Theory: could this have been a defense plan?

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Aisenberg couple? It had to be sometime within those '9' days that LP was there.

Yes, the couple back in the late 90s. LP reported about them gathering around to watch the DVD and discuss how to/not to act based on what the Aisenbergs did.
One thing that was weird about the defense story....why didn't they just admit that the body was transported via Casey's trunk?

I mean the body had to be transported somehow if there was a drowning.
This is so true & dawned on me when Jesse was on dr Drew.
The whole defence accident was built around that statement & those pictures. I felt it so strange that they had all those pictures of Caylee going up the ladder step by step, all the way to when she jumped into the pool.
The picture of her opening the door raised my suspicions as well.
It was so planned I couldn't believe the jury missed that.
Infact if Caylee had not have been dead at the time I would have thought she was alive & it was all a set up by these pictures alone. wierded me out too. Is it possible that any pool pictures were photoshopped?
ITA with one exception. I don't think anybody can lie more than CA....not even KC! It is becoming more and more obvious that they have been in cahoots with JB for a loooooong time. All that bull about JB not wanting them to be allowed in the courtroom as well as KC turning down the meeting with her mother was just that....bull! Wasn't it just days before that, we saw KC mouthing "I love you" to her mother?

The talking heads (THs) are one after the other sensationalizing whether Casey and her mom, then Casey and her dad, then Casey and Lee, will be reconciled. It is driving me nuts that none of THs are even throwing out there the possibility that this is a drama and nothing more. Of course they will *reconcile*; they have never been *unreconciled*.

Casey won't see her mom?...well,'s not time for her to do that yet! It's in the script but that part hasn't come up. They are building up the drama so that Casey can get a TV interview with big bucks. Cindy can get an interview, too. Everyone is salivating over them talking with Barbara Walters or whomever. Day by day, hour by hour even, they are working the program!

Please THs, get onboard with it.

I call BS on all of that. This started way before the "6 weeks ago" carp. Not attacking you or yuor post Nova....but that whole "went to JB's office" is seriously suspicious. Then they "cooperated" with the state...but Lee didn't. GMAB
I heard bits and pieces of JB's interview with Barbwa Wawa.....I think he BELIEVES the lies himself now. Amazing.

I totally agree JB is believing his own lies - so does OJ!! (Say it often enough and it becomes fact.)
One thing that was weird about the defense story....why didn't they just admit that the body was transported via Casey's trunk?

I mean the body had to be transported somehow if there was a drowning.

JB did say in closing maybe ICA moved the body. Of course she was in the trunk an I was suprised he didn't concede to that as well. The alternate however doesn't think she was in the trunk. Apparently hair with deathband didn't bother him either. It's not like the baby rolled herself down to the swamp and threw herself in.

I noticed CM screw up a bit and say the baby died "somehow" in an IV after the verdict. Even he doesn't think she drowned. JB messed up once and called it a murder.
I do believe that this was a scripted play by the A's. CA cooperated with the SA at first and over dramatically responded to the tragedy, not the strong CA we had seen. CA's goal was to earn credibility with the Jury. We saw a complete switch when it came to testifying for the Defense and the old CA was back with a vengeance, following JB's lead and, adding helpful details. CA proffered the photos of Caylee climbing the pool ladder as well as Caylee seemingly opening (trying) the patio door to plant seeds, build on the OS and, reinforce the accident theory.

CA, GA and, LA all had roles for the DT and they played them according to plan -- although LA backed down at the last minute. GA sparred on purpose about the gas cans to create that drama since later he answered more plainly and simply.

They were cleverly denying the charges of accident and sexual abuse but seeding inferences and implications to the contrary. Very polished. It worked because the Jury listened to the OS and could never get past it ... they were looking for anything to reinforce the accident theory than paying attention to the murder evidence.

