04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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Very disturbing picture these need to be shown to the jury again just so they see what that vile human JA did to him

I thought for sure JM was going to show the pictures to ALV. I wonder why he didnt?
A very large proportion of those 'bullies' are women like your sister, abused and battered women. They certainly don't share your opinion of AL. We live in an insane asylum, this culture is insane. Well it's not just this culture, domestic violence occurs all across the globe.

I am 53, grew up poor, raised by a single Mom raising six children ages 12-2. Four females, and of the four of us, one was abused. We are all headstrong women, my sisters and I, but only one of us got into an abusive situation. Looking back my sister says she should have filed for divorce the morning after the wedding. But she didn't. She had dozens of instances where she should have left, all along the way, but she didn't. Even before children were born, but she didn't. Hearing her reasons why, I can't come away with anything other than, 'that's stupid'. I just find it impossible to understand why anyone, man or woman, could use any rationale to steadfastly remain in a situation where they know they are being hurt. How can love and beatings/abuse/hurt occupy the same place in the human mind?

To me it's like willingly walking into a lion's den to be mauled over and over and then decry it with "Why is this animal continuing to maul me over and over?" It doesn't matter that it all began with the lion growling at you, then roaring at you, then batting at you with his paws, and so on and so on. The general direction is clear, and that is in the direction of more serious battering.

I know these observations aren't politically correct, but you can't say I haven't 'walked in their shoes' as I walked very closely and intimately next to a battered woman. No one deserves to be abused or battered, but when you don't leave NO MATTER the reason, you are tacitly giving your abuser permission to mistreat you. And at some point the abused person runs to the government and demands that they 'fix' the situation, the situation that they have refused to alleviate of their own free will. The govt: We will press charges. The battered person: Oh no, don't do that. Wash, rinse, repeat. It completely defies logic or rational thinking.

So feel free to pile on and call me heartless and without compassion towards victims of domestic violence. I'm just at a loss as to why it continues, and in fact, seems much more prevalent today than at the dawn of feminism. There have always been brutal and bullying men, but where are the strong women that feminism promised? Why did my sister behave in a way that her three sisters would NEVER have behaved? We had identical parentage, identical environments, we got the same messages from our Mother, it is just baffling to me.

And I know it's a complex issue, and one battered woman is very different from the next battered woman. Getting back to AL, she has worked her whole life to offer someone to listen, a hand to hold, a resource for aid to battered women. But in terms of this trial, all she offers are fanciful excuses and an imagined boogie man to attempt to get a cold-blooded killer released from the murder charge the defendant so rightfully deserves.

All of the above: MOO
I think to understand intimate partner violence one has to stop asking how the victim could have made different decisions or found him/herself there in the first place. Abuse is a complex series of behaviors, evolving gradually, that make a victim doubt their reality, their perceptions, and most importantly themselves.

How were they manipulated into staying in the relationship by the abuser? What fears or hopes were leveraged against them? Did they believe they had people to resort to who would understand - or those that would belittle them for having 'allowed' abuse? Did they have access to financial resources? A home to live in, separate from the abuser? Funds for an attorney? Were they allowed access to drive? Work? Are there children the victim risks having to allow often unsupervised access by the abuser to should they divorce? Will people believe him/her?

For a great many victims, there are no laws to protect them so the government is rather out of the equation anyway. Unless abuse escalates to prosecutable physical or sexual violence a victim is without that resource. Because of the nature of abuse, and a deep and complex psychology behind it, by the time it escalates to that, abuse victims are so enmeshed its that much more difficult to leave.

Intimate partner violence truly transcends all boundaries. Professional, well-educated, wealthy, self-sufficient people become victims too. You meet someone who seems perfect for you, very slowly cracks begin to appear that are easily rationalized or minimized (Oh, he snapped at me because he had a bad day.) and before you even realize it, you're literally trapped in a situation you truly don't know how to get out of, with kids, money, and/or self intact. If it began with being hit on the first date - or being called a litany of bad names, even, very few would ever stay beyond it.

The overwhelming majority of people don't like to be abused. They don't stay, or return, to be abused either. They love, hope, and often fear. And that hope, love, and fear is very often twisted and used against them, to keep them in a relationship making them miserable, by someone who says they love them.
Has it come out that when you rent a car you pay a mileage charge? At least that was done when I last rented a car. And Jodi did over 2,000 miles. Another reason it was a false excuse.

