Theory: could this have been a defense plan?

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BBM That creepy video of Caylee eating breakfast in her high chair :eek:

Can someone provide a link to the breakfast video? I have seen it mentioned a few times and would like to view it.

I STRONGLY believe that GA and CA had everything planned out with Jose Baez. I am sure GA knew what Casey was going to accuse him of and I am sure he agreed with it. All he had to do was deny the molestation, so he couldn't possibly get charges. I think all their communication goes through Jose Baez. IMO, GA lied on the stand about many things! I feel he lied more than CA. This was a plan by them and I think it was a plan for a while. It was the only way they could confuse the jury!

I tend to think so too. It seemed like there were a lot of moments where they were hesitant like "am I really going to do this?"
Before anyone starts throwing them, let me mention I love tomatoes!

I posted a theory over two years ago and still think it today.

The afternoon Casey was at the house and gave George his gas cans or he wanted the tire block out of the trunk was when HE smelled something in the trunk. I feel he was devastated and made Casey answer to him. I believe little Caylee's body was in that trunk and that George told Casey that she could have called 911 if there had been an accident, but that decomposition made it imposssible to do that now.

George had his LE experience and knew that the only thing that would work would be duct taping little Caylee and disposing of her. It would be made to look like a kidnapping when she was found. I believe Casey overdosed Caylee using chloroform.

I have always wanted to know when Cindy put in for vacation time for the last week of June. I honestly think that the entire family knew little Caylee was dead by that time and came up with a 'script' to follow. Even Cindy's MySpace epistle was written knowing Caylee was never coming back. She was grieving even then. She knew, IMO.

George would know that if Caylee's body was not found for months on end, much if not all, of the evidence would be inconclusive or nonexistant. She would be reduced to nothing but bones. Any law enforcement officer has to see horrific things if on the department as long as 10 years. Yes, this was his own precious granddaughter, but he had to make a decision and did, IMO. That is why George has been so tormented.

Remember Casey's words at the jail when her parents came to see her? She says, "Don't worry, I haven't said anything." IMO, the whole family was involved in the coverup.

So where does Lee fit in? He did speak of a secret at the memorial. I believe he was speaking to Casey meaning he would keep the secret, IMO, of Caylee's death. Was Lee also involved in the disposal? IDK, but I am sure he knew.

This is it. I am done. Baez knows what happened, IMO. He knows. I also think the Anthony's were working with him all along. I will always believe he knows he got a baby killer off when Casey was found not guilty.

I am probably wrong, but it does not matter if I am. Casey Anthony got away with murder and these 12 jurors got it all wrong, IMO. Anyway, I am so done with any of the Anthony's and have not felt sorry for any of them for way over two years.

Mods, please move this post if you think it is in the wrong thread. TIA.


This would explain how Baez came on the scene so quickly. But why would Cindy get LE involved? That one nags me.
Georges police interview...

Month of May:
I know Cindy watched Caylee nearly every day.
Fridays and Saturdays off-99% of the time we always had Caylee with us.
Some days my wife brought Caylee home from work-Casey would drop her off at Cindy's work because SHE had to go to work.
Generally he would be up about 7:30
Caylee and Casey would come out about 9 or 10.
I would be the one a lot of times giving the little girl her breakfast, taking her outside to play, walking to the mailbox.
We put the child locks on the door, but she could slide it open, but she never went past the screened back porch.
Casey staying out til midnight, one, sometimes two in the morning (staying late for event, staying to make deposit for work, etc)
This is getting so bizzarre this is just unbelievable (after being asked if he had a stroke on June 13th).
I've felt for two years that my daughter wasn't working, I've felt that.
His son was blown away by the activity on Caseys cell phone in the afternoon of the 16th.
Right after we called in about our granddaughter, two or three days later, Cindy says You know George I hope she didn't panic, do something, gate always locked. Wife called and asked about ladder on and gate unlocked. Sometime in the month prior. Could not pin down the date. They just had a bad feeling. Maybe something happened. We hate to think that. You start thinking different things.
Living with a strong woman, and a daughter that has almost the same personality. It's hard living with three women.

I knew they originally said the gate and ladder on the pool thing happened earlier.
wow... I feel like someone has opened my eyes.