I was shocked at the sheer size of the DT team and supporting personnel, did I see something like 28 folks who were orchestrating and scripting every step of this? To me, this was funded BIG TIME by some major investors and those who claimed they no longer had a role on the team were VERY active. This was a major trial and the DT had some major investors and extended team.
I wonder how much input our buddy Geraldo had with all of this also. He is a piece of work just like all of them. JMHO
I do believe that this was a scripted play by the A's. CA cooperated with the SA at first and over dramatically responded to the tragedy, not the strong CA we had seen. CA's goal was to earn credibility with the Jury. We saw a complete switch when it came to testifying for the Defense and the old CA was back with a vengeance, following JB's lead and, adding helpful details. CA proffered the photos of Caylee climbing the pool ladder as well as Caylee seemingly opening (trying) the patio door to plant seeds, build on the OS and, reinforce the accident theory.

CA, GA and, LA all had roles for the DT and they played them according to plan -- although LA backed down at the last minute. GA sparred on purpose about the gas cans to create that drama since later he answered more plainly and simply.

They were cleverly denying the charges of accident and sexual abuse but seeding inferences and implications to the contrary. Very polished. It worked because the Jury listened to the OS and could never get past it ... they were looking for anything to reinforce the accident theory than paying attention to the murder evidence.

I was shocked at the sheer size of the DT team and supporting personnel, did I see something like 28 folks who were orchestrating and scripting every step of this? To me, this was funded BIG TIME by some major investors and those who claimed they no longer had a role on the team were VERY active. This was a major trial and the DT had some major investors and extended team.

Is there a possibilty HHJP was involved? He did have lunch with Geraldo. JB was trying to get a "mistrial" and HHJP kept telling JB, let's wait til the verdict. Was it all part of the plan?
I wonder how much input our buddy Geraldo had with all of this also. He is a piece of work just like all of them. JMHO

I think that Geraldo had a key role in this, to him it was a game of chess and he wanted to turn it on its head -- as was done. IMO.

IIRC I read from someone in court that when the NG verdict was read JB looked up into the gallery to Geraldo.

There was a NY connection and also connections involving LP to insert folks and 'mix it up'.

The more this was 'mixed' up and it was every step of the way, the more the stock price went up and future media and license rights.

Early indications based on public outrage though are -- this has become toxic -- but time will change that and many millions $$$'s are in play.
Who funded the Defense? ... this was not a Defense solely funded by the State as an indigent client -- given the sheer behind-the-scenes size and operation. IMO
I totally agree. It has been documented that the FAMILY was trying to frame Jesse Grund for the murder of Caylee back in September 2008. If the family was suppossed to be looking for Zenida Gonzales and looking for a "alive" Caylee than why was the Family plotting a plan to frame Jesse. The plot they came up with was "jesse drowned caylee in the swimming pool and then threw her in the trunk as to "frame" Casey. Sound familar?? This was witnessed by Tracy the equesearch person in SEPTEMBER 2008!!!!! What is going on....they absolutley knew Caylee was dead or they woundn't be trying to frame him. I think they are all involved with either the death or cover up!!! How come the this never came out in the trial?? :banghead:

So that makes me think of LA's visit to ICA in jail where he's reading the list of people he can "trust", going through his list so methodically, asking her to even answer in code. I never did get what that whole q/a session was about. But now, maybe I do. Was he asking "Who can we throw under the bus" really, not "who do you trust". Light bulb!
Why didn't Tracy get called by the state? If all of ICA's 'friends' could speak of her demeanor & their convos re: Caylee why couldn't she? She had so much to tell! It's :crazy: she never did.

Respectfully snipped to focus on Tracy.
I remember seeing her deposition or interview(?) on youtube where she says there was a day early on where they were all in the kitchen and she was acting like she was texting so the A's didn't know she was paying attn. Anyway the conversation between GA, CA, and ICA was about the borrowed shovel. I can't remember exactly what it was, but when I heard it, it perked my ears up. Then she said GA (I think) sort of motioned to Tracy and said to quit talking about it in front of her (or to that effect). Why would GA and CA even know or care about ICA borrowing a shovel at that point??? Anyone else remember this?
Finally! There's a thread that discusses the viewpoints that have been nagging at me for the longest time.

