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DNA Solves
  1. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 10th July - Trial Day 18

    Possibly a point of contention in Judge Byrne's summations?
  2. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 10th July - Trial Day 18

    Happy to repost mine Ali: Quote Originally Posted by alioop View Post Have a look at Allison's phone bill in the bail hearing thread and see all the very long Internet connections on there and the kb values of the data. They are all $0 charge. Alioop, to your recollection did they mention...
  3. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 9th July - Trial Day 17

    Alioop, to your recollection did they mention what triggered the cut-off and recommencement of these data sessions? Was it triggered by the phone being turned off, and subsequently back on? It just seems too coincidental that a data session commenced at 6.31am on the morning she went missing...
  4. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 9th July - Trial Day 17

    Anyone else feel that Judge Byrne has really been paying attention? Did someone order a fine-toothed comb? If *I* did something terrible, I'd hate to come up against Fuller and in front of (Judge) Byrne.
  5. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 9th July - Trial Day 17

    Are you sure it was a caterpillar? Or was that just because everyone else suggested it might have been a caterpillar? Did you actually see the caterpillar? It could have been a spider. Or the tell-tale signs of a struggle. No, it was probably a caterpillar. Lock in c) Your Honour -...
  6. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 9th July - Trial Day 17

    Couldn't stand the weight of evidence against the defendant...
  7. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 9th July - Trial Day 17

    ^^^ This, this, and then some, this.
  8. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 7th July - Trial Day 15

    And the remaining 7 don't believe the "shaving cut" story. So that's an even dozen.
  9. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 1st July - Trial Day 13, Week 3

    Baden-Clay: What is with all the questions? Don't you know who I am?! I have a hyphenated name, dagnabbit!
  10. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 1st July - Trial Day 13, Week 3

    Can't wait for the following scenario: Fuller: So you lied to your wife. Your mistress. Your family. Your friends. Your business partners. Your colleagues. Your prospective financiers. The Police. Is there anyone you haven't lied to? Baden-Clay: <shakily> Uhm, the Jury?
  11. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 1st July - Trial Day 13, Week 3

    Golf clap. Nice shot, Mr Fuller. Well played, sir.
  12. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 1st July - Trial Day 13, Week 3

    Has the possibility been definitively ruled out that TM didn't drive to Brookfield that night to "take action into her own hands, and get the ball rolling on GBC's pledge"? She would have been upset at his alleged unwillingness to intervene about the conference. Perhaps she did call GBC, and...
  13. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 1st July - Trial Day 13, Week 3

    It's never too early to call the police after you've <allegedly> murdered your wife.
  14. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 1st July - Trial Day 13, Week 3

    Yes, Her Honour! Hopefully today is a poignant, watershed day. The lies have been spilled, the omissions highlighted. Time for the Prosecution to show the jury that anything that comes out of the defendant's mouth should be taken with a grain of salt... (and some anti-nausea...
  15. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 30th June - Trial Day 12, Week 3

    His lawyer suggested "a couple of doctors"? A couple of doctors? Really... Which lawyer was this? And can it be verified?
  16. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 30th June - Trial Day 12, Week 3

    Gerard: What is a CIB? And what is a crime scene? And who are all you people dressed in blue? Are you Smurfs?
  17. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 30th June - Trial Day 12, Week 3

    <grimly> And his wife under the Kholo Bridge.
  18. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 30th June - Trial Day 12, Week 3

    Bahahahahaha!!! That is the best he has come up with after 2 years?!
  19. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 30th June - Trial Day 12, Week 3

    Wait, didn't he claim they all watched the Good Wife together, hence the "Pleading the Fifth" internet search at 10.08pm? Hardly possible if she went to bed... <incredulous> Could it be, GBC is lying, or embellishing?!
  20. S

    The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 30th June - Trial Day 12, Week 3

    Uhm, something is only considered a "rumour" when the truth is doubtful, Gerard.

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