I have been taken for a fool. This makes SO much sense!!!

Now I'm even more livid than before. This is SICK!

there HAS to be something we can do!!!

Me too. I fell for it. I felt so much for GA.
Remember Casey's meltdown after Cindy took the stand the first time? The jury was not in the courtroom at that what do you all think that was about?
Remember Casey's meltdown after Cindy took the stand the first time? The jury was not in the courtroom at that what do you all think that was about?

maybe she knew we were watching? Seems like she kept looking at the camera..


ETA or maybe she was playing it up for DCS... I think her and a few others weren't in on the scheme
ALSO how would Baez know how GA buried a dog 30 years ago!

who could've told him that hmmm? Casey wouldn't have known! And why would GA implicate himself like that??

ohh this is all becoming so clear

RBM: Exactly ... how in the he77 JB would know how the A's buried their pets, and going as far back as 30 years ?

Yep ... it was a script that included all of the Anthony's ... including their dead pets !

Cindy said and KC and Caylee were all snuggled up together the evening of the 15th watching home movies and chit. B friggin S! I have learned my lesson with the Anthony's! Anything they claim as truth is the complete and total opposite!

So cindy says they are all snuggled in reality there is a knock down drag out fight between Cindy and KC. Cindy let's KC have it about the stealing while George sits back fuming b/c no one said Happy Fathers' day to him. Lee is trying to play referee and I assume Caylee is on nobodies mind

Ok from this scenario I think a number of things could have taken place

-Caylee got injured during the fight and died when no one knew, KC leaves alone and Caylee isn't discovered until later

-Caylee snuck out to the pool (her happy place) to get away from the screaming and drowned

-Casey directs all her anger from cindy to poor Caylee and kills her in a rage. panics and says "i know! I'll make it look like she was kidnapped so it wont be my fault"

I am thinking it's the last one..

and I also think that at some point after the 911 call Cindy got the truth out off KC and the damage control started..

idk these are all new theories for me and have yet to do anything to back them up.. but you can bet your bottom dollar I will do what I can to get closer to the truth.

I really would like to know what was said during the phone conversation with TL from 6/15-6/16


BBM. I think you are right about when CA got on board. How can you go from a frantic grandma with a missing toddler calling 911 to a soothing and sweet talking the person who is at best keeping info from you about how to find her in such a short time? Look at those jailhouse videos. The way they sucked up to KC. If that happened in my family, I see my mom and dad visiting me only to get info from me and not in a nice way.
would the outcme have been different if the whole family was investigted and had charges brought before caseys trial? if they could have been charges for tampering with evidence for cleaning the car or something. i i dont know. the anthonys were afford too much leeway because of their situation. LE should have called their bluff and charged them with obstruction. im not saying they had grounds too since im not sure but it sure would have been nice.
"I'll never get this car clean!" WTF! This case is going to cause me to have a coronary if someone doesn't intervene and stop me.:banghead:

Wow! I always thought she said there "I don't have anything to say to them" or similar as did the youtube poster. But now that I read "I'll never get this car clean" that's what it sounds like! It also sounds like a male voice in the background (maybe Lee) could be ICA is saying "help me get this car clean"?
I'm sorry I just don't believe that all of this was scripted and planned from the beginning. CA was in cover up mode for ICA but I don't think she quite knew why at first, it was just her natural instinct to cover up.

I don't believe GA or CA had any clue what was going on when they found that car. I believe GA did what he was supposed to do and that was go ask CA what they should do. She called the shots. There was no way he would have called LE about the car before he came home and talked to CA about it.

I believe that they both got bamboozled by ICA. I think she said she had NO IDEA what happened with the car. She said she ran out of gas, went back to get it and it was gone, she didn't know where it was. This is probably what she told them, so that it would look like someone else had it and abandonded it so that eventually it got stolen and the smell had to be from whatever happened before the theif abaondoned it and she was too scared to tell them. I think the big fight between CA and ICA is why CA backed off and let ICA stay away for a few weeks. She thought she'd cool down and come back when she ran out of $$ and she didn't want to push ICA too much because of the fight. She didn't want ICA to take Caylee away since they each threatened each other that night, CA saying she was going to go for custoday and ICA saying oh ya, she's my daughter and I can just leave, and she did, or so CA thought.

