04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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That picture was just awful, horrifying. I am sorry I looked. I hope the family never sees that.
I agree that acting under the heat of passion and acting in self-defense seem contradictory.

However, right at the beginning of this trial, I read documents written by the defense team and submitted to the court, which specifically reference that they will be presenting evidence that speaks to "heat of passion." So, it's not really new--it's been a part of their case from the start. Sorry, can't remember where I found the document, so I can't provide a link ...

She sure was prepared for the "heat of passion". Had her gun and knife at the ready!
A very large proportion of those 'bullies' are women like your sister, abused and battered women. They certainly don't share your opinion of AL. We live in an insane asylum, this culture is insane. Well it's not just this culture, domestic violence occurs all across the globe.

I am 53, grew up poor, raised by a single Mom raising six children ages 12-2. Four females, and of the four of us, one was abused. We are all headstrong women, my sisters and I, but only one of us got into an abusive situation. Looking back my sister says she should have filed for divorce the morning after the wedding. But she didn't. She had dozens of instances where she should have left, all along the way, but she didn't. Even before children were born, but she didn't. Hearing her reasons why, I can't come away with anything other than, 'that's stupid'. I just find it impossible to understand why anyone, man or woman, could use any rationale to steadfastly remain in a situation where they know they are being hurt. How can love and beatings/abuse/hurt occupy the same place in the human mind?

To me it's like willingly walking into a lion's den to be mauled over and over and then decry it with "Why is this animal continuing to maul me over and over?" It doesn't matter that it all began with the lion growling at you, then roaring at you, then batting at you with his paws, and so on and so on. The general direction is clear, and that is in the direction of more serious battering.

I know these observations aren't politically correct, but you can't say I haven't 'walked in their shoes' as I walked very closely and intimately next to a battered woman. No one deserves to be abused or battered, but when you don't leave NO MATTER the reason, you are tacitly giving your abuser permission to mistreat you. And at some point the abused person runs to the government and demands that they 'fix' the situation, the situation that they have refused to alleviate of their own free will. The govt: We will press charges. The battered person: Oh no, don't do that. Wash, rinse, repeat. It completely defies logic or rational thinking.

So feel free to pile on and call me heartless and without compassion towards victims of domestic violence. I'm just at a loss as to why it continues, and in fact, seems much more prevalent today than at the dawn of feminism. There have always been brutal and bullying men, but where are the strong women that feminism promised? Why did my sister behave in a way that her three sisters would NEVER have behaved? We had identical parentage, identical environments, we got the same messages from our Mother, it is just baffling to me.

And I know it's a complex issue, and one battered woman is very different from the next battered woman. Getting back to AL, she has worked her whole life to offer someone to listen, a hand to hold, a resource for aid to battered women. But in terms of this trial, all she offers are fanciful excuses and an imagined boogie man to attempt to get a cold-blooded killer released from the murder charge the defendant so rightfully deserves.

All of the above: MOO

I think ALV is an abuser herself, and I think the things she preaches are irresponsible and out of date, but I certainly don't agree with your stance on the issue, either. I stayed because I didn't believe I could survive on my own. I stayed because by the time I realized it was abuse, I was completely disconnected from any friends, family, or job opportunities I once had because he had planned it that way to maximize his control. I stayed because I felt I deserved to be punished for being stupid enough to fall for him in the first place. Apparently you would agree.

It took me a long time to get it together and leave. I'm autistic and executive functioning is a struggle for me. Finances, apartment hunting, job hunting - all extremely difficult tasks, especially with shredded self esteem. I left, but it has forever colored my self-worth and life path because I missed a lot of good years.

Attitudes like yours don't help anyone. Attitudes like ALV's don't help anyone. And I most certainly do not believe JA is an abuse victim - rather a perpetrator.
It could be a pretty simple case if society didn't cater to the criminals.
I would have liked it to be the evidence and only the evidence ( ALL OF IT )
give the jury the emails, the text, the interviews. Show them everything ( WHY NOT )
let them do their job and not sit through some circus of lies.
I liked the days way back when , when if you did something like this and they knew it was you, we would find you lock you up for a few days and hang you. Have a feeling our crime rate may go down, our country would be rich again and our jails much less full.

