  15. K

    IDI'S answer me this.

    So you don't think the same person who removed the nightgown put it next to her body? Then who did remove it and where did they put it? Some place else in the house? How did it get next to JonBenet's body then? Again, what is YOUR theory? You could avoid any confusion from your statement if...
  16. K

    IDI'S answer me this.

    Any hostility you sense is in your imagination and not intended by me, I can assure you. I noted it was a bizarre statement to make: when confronted with a fact such as that the nightgown was found next to JonBenet's dead body and the perp put it there (whether you believe in IDI or RDI makes no...
  17. K

    IDI'S answer me this.

    If your parameter is that "no one can know for certain" then why are you even on this board speculating? Seems futile. I tried to explain what I wanted because no IDIer has ever posted that, IMO. Including in your reply you again did not address how an intruder did those things, just how you...
  18. K

    IDI'S answer me this.

    Because it was next to her body. Let's take your scenario that this intruder just grabbed any old nightgown and leave aside the issue of it being her favorite. Regardless, that still meant he went to her bedroom and got it. When and how do you think he did that? Do you think he killed her and...
  19. K

    IDI'S answer me this.

    The witnesses were two frightened children, and Mark Klaas was not present in the home at the time because he was divorced from Polly's mother. Since most kidnappings are committed by a non-custodial parent, he was under suspicion because he could have either disguised himself or hired someone...
  20. K

    IDI'S answer me this.

    Explained. Fleet White had moved the suitcase that morning when he was searching the basement and bent down to look for glass on the floor from the window John claimed he had broken the previous summer. So? What part of that is not answered? You just answered it! The Rams said the alarm system...

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