I can totally see ICA spinning that and saying to her parents about the decomp smell in the car. OMG do you think that has anything to do with Zanny taking Caylee? Are you crazy?? and them buying it. It was easier to believe the lies.

I think they both thought the nanny had her until ICA came home on bond. Those weeks were when they found out something else was going on. I still don't think they thought she was dead. I think that came in October sometime. I think CA was greiving big time in those November interviews. She looked like death boiled over. But I still don't know if GA knew then. To me, he was oblivious going about his missing kids activities, CA didn't talk as much during those interviews and let him go on and on about finding Caylee, I think she KNEW. I don't think GA knew for sure until Dominic Casey and Hoover were sent to look for the remians. That's when GA knew. I don't think either of them was surprised when the remains were found, they knew it was Caylee. BUT....

I still think they had no idea what really happened but thought it was an accident. I do think they were told by JB that she drowned and that ICA paniced. I think they thought since early in the fall that there was no nanny and that it "was an accident that snowballed out of control" I think from then TO THIS DAY, they believe it was a terrible accident and that ICA was soo scared to break CA's heart that she covered it up. I think GA has deep down thought it could be something worse but was shut down by CA saying NO, ICA would never do anything like that. So he did what he always did and shut up and let CA handle it. He had his new kidfinders as an outlet for his frustrations and to keep him busy.

Fast forward to 6 weeks before the trial they are contacted by JB and asked to put their faith in ICA to the test. Will they go along with accusations that might just cloud the truth and create reasonable doubt. They've got nothing to lose and it will for sure help spare ICA the DP. After all, it was an accident and if they don't help iCA will be wrongly convicted.

I truly believe that they thought they were helping to create doubt so as to get the DP thrown out. Imagine their surprise when she was aquitted. I honestly believe GA thinks she did something horrible and went along to spare her life because CA said to. I think he wants her in jail and I think he blames her for Caylee's death.

CA on the other hand just wants to win, and win she did. She beat EVERYBODY, she beat the whole freaking judicial system, her lies and covering and playing both sides during the trial worked better than she ever thought. I never posted a thing when she was having her "breakdown" on the stand because everyone was so heartbroken for her and I felt like a cold hard person because I didnt buy it. I felt like the only person who thought it was an act. Oh she was crying, she loved Caylee, pretended to be helping the Pros, but she poured it on to look like she was the grieving Grandma and the next day stabbed the prosecution in the back. She showed two completely different personas. It was fascinating and now I know where ICA learned it. ICA was created by CA, I've always believed that.

Not only did she help muddy the waters, she got ICA off completely. Remember GA saying his wife and his daughter have the same personality. They do, they really do, but for the life of me I honestly can't say I know who is more evil, I want to say ICA, because she did after all kill Caylee, but CA, she is pure evil. I shudder when I see the pic of her evil smile when the verdict was read.

CA is the mastermind, the moster, the creator of evil, ICA is just following in her footsteps. It's the power struggle between these two narcicissts that caused all of this. IMHO
Sorry to quote myself but I just remembered seeing an interview with Cindy in her backyard & her convoluted explanation of moving the bush near the pool. It just seemed very weird at the time to me (it was within the first month of Caylee being "missing"), but at that point I had no idea the depths this family would go to. Plus the dogs hit in the back yard. Could they have been hiding where Caylee was initially buried by moving the bush there? I have always thought her dead body was in that back yard, either buried or placed & then put in the trunk & moved down the street. George could have told KC to borrow a neighbors shovel so no residue from the body would be found on any of their property. I don't know....but that story about moving the bush & the pavers in the back yard always seemed like it had something to do with her death. The dogs are the best evidence there is!

Rather than a video of the Aisenbergs, Baez should have shown them a video of the Ramseys. Maybe they could have avoided a trial altogether if they'd kept quiet instead of spewing weirdness all over the place.
This makes me sick too! If I were Cindy I would be out in that garage slapping the crap out of Casey asking her why the heck the car smells like decomp. I would not let her clean it before the cops got there! Cindy knew she was letting her clean it because she KNEW!

