04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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Somebody was asking about the penis pic. Here it is, and for the record, I do not believe this is a pic of Travis, so I don't have a problem with it being "put out there" so to speak.


I don't think it's Travis and I'm not so sure the pic with the KY is an alive Travis....his arm is blocking the right side of his head. Note fingers in this pic.
Monica Lindstrom on HLN saying that "crime of passion" would mean no thinking involved...which she said Jodi has already admitted on the stand that she grabbed the gun and momentarily paused, so this would not qualify.
inboxed my attorney friend on fb about this new crime of passion :

question.... if you are claiming self defense can you ask that crime of passion be included in jury instructions.... dont they negate each other

Franz N. Borghardt
Yes and no
Theory is self defense but if its murder then manslaughter is a lesser and included crime ("responsive")
So if the jury believes it isn't self defense but it was a manslaughter then they can find for manslaughter
Travis does not have square tipped fingers. His are more rounded..the other one is definately squared.

And comparing the pic someone upthread posted of Gus' fingers I don't think they are Gus'. I'm definitely holding firm that the hand/pecker combo belongs to Darryl.
So ridiculous. You mean the evil ninja waited for her to find her purse, rifle through it trying to find the registration for a car she wasn't even driving. All that time wasted and she couldn't make a break for it? Sounds like a Monty Python skit. The two of them standing there looking through her purse while Jodi Ann tries to find proof of where she lives to show the evil ninja. While Travis is on the floor dying. Then the evil ninja gives her a wink and makes her promise to never breathe a word of it, cross her heart, hope to die, stick a needle in her eye. Riiiiight.

Well yeah! She probably showed him some pics she had in her wallet...then he probably asked her to recommend a good place for dinner later. Ninjas get hungry after breaking/entering/murdering/lettingmurderwitnessleavewhilemurderisstillinprogress you know...
:eek: I'm aghast at what I am reading here about the DT's latest attempts to keep this trial going ad infinitum. I have been concerned over the past couple of weeks that jurors are going to get fed up and will ask to be let go.

I can't believe that the DT can claim "heat of passion" and ask for the jury to consider manslaughter when it's patently obvious that Jodi premeditated this cold-blooded murder. Manslaughter would likely mean that JA would qualify for time served and would walk away a free woman at the conclusion of the trial. Jodi would revenge on anyone whom she feels has ever wronged her, and she would surely go after Travis' family, friends, Juan Martinez, witnesses for the Prosecution, etc. Scary to even think about it. :moo:

Your post made me wonder.

Does anyone believe that the Defense is merely trying to prolong the trial in order to get rid of only 5 more jurors - in order for a mistrial?
This further cements my belief that they believe they have one juror in their camp, based on the juror questions, who believes Jodi.

They were going to ask for lesser charges to be included no matter what.
The passion of the victim not even being allowed to shower in peace without a fully dressed intruder coming in to start, continue and end a passionate verbal dispute or continue a physical one in which only the dead guy gets wounded.
:drumroll: Wow!!

So was JA lying on the stand before or has her fog lifted??? Makes me wonder if whatever mental illness JA has isn't contagious and JW and KN have become infected with it.
It was the trial that never ends
It just goes on and on my friends
Somebody started it without knowing what it was
And now they keep on trying it forever just because
It was the trial that never ends..........................

Kill me now. :banghead:

JM is going to have a field day with this...
So thorough! They even stole $80 from her jeans pocket...

Quite remarkable considering she wasn't even wearing jeans. You mean besides rifling through her purse in the middle of a murder, they also stopped to rifle through her luggage? To find money in a pants pocket?
There's method to the DT's madness. The longer they can draw out this trial, the likelier it will be that jurors will drop off, resulting in a mistrial. It couldn't get a mistrial any other way and now the DT is desperate.

JSS must deny this request!

So now we can see how sneaky the DT is! :furious:
:furious: OMG . . . NO !

:waitasec: So this would be story #4 ... no one buying the "abuse story" so now they are desperately trying for "heat of passion" ?

Jodi and DT need to give it up ...


The jury already questions her ability to tell the truth with the question "Why should we believe you now." So, why would they believe story number 4?
Your post made me wonder.

Does anyone believe that the Defense is merely trying to prolong the trial in order to get rid of only 5 more jurors - in order for a mistrial?

I don't know for sure but am guessing the diagnosis of BPD is new evidence

but they have known about that for years? so they should have choosen their "experts" accordingly.
thats my logic on it and if i was JSS it would be denied
The passion of the victim not even being allowed to shower in peace without a fully dressed intruder coming in to start, continue and end a passionate verbal dispute or continue a physical one in which only the dead guy gets wounded.
:drumroll: Wow!!

So was JA lying on the stand before or has her fog lifted??? Makes me wonder if whatever mental illness JA has isn't contagious and JW and KN have become infected with it.
It was the trial that never ends
It just goes on and on my friends
Somebody started it without knowing what it was
And now they keep on trying it forever just because
It was the trial that never ends..........................

Kill me now. :banghead:

This trial reminds me of the movie The Blob . The more you feed, the more it grows (maybe it's all that FOG?) :banghead:
The fact that the DT wants to bring in another psychological witness seems to indicate that they know that the testimony of RS and ALV was flawed. Dr. DeMarte shot their assertions out of the water, so the DT needs another expert witness to try to right their sinking ship. Unfortunately, JSS will allow the DT to prolong the trial because she doesn't want there to be anything left to the chance of an appeal. :puke:
Exactly. The DT wants 2 bites at the apple, possible 3 or 4, yet to be revealed. :furious:

Surely there are accepted legal precedents to guide JS, otherwise AZ courts would be chaotic. Every defendant would try to put off the inevitable as long as possible
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