‘Mother hen’ to media villain: The life of Debbie Bradley - Kansas City Star 11/5/11

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I must reread the life of DB again. Maybe I missed something. In fact, I'm sure I did.
A big thing that weighs on me, too, is that supposedly no one knows where Baby Lisa is or what she might be experiencing right now. I can't reconcile the fact that anyone innocently involved in a missing child case would withhold any information at all, no matter how self-incriminating on the surface, in lieu of saving that baby from further potential or present harm.

I am not trying to be harsh. In fact, I'm trying to be tactful. But I can't make it tally up in my mind. The priorities just seem so backwards to me.
I don't know what university you got this textbook from, but at the one I work at, nothing like that is used. BLET students are taught interrogation by in service detectives. I have NEVER seen any of them tell the students to call anyone "white trash" or anything derogatory. Yes, they antagonize suspects and many times this does lead to confessions or to lawyers. Anyone that has ever followed a missing child case knows that the parents will come under suspicion if a suspect is not found rather quickly. Even DB admitted she knew that.

You might want to check out the Reid Technique. It is the is the basis of the widely used "Criminal Interrogation and Confessions" manual. If your Uni has a decent CJ Dept. they teach it. It walks the investigators through how to break down a suspect, step by step, and it is actually CHILLING, when you imagine it being used on an innocent person.

And, you may be interested in reading some research on modern interview technique:

I am not making this stuff up!
It's not unconstitutional for them to WANT it, or to ASK for it. It would be unconstitutional for them to demand it or force it. Some people believe that the reason this information is even out there is because LE was trying to publicly goad the family into agreeing to it.

The lawyers have publicly stated that they believe that the term "unrestricted" means without a lawyer. LE has never denied that their interpretation is incorrect.

Unrestricted means....without restrictions. When LE asks for an unrestricted interview, they want to be able to ask whateve questions they have without the DT stopping them with an objection at every turn. That's called a waste of time.

People can look all they want for the quote from LE that says they want to interview them without their attorneys present, but you won't find it - they didn't say it....Short "insinuated" this was their intent.
Unrestricted means....without restrictions. When LE asks for an unrestricted interview, they want to be able to ask whateve questions they have without the DT stopping them with an objection at every turn. That's called a waste of time. People can look all they want for the quote from LE that says they want to interview them without their attorneys present, but you won't find it - they didn't say it....Short "insinuated" this was their intent.

I agree, I also feel that any interview given ,with or without a lawyer, at this time will be a waste of time . If the lawyer is present...he will stop them with an objection as you stated above. If the lawyer is NOT present, DB will use her famous line..."I don't remember, I was drunk"....so either way it will be a waste of time. JMO
Unrestricted means....without restrictions. When LE asks for an unrestricted interview, they want to be able to ask whatever questions they have without the DT stopping them with an objection at every turn. That's called a waste of time.

People can look all they want for the quote from LE that says they want to interview them without their attorneys present, but you won't find it - they didn't say it....Short "insinuated" this was their intent.

A baby is missing and they have a problem allowing LE an unrestricted interview...I cannot even imagine.

It's been over a month, do these people want their daughter back or not? It isn't that difficult.
I must reread the life of DB again. Maybe I missed something. In fact, I'm sure I did.

There isn't really much in the interview, a thin bio, a little fluff - I doubt you missed a thing. DB had some hard times as a teen, who didn't? By 25 and two kids you are either on the right path to moving on with your life or you are stuck blaming others for your lack of a future. I think it's easy to see what path DB is on right now.

It's time to get over it...where's baby Lisa?
I must reread the life of DB again. Maybe I missed something. In fact, I'm sure I did.

There were some things that jumped out at me....

“They can take her away, but they can’t take away her memory. … She is so special to us.” (THEY?)

“Debbie tells everything.”