What if ICA told CA that Zanny had the car for a week or so, and she used it to take Caylee to the beach, whatever. That she didn't know where the car had been left or that it had been towed. Then ICA proceeded with the kidnapping story to CA and CA thought it looked bad for them that ICA had loaned the car out and there was no proof that it WAS Zanny that had been driving it. CA went into CYA mode then? CA was going to help concoct the Zanny story, but leaving the loaning the car/ stinky car part out to police. Maybe CA said the cops will never believe that you wouldn't have told them Caylee was missing. Stick with the Zanny story, but leave the car story out! Then eventually she did figure out there was and never was a Zanny. But not at the point she made the 911 call.
Omg, WHY did the state not use the "i'll never get this car clean"? I had never picked up on that before. That would have proven that there would have been more than one hair if it hadn't been cleaned. I thought I had heard that CA cleaned the car, this should have been a major point in the prosecutions case. JMO

STATE :waitasec:
Did not pick up car instantly after 911 call
Bought all the BS George fed them. They knew that he knows more about murder then a nonprofessional
They should not have trusted one syllable out of his mouth then they would have done a real investigation.
HMMMM? The idiot that represented the state probably had no clue what he was doing.
He presented a fog.
Based on his FOG - the jurors did the right thing.

I am not saying they did not work hard, I AM saying they did not work smart. MAYBE because they were
overheated HMMMM summer in Florida Brain toast. :floorlaugh:

Here's my :twocents, but first let me say this:

I do NOT believe Caylee "died in an accident" and I do NOT believe that George was involved in moving Caylee's body to the woods. Also, I do NOT believe that George "molested" ICA !

I believe that ICA "murdered" Caylee and ICA "alone" put the body in the woods.

It was NOT an accident because there is no way ICA would have sat in jail for 3 years for an accident ... I believe ICA was trying to "frame" George in some ways but she did not think it out all the way through.

When ICA's car was picked up from the towyard, and GA realized what had happened, I believe he KNEW -- he KNEW something had happened to Caylee !

But George could NOT do ANYTHING WITHOUT CINDY'S APPROVAL ! Once Cindy realized "something was wrong" ... she went into "cover-up mode" for ICA, and "ORDERED" GA go right along with it.

As to ICA's "defense" ...

I believe that the "SCRIPT" was started by Casey, then added to by Jose, and of course, it had Cindy's "seal of approval".

I believe that Cindy had to convince George and Lee to go along.

EVERYTHING was planned by ICA, JB and CA, and George and Lee took on their roles. Maybe it APPEARED that GA and LA were "reluctant" .. but they "obeyed" as they were ordered to by Cindy.

From the Jail House Letters ... to the allegations of sexual molestation ... to Krystal Holloway/River Cruz -- who I believe was a "defense plant" to "trap" George just in case he would not participate with Cindy and Jose's plan ... to the crying on the stand ... to the "perjury" on the stand ... it was ALL SCRIPTED !

Also, I believe there is a REASON the entire Anthony Family participated in the cover-up, and the defense plans of LIES, to help get that "not guilty" verdict for ICA!

And I do NOT believe we will ever know what the TRUTH is ... we can only speculate ...

It is ABSOLUTELY DESPICABLE that an entire family would cover-up the murder of little Caylee !


Dog Gone Cute........These 8Paws agree!
I STRONGLY believe that GA and CA had everything planned out with Jose Baez. I am sure GA knew what Casey was going to accuse him of and I am sure he agreed with it. All he had to do was deny the molestation, so he couldn't possibly get charges. I think all their communication goes through Jose Baez. IMO, GA lied on the stand about many things! I feel he lied more than CA. This was a plan by them and I think it was a plan for a while. It was the only way they could confuse the jury!

Your post just made me think about the opening days of the trial and after CA testified (the big crying one with the 91 call played) ---KC was mad.

If there was a "script" was KC mad because in this instance Ca did not follow it???--cause that anger was no joke--she was pizz'd at her mom!
I have to disagree. The writer of the script is definitely CA. It has her name all over it.

Hmmm she is RN George is Ex Murder investigator. He would know about cleaning up and how a jury thinks. I vote for GA as the writer of the script,
and I vote for CA as the writer of how a circus is run. She did run a strange circus. CA is less likable, but the real slime bucket is GA.
I do know couples where one is more outspoken and where it is the quite one who runs and controls.
I'm sorry I just don't believe that all of this was scripted and planned from the beginning. CA was in cover up mode for ICA but I don't think she quite knew why at first, it was just her natural instinct to cover up.

