‘Mother hen’ to media villain: The life of Debbie Bradley - Kansas City Star 11/5/11

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Why should it be the only chance they have of finding their daughter? If they are innocent, there is nothing else they can say that will help them find Lisa if someone else is responsible and they have no idea who it is or what happened to her.
It seems to me that LE should be out looking for the baby instead of focusing on putting the parents through more grilling. You can't tell the 'truth' if you don't know what that truth is.

I'm repeating myself,but as investigations move forward,new questions come up.
LE is probably talking to friends and neighbors,the boys teachers,family ,and may need DB and JI to clearify information.

If there is no evidence of a kidnapping where else can LE go ,but to the parents ? I really don't think they would ignore evidence that could lead them to someone besides the parents . A baby is missing!
But we don't know WHAT LE has.........they may have PLENTY pointing to their guilt. That's why they can't move on. LE is NOT the bad guy here. There just not.
They are talking to LE, they are just not allowing formal interrogation of them. They are answering questions. They have been in contact (no search was ever declined, etc). There is just a huge breakdown of trust between parents and LE, and parents are presumably refusing to continue to defend themselves in interrogation.

"Young claims the parents have cooperated and answered other questions, but they have not sufficiently satisfied police demands."

That's not good either, but at least let's call it like it is, right?

BBM. That right there. I'm pretty sure that means they are not admitting guilt, and not telling them where Lisa's body is.
Police demands??? Well.... if they are demanding that DB confess to something she may not have done, I don't blame her for not cooperating.
I'm repeating myself,but as investigations move forward,new questions come up.
LE is probably talking to friends and neighbors,the boys teachers,family ,and may need DB and JI to clearify information.

If there is no evidence of a kidnapping where else can LE go ,but to the parents ? I really don't think they would ignore evidence that could lead them to someone besides the parents . A baby is missing!
BBM. Your not the only one. I'm seeing the same back and forth comments over and over. And on multiple threads. JMO.
In every case, there is a concerted effort to insinuate, imply, and outright accuse LE of lying, being incompetent, being mean, having tunnel vision (a favorite accusation) and not worth spit. Why this is, I don't know. But, it does happen in every case.
How does that even begin to justify not allowing the boys to be questioned? How do the parents know for a fact that Lisa's brothers won't offer some seemingly meaningless bit of information that could assist LE in finding her?

Of course LE is "out looking" for Lisa. But look at all the man hours and tax dollars spent in the search for Caylee when all along, her mother knew precisely where she was. I don't blame LE one bit for focusing on Mom and Dad, given their inconsistent stories and evasiveness.

I was not talking about questioning the boys, but since you brought it up, I think they did question them once. It's very likely that the parents have talked to them and they don't believe the boys can offer anything that would help and just don't want them put through any more questioning. I am not sure I would allow them to question a 5 year old either. That's just me.

We are not talking about Casey Anthony here. Sorry but I don't wish to compare every missing child case with that one, and IMO, Deborah Bradley is about as far from being another Casey as one can get.

As far as focusing on the parents, sure... that's SOP. But it is very possible that they are the ONLY ones they're focusing on, and unless they have a lot more than what I have seen, they should begin to move on and look at other possibilities.

When LE initially disregarded those early tips about the man walking down the street carrying a baby, that pretty much tells me that they don't want to follow through with anything unless it points straight to Deborah. They might be disregarding other tips and leads as well, and that disturbs me.
BBM. Your not the only one. I'm seeing the same back and forth comments over and over. And on multiple threads. JMO.
Indeed, this issue has been driven into the ground. We can only wait for the next Chess move from either side. It's just not a subject that has any clear cut facts.
LE doesn't need to address every accusation made by the defense attorney. Defense attorneys make a lot of accusations and spin stories to make LE the bad guys (some more than others) when things don't look good for their clients. They want to create doubt and it appears to be working.Where's THEIR proof?
The defense attorneys want the public to take sides against LE. With nothing to back up their accusations they want the public to make the parents ,who aren't behaving like a family desperate to get their baby back,victims of LE.

What is LE supposed to do when the only witnesses won't talk? Where do they go from here?

And as a final thought to ponder ,wasn't Joe T. the lawyer / spokesman advocating for Joran Van Der Sloot? :waitasec: Great job there. JVS went on to brutally kill again. :furious:

LE has addressed that the family has answered questions. So your comment about 'the only witnesses won't talk' is incorrect. Also, if we're going to start condemning defense lawyers based on who they represented in the past, then there isn't going to be a whole lot left for representation.
But we don't know WHAT LE has.........they may have PLENTY pointing to their guilt. That's why they can't move on. LE is NOT the bad guy here. There just not.

If they had plenty, they would of at least named them a POI. We also don't know what they have and haven't 'moved on' from.
LE doesn't need to address every accusation made by the defense attorney. Defense attorneys make a lot of accusations and spin stories to make LE the bad guys (some more than others) when things don't look good for their clients. They want to create doubt and it appears to be working.Where's THEIR proof?
The defense attorneys want the public to take sides against LE. With nothing to back up their accusations they want the public to make the parents ,who aren't behaving like a family desperate to get their baby back,victims of LE.