I finally Googeled, "how to make chloroform.". I had to!! It's been killing me not to for the longest time. Hoping that my fellow Sluethers have done that too so I don't feel like an arse.

Anyway, the whole process/procedure to make chlorofrom seems a little time consuming and complex. Casey doesn't strike me as the kind of person to be patient enough to be able to take the time to do that.

Had she wanted to deliberately kill her child, there are much easier ways - especially in Florida. Haleigh Cummings comes to mind.

I am certainly not saying that she is innocent, just saying that the whole chloroform thing isn't making sense to me.
I thought early on Cindy was saying she had seen the nanny before and had talked to her..she knew she had a dog?? something along those lines!

Just catching up, sorry so behind here, its probably been discussed. I recall that too. ETA: the part about the dog. But I don't recall cindy saying she met zanny.
Who funded the Defense? ... this was not a Defense solely funded by the State as an indigent client -- given the sheer behind-the-scenes size and operation. IMO
My hinky meter was set off when I started noticing they all seem to have the same talking points.

TERRY MORAN, ABC NEWS: A lot of people might say how are you going to sleep at night?

JENNIFER FORD, CASEY ANTHONY JUROR: I'm going to sleep just fine because I had -- in this country, that's our Constitution. I applied the law. I did the best I could. I tried to make it work. I was reaching. I was trying to, you know, like I said, if they are all three there and no medical attention is given then that's -- that's -- what's it? Culpable negligence, failure to provide safety and medical care and things like that.
Casey Anthony: TV’s attorneys answer Cheney Mason’s criticism
Caylee and Casey Anthony, Fox News Channel, Jose Baez, WESH, WFTV, WKMG — posted by halboedeker on July, 8 2011 1:13 PM

What was behind Mason’s anger after Anthony’s acquittal? I gained insights from Geraldo Rivera of Fox News Channel. Rivera, a friend of defense attorney Jose Baez, complained about how Baez had been treated by local attorneys on television.

“There’s a big difference between Casey and Jose,” Rivera said. “There was negative press directed at Jose by the local Bar. They were relentless in the attacks on him, people like Mark NeJame. They went after Jose in a way that was vicious. Jose has proved himself. He could have folded a million times. He stood his ground. He was David against Goliath. The Constitution protects unpopular people. The fact is he got paid chump change, sacrificing three years of his life. He is owed a huge apology from the local Bar and NeJame and other people.”

NeJame’s response? “Geraldo has done as much research on me as he did on Al Capone’s vault.” Monkey Devil!

Baez--"We have the greatest Constitution in the world and if the media and other members of the public do not respect it--it will become meaniless.
[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Jose Baez: 'I Saved A Life'‬‏[/ame]
Some similar talking points about the death penalty too. :waitasec:
So that makes me think of LA's visit to ICA in jail where he's reading the list of people he can "trust", going through his list so methodically, asking her to even answer in code. I never did get what that whole q/a session was about. But now, maybe I do. Was he asking "Who can we throw under the bus" really, not "who do you trust". Light bulb!

Richard Grund stated on VP show that the one's who were trying to frame Jesse was Cindy and George. I don't think LA was involved in anything except being as much of a patsy as JG.
This would explain how Baez came on the scene so quickly. But why would Cindy get LE involved? That one nags me.

They had 31 days to get their plan together. July 15 wasn't really "early on". They knew sooner or later they would have to implement the plan, so July 15, the day that coincided with the tow yard worked as well as any other. Oh, that makes me think they planted that car knowing it would be towed, then they ignored the notice on the door to pick it up. Remember, it sat on the front door for days before they claim they noticed it? The clock was ticking as soon as they received the tow yard notice.
Is there a possibilty HHJP was involved? He did have lunch with Geraldo. JB was trying to get a "mistrial" and HHJP kept telling JB, let's wait til the verdict. Was it all part of the plan?

No way. He looked sick when he read that verdict.

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