I don't believe GA or CA had any clue what was going on when they found that car. I believe GA did what he was supposed to do and that was go ask CA what they should do. She called the shots. There was no way he would have called LE about the car before he came home and talked to CA about it.

I believe that they both got bamboozled by ICA. I think she said she had NO IDEA what happened with the car. She said she ran out of gas, went back to get it and it was gone, she didn't know where it was. This is probably what she told them, so that it would look like someone else had it and abandonded it so that eventually it got stolen and the smell had to be from whatever happened before the theif abaondoned it and she was too scared to tell them. I think the big fight between CA and ICA is why CA backed off and let ICA stay away for a few weeks. She thought she'd cool down and come back when she ran out of $$ and she didn't want to push ICA too much because of the fight. She didn't want ICA to take Caylee away since they each threatened each other that night, CA saying she was going to go for custoday and ICA saying oh ya, she's my daughter and I can just leave, and she did, or so CA thought.

I can totally see ICA spinning that and saying to her parents about the decomp smell in the car. OMG do you think that has anything to do with Zanny taking Caylee? Are you crazy?? and them buying it. It was easier to believe the lies.

I think they both thought the nanny had her until ICA came home on bond. Those weeks were when they found out something else was going on. I still don't think they thought she was dead. I think that came in October sometime. I think CA was greiving big time in those November interviews. She looked like death boiled over. But I still don't know if GA knew then. To me, he was oblivious going about his missing kids activities, CA didn't talk as much during those interviews and let him go on and on about finding Caylee, I think she KNEW. I don't think GA knew for sure until Dominic Casey and Hoover were sent to look for the remians. That's when GA knew. I don't think either of them was surprised when the remains were found, they knew it was Caylee. BUT....

I still think they had no idea what really happened but thought it was an accident. I do think they were told by JB that she drowned and that ICA paniced. I think they thought since early in the fall that there was no nanny and that it "was an accident that snowballed out of control" I think from then TO THIS DAY, they believe it was a terrible accident and that ICA was soo scared to break CA's heart that she covered it up. I think GA has deep down thought it could be something worse but was shut down by CA saying NO, ICA would never do anything like that. So he did what he always did and shut up and let CA handle it. He had his new kidfinders as an outlet for his frustrations and to keep him busy.

Fast forward to 6 weeks before the trial they are contacted by JB and asked to put their faith in ICA to the test. Will they go along with accusations that might just cloud the truth and create reasonable doubt. They've got nothing to lose and it will for sure help spare ICA the DP. After all, it was an accident and if they don't help iCA will be wrongly convicted.

I truly believe that they thought they were helping to create doubt so as to get the DP thrown out. Imagine their surprise when she was aquitted. I honestly believe GA thinks she did something horrible and went along to spare her life because CA said to. I think he wants her in jail and I think he blames her for Caylee's death.

CA on the other hand just wants to win, and win she did. She beat EVERYBODY, she beat the whole freaking judicial system, her lies and covering and playing both sides during the trial worked better than she ever thought. I never posted a thing when she was having her "breakdown" on the stand because everyone was so heartbroken for her and I felt like a cold hard person because I didnt buy it. I felt like the only person who thought it was an act. Oh she was crying, she loved Caylee, pretended to be helping the Pros, but she poured it on to look like she was the grieving Grandma and the next day stabbed the prosecution in the back. She showed two completely different personas. It was fascinating and now I know where ICA learned it. ICA was created by CA, I've always believed that.

Not only did she help muddy the waters, she got ICA off completely. Remember GA saying his wife and his daughter have the same personality. They do, they really do, but for the life of me I honestly can't say I know who is more evil, I want to say ICA, because she did after all kill Caylee, but CA, she is pure evil. I shudder when I see the pic of her evil smile when the verdict was read.

CA is the mastermind, the moster, the creator of evil, ICA is just following in her footsteps. It's the power struggle between these two narcicissts that caused all of this. IMHO

Bravo---this post for me---makes total sense. So well written and thought out, also! Thank you!

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