Sorry looked at the picture of Travis and upset me, rant down , I'm going to go cry now.
Yep. One other thing about the hair color.

Once you have bleached hair you cannot go darker without another process. Most women who bleach their hair and then go darker, go to a professional to have it done.

I am convinced Jodi had her hair colored on the road. I am surprised the Prosecutor didn't try and find the salon that did the hair, nails and the ummmm hair removal?? :blushing:
I wondered the same thing (remembered back to the tattoo guy testify about his conversation with CA while she was in his shop). I think they might have gotten some interesting information regarding her conversation with people at the salon she went to. She likes to hear herself talk so there's no telling what she said at the time. Can you imagine if she'd mentioned she might be going to Cancun?!!
I agree. She was as obsessive about her skin as she was with her hair and nails.

She needed the sun screen for burying that stuff and she didn't pull over to clean herself up. She buried that stuff out there before the check point and she needed the sunscreen AND the Costco water to clean the sweat and grime off of her.

No way she left Travis' house covered in blood or in bloody clothing. Too much risk getting caught in a random pullover.

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Amen. IIRC, the only blood found anywhere in Travis's house other than the MBR suite/bathroom was a tiny spot on the washing machine. We saw the photos of her handiwork and the crime scene--no way she didn't clean herself off before traipsing around the house.
So where is the rebuttal witness list and the new gunshot photo ?

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Karmady posted it a week or more ago (I didn't copy it :banghead:)....I don't know about the new gun shot photo??
Thank you Sleuth, even that little paragraph helps to answer my question. There is something seriously wrong in the human race when a parent fails to impart in a child the fact of their inherent worthiness and basic lovability. So many broken people, and every single one of us start out exactly the same: cute, sweet, loving and happy. Then for far to many it all goes to $hit.

This reminds me of something adorable. We were having a family gathering and my mom, (Grandma) let out a shriek when my little niece dropped her glass and broke it, making a big fine mess. My niece went right over to her Grandmother, "Don't worry Gram. Daddy told me there are only TWO things in this entire house that cannot be replaced, me and my brother. We can get another glass." She was seven. I told my brother when we were cleaning up that day, you are doing a fantastic job with your kids. Fantastic!!!
Well I'm gonna hop off and hurry up making & eating lunch so I'm all ready and prepared to wait for the trial to start....

And more than likely wait and wait.....

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I've started NAMING my dust bunnies.:drumroll:

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

What are their names?

Happy, etc. :floorlaugh:
I heard over the weekend somewhere the ring was meant for someone named Linda. ( wasn't me)

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I think Chris Hughes said it was meant for Lisa, but that Travis still loved Deanna.
BBM: :rocker: Exactly ... and I totally agree !

:waitasec: This is a "poor example" but trying to make a point here : try getting 12 people to agree on what toppings they will all like on a pizza ?


In that case they ask the person behind the counter they trust the most (JM!) what pizza he would recommend. Of course our jury can't do that but they can think of who is selling them what message and who they trust. :twocents:
Back to Sheriff Joe for a sec.....perfect guy for JA....Rap A Ho

That is funny! New member, been lurking and have become an addict too. Jodi is a very sick young woman, but, she needs to stay out of the free world forever.

Three bits of good news

a) It's drinking time
b) The bus driver wants to marry me. He smiled at me today, well actually he sneezed just as I got on the bus but that's close enough. I'm so excited.
c) It's t-27 mins to Juan o'clock!
Here's the reason I don't like ALV. To give you an analogy:

Let's use Steely and his love of emus. Steely makes a passionate argument that emus are abused: penned in farms, used for their oil, their feathers and even :)maddening:) meat. Okay, well and good. Only then he comes out and says ONLY emus are abused. Not cattle, not hogs, not sheep, not chickens. Nobody but emus. And why does he think this? Because those cattle and hogs don't do anything to escape. They hang around their fields all day, perfectly happy to be fattened up for the slaughter.

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