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DNA Solves
  1. N

    Ways To Honor Caylee

    In looking at ways to better spend my time than following than news, I stumbled across a rather brutal (for lack of a better term) article...I am posting the link below the snippet...The title is called Life Coaching For Those Obsessed With the Casey Anthony Trial...Most of it was garbage in my...
  2. N

    Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

    Hi guys. I too am still beyond disturbed by the outcome. I am actually going to stop coming to the forum for a bit and stop reading any news on the matter to see if that helps. It HAS helped to come here and it has helped to read all your posts/thoughts/feelings, don't get me wrong. But I...
  3. N

    2011.07.11- 07.18 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    Oh, FGS!!! Seriously!?!?!?!:maddening: Someone call the WAAAAHmublance.
  4. N

    How the defense team used social media to their advantage

    This only adds to my disgust. This only adds to my belief that the sleazy defense team tactics are the only reasons a murdering monster mother is being set free on Sunday and will be allowed to potentially procreate again. This only adds to my belief that lies and more lies heaped onto lies...
  5. N

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    Not to mention a young desperate sociopathic mother (monster) absolutely PIZZED off at her control freak mother for busting her on check fraud, choking her and threatening to take Caylee away from her.!
  6. N

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    GREAT first post, and WELCOME!!! This part of your post was especially compelling IMO: (BBM) In all the what did the jury get wrong discussions everywhere--my overriding thought was THEY FELL FOR IT! "The jury failed to put the pieces of the puzzle together and it's my opinion they were duped...
  7. N

    2011.7.12 Presser with Investigators 1:30 PM

    As Yuri said, it is what it is. I believe this PC was held to try to bring some closure to the community that was harmed by this ill-gotten verdict. I hope we here at WS who have had difficulty with this outcome (absolutely myself---I too am surprised at how I am brought to tears when I think...
  8. N

    2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict) Dr. Haskell "shocked" by verdict RENSSELAER, Ind. (WLFI) - A forensic science professor from Rensselaer said he, like many others, were shocked at the outcome of the Casey Anthony trial this week...
  9. N

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    I am sure you are right about that. It's been said before but I will say it again: I wish there had been a mistrial. I wish Juror #2 would have hung the jury. I wish HHJP had not been so lenient with JB. I wish this trial did not set a sidebar and objection record. I wish that JB and...
  10. N

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    "The term is reasonable doubt, with the accent on reason. Certain defense counsel repeat the refrain from the above paragraph over and over as a mantra. This is done to achieve courtroom advantage, planting the same sentence over and over into the public's mind. " This is also known as...
  11. N

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    This is a poem. I wish I could post it on my facebook page---with credit to you, of course. Imagine reading it with no knowledge whatsoever of this case. It says it all.
  12. N

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    Oh it is awesome! Thank you so much for finding it and posting it here. I feel so much less alone in my thoughts about this farce now.
  13. N

    Cindy's cousin speaks out about George's guilt

    Thank you. I too think both ICA and CA have BPD --Borderline Personality Disorder....and since I do not believe ICA was molested by ANYONE, I have to admit I have wondered if CA was herself abused sexually as a child. I only wonder this because in my experience in the BPD world, there usually...
  14. N

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    Posted this on the wrong thread the first time around.... You know, and this is my opinion only---a lot of THs and a lot of posters and a lot of comment writers are all asking the same question: How could this have happened....and a lot of it is just easy to eat the prosecution's case wasn't...
  15. N

    Theory: could this have been a defense plan?

    Bravo---this post for me---makes total sense. So well written and thought out, also! Thank you!
  16. N

    Theory: could this have been a defense plan?

    Your post just made me think about the opening days of the trial and after CA testified (the big crying one with the 91 call played) ---KC was mad. If there was a "script" was KC mad because in this instance Ca did not follow it???--cause that anger was no joke--she was pizz'd at her mom!
  17. N

    Theory: could this have been a defense plan?

    You, know, and this is my opinion only---a lot of THs and a lot of posters and a lot of comment writers are all asking the same question: How could this have happened....and a lot of it is just easy to eat the prosecution's case wasn't strong enough. Well, we here all know (and anyone else who...
  18. N

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    Oh, my, that IS rich.
  19. N

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    Last one for the night...(it's 9:21 pm here).... More commentary on the different reactions between mothers who murder and mothers whose children die as a result of a neglectful action. Sadly, Karen Murphy will probably do a lot more time than Casey ever will...
  20. N

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    Of course the defense hired at least one jury consultant: “The defense team was trying to monitor all the online comments. It was virtually impossible to do that. There were so many,” attorney...

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