What is LE supposed to do when the only witnesses won't talk? Where do they go from here?

And as a final thought to ponder ,wasn't Joe T. the lawyer / spokesman advocating for Joran Van Der Sloot? :waitasec: Great job there. JVS went on to brutally kill again. :furious:

I agree.. I stated in my post that the stalemate is ridiculous. I know defense is going to spin. They have been very successful in this case.

I don't have any problems with the way LE is conducting this investigation. I think they have been very thorough. I think they are keeping case very close to the vest as they should. I am also sure they know alot more than we do. I do wonder if some of the "moving on" statements have been said in order to make others comfortable so maybe they get some slip-ups. I have wondered too if they are putting all this emphasis on the parents to make others comfortable to get slip-ups. KWIM?

I do think SY jumped the gun a little early on when he first said parents weren't cooperating, that would've put me on the defensive too. Up until that point it seems that they had been cooperating and there had been no holes. I think if JI did ask for a break, they should've just given the break and come back to the interrogations the next day or a little later that day (can't remember details on times). If they were worried about the parents comparing notes, they could have held them separately I think; not really sure about that as I don't know the laws well.

These are my opinions.... I am still on the fence about who committed this crime. I am still on the fence about whether this is murder or kidnapping. I think stalemate is ridiculous and not helpful for either party. I think LE/FBI are doing a good job. I don't like defense team. I don't like BS. I think parents are being given bad advice. I want the boys interviewed safely (saw the horror video from Fox case little boy). I want the boys DNA collected. I wish parents would let Abeyta in to advise them. I want the parents interviewed again; if that has to be with attorney and a new set of detectives, so be it. I want Lisa returned alive and safe. I want whoever (parents or otherwise) did anything to this baby prosecuted to the full extent. These are all my opinions.

O/T I want to offer my sympathies to you for the loss of your son. I can't imagine how much you must miss him.
But we don't know WHAT LE has.........they may have PLENTY pointing to their guilt. That's why they can't move on. LE is NOT the bad guy here. There just not.

I agree. I'm trying to remain objective about the parents, but IME LE is usually quite objective. What they have or don't isn't available to us, so we just don't know.
BBM. Your not the only one. I'm seeing the same back and forth comments over and over. And on multiple threads. JMO.

The back and forth is going on because of the theory that DB isn't talking to LE at all. Meaning, they haven't said one word to an investigator since early Oct.

IMO, I don't think that's the truth.
If they had plenty, they would of at least named them a POI. We also don't know what they have and haven't 'moved on' from.

eh, the "naming of a poi'...not a big deal really. A lot of times none are named.....just arrested when all the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed.
eh, the "naming of a poi'...not a big deal really. A lot of times none are named.....just arrested when all the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed.

From seeing other cases, I think if LE was more focused on the parents, we'd be seeing more activity on them, namely more search warrants, etc. We haven't seen that as of yet. Are LE tracking their movement pretty closely? These are all clues that you can tell where LE is focused on.
They did the initial interrogation in this 'controlled environment'... in the police interrogation room. There is no reason to keep on questioning them in that environment unless they have sufficient evidence to support their suspicion that one or both of them is guilty of a crime. Any new questions that arise can be handled in the living room of wherever they are staying WITH their attorney present.
LE is trying to sway public opinion, which will help their case if it ever goes to court. By insisting that the parents are not 'cooperating'... which in cop speak means they aren't giving them the answers they want... and by insisting that they come down to the station for more questioning instead of sitting down with them in their home only serves one purpose, and that is to intimidate them and to convince the public that they have something to hide.
Maybe they do... I don't know. I'm just saying that once the parents of a missing child have given LE everything they know, and there is nothing else they can possibly say that would help, there is no legal reason to keep treating them like suspects unless they have evidence to point to them as being guilty. And I hope to heck that they have more than one hit by one dog in the bedroom, because that alone would not sway a judge to sign an arrest warrant. JMO.

Putting aside, for the moment, what "unrestricted" means and what level of cooperation is being given by the parents, we know straight from Captn Young's mouth that LE needs more info about who was coming and going from the house that night. Very big and important piece of information when a baby has been taken. Right? So, at first, I think the story was that Debbi was at home with the kids, normal Monday night except dad was working, and she checked Lisa at 10:30 after earlier bathing and changing her and giving her a binky. Presumably, she then went to sleep only to be awakened by Jeremy to find Lisa missing. No holes, parents cooperating.

As questioning continued (and perhaps as a result of some LDT questions), it is determined that there are the "gaps and inconsistencies" that Debbi admitted she couldn't fill in days before she did the morning interviews about her drunkeness; the point at which the parents stopped official LE interviews conducted at the station. We now know that Debbi actually left the baby unchecked for at least 9 hours. We now know that at least a neighbor was at the house drinking with Debbi. We now know that Debbi feels she might have blacked out. Whole new ball game. We know that statistically the perp is a family member or someone who knows the family in some way.