In 2001, Lisa died unexpectedly. Her heart, Debbie told the Bradleys. The saddest part: She died on Phillip’s 10th birthday.
“She told me Phillip was the one who found her,” Hazel remembers. Lisa had promised her little boy that he could stay home from school, and they would go buy him a toy. He’d asked for a scooter. (10 years, 10 months)

That was a few things, but there were more. Anybody else?
There isn't really much in the interview, a thin bio, a little fluff - I doubt you missed a thing. DB had some hard times as a teen, who didn't? By 25 and two kids you are either on the right path to moving on with your life or you are stuck blaming others for your lack of a future. I think it's easy to see what path DB is on right now.

It's time to get over it...where's baby Lisa?

You know, MW was on TV going over her mommy and daddy issues already. One thing I haven't seen from DB is any mention of her life, her family, her parents, her loss. Not yet at least.
I applaud you for your answer. IMO, I don't think many people would go through with it again. At least not without lawyers. Very few people are going to sit in a room, by themselves, knowing they are only there so LE can find a way to railroad them somehow. And if I was really innocent, I would think that's not helping find my child.

OMG,if I had been given any chance of saving my son I would have endured torture to save his life.I was never given the chance.

I don't think that makes me an unusual mother.Quite the contrary ,it's what parents do when their child's life is threatened.

To not put themselves through another LE interview when that is their only hope of finding their daughter???:waitasec:That's unimaginable to me .

Analyzing the families actions should start in one place ,PANIC! DISTRESS,DISBELIEF,GRIEF,SHOCK,PLEASE HELP US ,WHAT DO WE DO TO SAVE OUR BABY?

We don't know what was said during the LE interview,but I just can't fathom blowing LE off if my baby was kidnapped. Let them say what they want about me,think what they want,as long as they also keep looking for her !
What is wrong with these parents :banghead:
Unrestricted means....without restrictions. When LE asks for an unrestricted interview, they want to be able to ask whateve questions they have without the DT stopping them with an objection at every turn. That's called a waste of time.

People can look all they want for the quote from LE that says they want to interview them without their attorneys present, but you won't find it - they didn't say it....Short "insinuated" this was their intent.

That's not what is being looked for. What people are asking for is some statement from LE that "unrestricted" did NOT mean without their lawyers.

Some people insist that LE didn't mean that, that "unrestricted" doesn't mean "without a lawyer" - but that is what the lawyers took it to mean, and LE has never said that the attorneys are wrong.

An interview like that may be, as you say, a waste of time, but it is everyone's constitutional right, and it certainly does not mean that the parents are guilty if they refuse. If the parent's were refusing to talk to LE at all, and was not answering their questions it might mean something, but that's not the case. As recently as a few days ago, LE confirmed that the family is answering questions. Anything LE needs to ask them can be asked in their living room - it doesn't need to be in the police station interview room. jmo
OMG,if I had been given any chance of saving my son I would have endured torture to save his life.I was never given the chance.

I don't think that makes me an unusual mother.Quite the contrary ,it's what parents do when their child's life is threatened.

To not put themselves through another LE interview when that is their only hope of finding their daughter???:waitasec:That's unimaginable to me .

Analyzing the families actions should start in one place ,PANIC! DISTRESS,DISBELIEF,GRIEF,SHOCK,PLEASE HELP US ,WHAT DO WE DO TO SAVE OUR BABY?

We don't know what was said during the LE interview,but I just can't fathom blowing LE off if my baby was kidnapped. Let them say what they want about me,think what they want,as long as they also keep looking for her !
What is wrong with these parents :banghead:

Well, you'd have to imagine not putting them through that when you don't believe it can possibly be of any help because they had already been through that. Nobody has claimed that their "only hope" rests in the boys.

Aside from that, I agree. I love my kids, but if one was missing we would all experience trauma over and over again until she was found. Whether that trauma was at home trying to play a game without the missing child, or talking to an expert- it's gonna be traumatic.
Well, you'd have to imagine not putting them through that when you don't believe it can possibly be of any help because they had already been through that. Nobody has claimed that their "only hope" rests in the boys.