And I believe she carried knives in her cars since the tire incident. Takes a strong knife to cut tires...I suspect.
In that case they ask the person behind the counter they trust the most (JM!) what pizza he would recommend. Of course our jury can't do that but they can think of who is selling them what message and who they trust. :twocents:

I honestly believe that they have all bonded with Martinez, grown accustomed to his pitball style cross examinations and will trust him to guide them, step by step, in reaching an appropriate verdict. I hope I am right.
A random detail that conflicts with JA's story: she makes it sound like on June 4 th as she travels to Utah she has no idea about the Hoover DAmcheck point because she "had never driven that route before". However IIRC, in Feb. 2007 or 2008 she took a trip from Mesa to Vegas to visit Gus Searcy (this was when TA called her and the argued and Gus overheard some of it because he and JA were in his RV- I think the argument was because Travis and JA had plans for TRavis to take her out to a special restaurant and she took off without telling him). Clearly you pass through the Hoover Dam area on this route from Mesa to Vegas and back.

Just to be clear, I didn't meant this;


Looks like worlds biggest outhouse. :floorlaugh:

That is funny! New member, been lurking and have become an addict too. Jodi is a very sick young woman, but, she needs to stay out of the free world forever.

Welcome to the forum :seeya: We're all addicts here and "we're all mad here" (Alice in Juandaland) :floorlaugh:

Time for lunch and Juandaful Bye, bye, 'til later. :seeya:
Skimmed through the posts and didn't see this mentioned.....did the DT remove their motion for surrebuttal? It's been removed from the Case info. Prosecution's objection and request for surrebuttal witness' and testimonies are still up.re.jpg
Amen. IIRC, the only blood found anywhere in Travis's house other than the MBR suite/bathroom was a tiny spot on the washing machine. We saw the photos of her handiwork and the crime scene--no way she didn't clean herself off before traipsing around the house.

I think she hopped in the shower before she put him in the shower, and wore his socks and clothes afterwards while she moved him and cleaned the scene, that's why she washed two shirts of alexanders and socks.:desert:
A random detail that conflicts with JA's story: she makes it sound like on June 4 th as she travels to Utah she has no idea about the Hoover DAmcheck point because she "had never driven that route before". However IIRC, in Feb. 2007 or 2008 she took a trip from Mesa to Vegas to visit Gus Searcy (this was when TA called her and the argued and Gus overheard some of it because he and JA were in his RV- I think the argument was because Travis and JA had plans for TRavis to take her out to a special restaurant and she took off without telling him). Clearly you pass through the Hoover Dam area on this route from Mesa to Vegas and back.

Jodi and Casey, lying, to them, is automatic, kinda similar to breathing.
She actually admitted taking a shower upstairs after killing TA (with TA) during JM's cross of her. :facepalm: So the fog rolled in and out that day apparently.

No one will ever be able to convince me that she did not shower herself off over his dead body. Sick. And, I believe it's what happened.
Throwing people under the bus, Jodi? Going for the jealous ex did it? Wait, that's exactly what happened to Travis.

I'm not sure if some of you are aware of this (and I hope I have this correctly but....) when a plea deal was denied by the Prosecutor, Arias threatened to say disparaging things about Travis ( i.e., pedophilia) which she promise would ultimately embarrass his family.

So throwing this dead victim under the bus is a result of an extremely venomous temper tantrum. I hoped Juan would be able to mention this but I guess it would've prejudiced the jury too much.
Ironic how the State plays by the rules yet the Defense seems to make their own up as they go.

Jodi WILL get what she deserves. Keep the faith!
Can you please cite a reputable source for this claim?
To my knowledge, FBI employs handwriting experts (for authentication of docs) not graphologists. Graphology has been pretty thoroughly discredited thru empirical studies.
Graphology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Can you post a link (other than the Wiki link) where it has been discredited through empirical studies?

I posted the original link to the forensic handwriting expert/psychologist analysis of a sample of Jodi's handwriting. There have been so many comments about Jodi's handwriting on these threads--especially recently--that I thought some posters might find it interesting. Though I believe there is merit to it, that wasn't reason for the post.
She actually admitted taking a shower upstairs after killing TA (with TA) during JM's cross of her. :facepalm: So the fog rolled in and out that day apparently.
I know a few people have said that on here but I understood that dialogue differently. Can anyone remember when that was? She had said something about having shower and JM asked her if that was the same shower she had put Travis in after she had killed him and she said yes? I never got the impression she showered over him. I think she used the bath or tub to most of you lot? ;). It looked spotlessly clean.
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