Now, LE REALLY needs to know what happened during those gaps, maybe somebody was there and left with the baby! But, the parents aren't answering to LE's satisfaction about the comings and goings that night/morning. Why? Debbi and Jeremy are acutely aware of the fact that Jersey, Megan, and Mr. Brando have been interviewed multiple times. They know LE is looking at other people. Why then are they not down at the station answering questions and letting LE help Debbi to possibly remember details - LE may have gathered info that could spur her recollection during the course of their interviews and investiation. How do the parents know that LE doesn't have information that might help them determine that one of these folks (or others that are on the LE radar whom we haven't heard about) was involved? Sure, the parents may be anwering some questions about possible leads, but if they are not open to LE and aren't working to clear themselves, LE can't show them everything they have. I can't reconcile why these parents aren't grasping at every lead and offering themselves up to aid in the investigation like their baby's life depends upon it (because it does). They have to know that at least these 3 folks have been questioned hard, it's been all over the press.

This leads me to fear that the parents know what happened to Lisa. If they know what didn't happen or who isn't involved (which appears to be the case to me by their continued lack of full cooperation after knowing for a fact that they are not the only people being looked at by LE), then they must know what did happen, imo. If they did not know, they would want to tell LE everything about that night/morning in desperate desire to help LE put the pieces together and lead them to the perp that leads them to Lisa. Imo, they would be open to LE under any conditions upon hearing about LE investigating other possible perps (unless those possible perps are connected to the disappearance through the parents). Imo, they would take themselves and their lawyer in for questioning immediately, letting their lawyer know that they want to answer all questions and that he is only there to witness and protect them if they feel LE is being abusive.

I think what's been frustrating about this is LE themselves have not been very descriptive as to what DB doesn't want to do. And they are obligated not to divulge that information. The information has been very cryptic and all that does is lead to guessing and assumptions of what is and is not going on.

They have unanswered questions. They won't answer them? Why? Because they flat out say no? Because they want a lawyer present? Because they don't want to be intimidated? Because their scared? Because DB already feels guilty due to a) being involved or b) being drunk and feeling responsible?

We don't know any of these answers and I think that's probably the most frustrating part of trying to figure out whats going on.
I was not talking about questioning the boys, but since you brought it up, I think they did question them once. It's very likely that the parents have talked to them and they don't believe the boys can offer anything that would help and just don't want them put through any more questioning. I am not sure I would allow them to question a 5 year old either. That's just me.

And just maybe they're afraid of having those boys re-interviewed because of fear they could reveal other details that might indicate a pattern of neglect or other dangerous conduct in the Irwin home. Conduct that could lead to the boys being removed from DB's and JI's custody.

Those kids are old enough to know something is terribly wrong, and that their baby sister is missing. As you said, they've already been questioned once and didn't fall apart. As for evaluating what information the boys could provide, since the parents aren't trained investigators, wouldn't it make sense to leave it to professionals to determine what might be helpful?
We are not talking about Casey Anthony here. Sorry but I don't wish to compare every missing child case with that one, and IMO, Deborah Bradley is about as far from being another Casey as one can get.
I'm aware we aren't talking about Casey Anthony here, but IMO, there are more similarities to the Anthony case than there are dissimilarities.

As far as focusing on the parents, sure... that's SOP. But it is very possible that they are the ONLY ones they're focusing on, and unless they have a lot more than what I have seen, they should begin to move on and look at other possibilities.

When LE initially disregarded those early tips about the man walking down the street carrying a baby, that pretty much tells me that they don't want to follow through with anything unless it points straight to Deborah. They might be disregarding other tips and leads as well, and that disturbs me.
IMO, LE appears to be running parallel investigations. While they remain focused on getting more information from the parents, they're also checking out other leads and tips. And I've seen no evidence that they are ignoring any leads that do not wind a path to Deborah.

What disturbs me most: the parents seeming unwillingness to do anything other than cover their own backsides.
In every case, there is a concerted effort to insinuate, imply, and outright accuse LE of lying, being incompetent, being mean, having tunnel vision (a favorite accusation) and not worth spit. Why this is, I don't know. But, it does happen in every case.
Because the best defense is a good offense.
Why should it be the only chance they have of finding their daughter? If they are innocent, there is nothing else they can say that will help them find Lisa if someone else is responsible and they have no idea who it is or what happened to her.
It seems to me that LE should be out looking for the baby instead of focusing on putting the parents through more grilling. You can't tell the 'truth' if you don't know what that truth is.

Well one truth they know and aren't telling LE is related to the cadavar dog hit. It hit in DB's bedrrom. The bedroom she was allegedly in. So why isn't she in interviews with LE saying I don't know why, or yes the intruder laid my baby down there, or anything else. Because LE cannot get a response to that question, they can't rule it out and move past it.
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