Aside from that, I agree. I love my kids, but if one was missing we would all experience trauma over and over again until she was found. Whether that trauma was at home trying to play a game without the missing child, or talking to an expert- it's gonna be traumatic.

I was referring to the parents being interviewed again,not the boys.

I have always gotten weepy when I heard stories about parents losing their children. I thought I could imagine how horrible it could be. I was wrong . There is no way to imagine what happens to you or to your husband and other children. Try imagining what it would be like to be consumed by fire .
I have lost beloved pets,both of my parents ,my father-in-law and a few friends. The grief of losing my son is a thousand times worse than the grief of losing my parents,and we were very close.

DB and JI aren't doing anything to try and save their baby. THAT speaks volumes to me.
I misread, I'm so sorry :) I agree with your thoughts in being interviewed.
The one thing I got out of the life of DB is that she is histrionic...appears always was...still checking.

Can you provide a link that says LE is not opposed to them having counsel? I have read many things too and can't find that anywhere. I have looked as I would love to have this question cleared up in my head. TIA :seeya:

Can you provide a link where LE/FBI states they want to interview the parents without counsel? I have looked as I would love to have this question cleared in my head. TIA. :seeya:

I'm not buying the parents (cough, cough), defense take on this one. :floorlaugh:
Looks like this case is taking the same path as some other cases we have covered that had "Histrionic" mothers/caretakers and the child they were caring for, vanishes. We should have quite a long list by now.

R.I.P. Baby Lisa...
I agree with what a lot of the posts that talked about her tough life/past not meaning she killed her baby, but to me it is just one more piece to a puzzle... It seems this case has so many inconsist behaviors seen in cases where the parents aren't involved, i.e. Lunsfords, Klaas, Smarts, etc... And consistent with many behaviors seen in cases like the Cummings gang, Anthony's, Down's, etc... The lies, confusion, hiding being attorneys, and other general behaviors that deviate so much from what we expect of a "normal" parent going through this. I know I can't say exactly how I would act in this situation, but I know how many other parents have acted in this situation, who are innocent, and it just doesn't fit to me. They don't need breaks, seem hopeless a few weeks into it, use past tense (like in the article), avoid le, change timeline/story, etc.... I am basing my thoughts on DB and JI simply by comparing their behaviors with them. The past tense used in this article really bothers me. It almost seems like he is resigned to the fact that she is gone (grieving) and that makes me wonder. Again, most parents hold on to hope, they want the media attention, police/FBI help, etc... that this family does not.

According to this Hazel, DB would sneak out of the house at night, so I'm assuming her son was left behind without anyone knowing they were the sole person responsible for his care if something were to happen... I doubt she told Hazel "hey, I'm going out tonight in your car and I need you to watch my son." It also sounds like Hazel had rules and Deb had no problem breaking them, and trying to get away with it... as long as it benefited her.
Can you provide a link where LE/FBI states they want to interview the parents without counsel? I have looked as I would love to have this question cleared in my head. TIA. :seeya:

I'm not buying the parents (cough, cough), defense take on this one. :floorlaugh:


Police say they still want to re-interview Irwin and Bradley. Police last interviewed them on Oct. 8 and restrictions have been placed on all interviews since Oct. 5, authorities told KCTV5.

These are my opinions only....

This is the only thing I have found. I have been looking because, I think the stalemate on both sides is ridiculous. I take this and the fact that LE doesn't deny what attorney had to say about it to mean that unrestricted is w/o attorney. The thing that stands out to me in this article is that on Oct 8 interview is when law professor was acting as counsel. So, if he (counsel) was there on Oct 8 and Oct 5 was last interview w/o restrictions according to police...that makes me think that attorney present would be a restriction.

I hope that came across more clearly than I think it did. I was just headed off to bed, so there you go. That is what I have. I respect your opinion about the parents. I am still very on the fence. I am hopeful that Lisa is returned safely, I'm praying for that as I think we all are. Good night...:seeya:
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